Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
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Universität Heidelberg  >  Fakultäten  >  Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim  >  Prof.Dr.Kreissig  >

Ingrid Kreissig, Univ. - Professor, MD, Professor h.c. for Research

Interview at AAO, Orlando 2011


In 2011, during the Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Orlando, an interview was taken between Prof. Kreissig / Germany and Prof. Lincoff / USA, being available on the internet as Oral History of the Museum of Vision. In this interview both are discussing the development and the various issues of retinal detachment surgery. The fastest click to get this interview is, to use this link:

By clicking on this link, the 1st page of the typed interview appears, but when clicking on the 4th link at the end of this page, one can hear the entire interview between the 2 detachment surgeons.




Verantwortlich:  Prof. Dr. Ingrid Kreissig letzte Änderungen:  10.02.2023