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STMM Summer Symposium

The STMM Summer Symposium provides a forum for debate and scientific exchange among doctoral students of all research areas within the Medical Faculty Mannheim, as well as from partnering institutions. Invited speakers will offer interesting insights into translational research.

The first STMM Summer Symposium will take place on Friday, July 19th, 2024.

Abstract submissions are no longer accepted. You may still register until July 14th (attendance only):

We have put together an exciting line-up that will showcase engaging science from health and life sciences research. Students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research in the form of a poster, poster and flash talk, or short talk.

In the morning, we will have two Impulse Talks from successful (early) career scientists Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schwarz and Dr. Eduard Maier. The speakers will stay with us for an interactive Panel Discussion on research-related topics (e.g., funding research, interdisciplinary communication, translating science into society, identifying a good host lab,…) moderated by students – no questions barred!

Before lunch, we will hear four short student talks selected from all submitted abstracts. The afternoon will kick off with flash talks advertising the posters, followed by coffee to sustain a lively poster session. Make sure to bring an exciting poster to convince our jury that the STMM Poster Prize should be yours!

The day will close with a keynote lecture by a distinguished scientist, followed by a drinks reception fostering further networking and interaction. For this first edition of the Summer Symposium, we are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner as our keynote speaker, who was awarded this year’s prestigious Leibniz Prize for her research on the mechanisms of chronic pain.


08:30        Registration opens

08:55        Welcome

09:00        Impulse Talk 1: Characterizing mechanisms of mental illness through artificial intelligence
                  Prof. Emanuel Schwarz, Emmy-Noether Group Leader, ZI

09:30        Impulse Talk 2: Oxytocin, touch and mother-infant coordination
                  Dr Eduard Maier, Walter Benjamin Fellow, ZI

10:45        Coffee break

11:15        Short talks selected from student abstracts

12:30        Lunch break

13:30        Student Flash Talks

14:30        Coffee break

15:00        Poster Session

16:50        Poster Prize Ceremony

17:00        Keynote Lecture: The challenge of chronic pain: neural circuits and molecular plasticity
                  Prof. Dr. Rohini Kuner, Leibniz Prize Winner 2024

18:00        Closing remarks and drinks

Check back for details about the speakers and schedule updates on this page. All doctoral students are encouraged to participate. Registration is available under the following link:

Abstract booklet

All abstracts, poster numbers, presenting information etc. can be downloaded here.

Information for presenters

Poster guidelines: poster boards will fit posters up to size A0 in portrait orientation. Pins are provided to mount posters to the boards. Mounting posters is possible from 08:30 onwards. Posters must be up by 13:30 and should be removed by 18:30. Please note that the STMM cannot cover printing costs or print posters.

Poster prize: all posters will be evaluated for a poster prize.

  • Best scientific poster: evaluated by a jury of principal investigators, this prize is given for scientific merit.
  • Best poster design: evaluated by the audience, this prize is given for visual appeal, clarity, and design.

The winner(s) will be announced before the keynote lecture.

Flash talk guidelines: speakers should prepare a maximally 3-minute teaser of their poster. For visual support, speakers can either present an e-poster or a graphical abstract.