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In the faculty network
Free access to licensed e-journals, e-books and databases* is possible at computers and in the WiFi of the faculty network after personal login (see Computers, WiFi), also without login at the circular table PCs of the library.
* Exception: In WiFi, especially with some licensed databases, a login with the library identification per browser session is required.
Outside the faculty network

Access from outside the faculty network (i.e. also from the hospital network) is possible for members of the faculty with library identification (50... + password):
Usually you access the library's website (online catalogue, databases, "Check full text" service, ...). Afterwards you confirm your affiliation to "Universitätsmedizin Mannheim" once per PC (tick "Auswahl merken") and then log in once per browser session (browser open) on a login page (URL field is then already filled in!).
If you do not yet have a library account, please fill out the registration form in the faculty/clinic network or in the library and ask for your library card at the information desk of the library (Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 18 p.m.).
Members of the faculty are:
- Employees, lecturers, emeriti and interns of the faculty
- Students and doctoral students of the faculty, clinical trainees
- Physicians of the clinic (GmbH) and ZI employees with entry in the LSF as "Teacher" (active in research and teaching)
(If you are not listed in the LSF despite authorization, please contact the LSF representative of your institute or clinic.)