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Core Facility Platform Mannheim (CFPM)

Core Facilities are key elements of any modern research infrastructure and as such, contribute significantly to the advancement of science and education. Furthermore, they cover several strategically relevant positions of the Medical Faculty Mannheim. On one hand, they provide state-of-the-art technology and an operative platform for the Faculty’s research foci, with easy access, training, quality control, and service for all users. On the other hand, they are considered as central infrastructure to advance the Faculty’s research aims and all associated fields in Mannheim and beyond.

Our Core Facility Platform Mannheim, CFPM, consists of seven Core Facilities covering diverse areas and creating a Core Facility Pipeline, which operates research requests from basic analysis to imaging, microscopy, cell sorting and up to data analysis.


Services overview

Our Core Facilities offer different service levels:

Fullservice: User provides samples, sample preparation and analysis is particularly or completely covered by the Core Facility.

Full / Assisted Service: User provides ready-to-measure samples; the user can directly perform part of the analysis. An appropriate familiarization or device expertise is required.

Assisted / Self Service: After training by the Core Facility, the user works independently but can contact the Core Facility employees if he/ she has any questions.

Your acknowledgement matters

Keep our core facility in your publications.

For more details see:Link


2RISE – Level Up: Alliance research infrastructure scientists education

The Health + Life Science Alliance is supporting core facilities staff of all Alliance Institutes through a project called 2RISE, managed by the RI coordinators of DKFZ, EMBL, Medical Faculty Mannheim,  University Heidelberg and ZI Mannheim. In the scope of 2RISE, we are organizing four training and networking days to facilitate education and networking of the Core Facilities staff.

For more details see:Link


Core Facilities Management


Prof. Dr. Dr. Georg Stoecklin

Vice Head

Prof. Dr. Harald Langer