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Biomedical Engineering – Master

Biomedical Engineering is a broad subject area, incorporating a combination of mathematics, physics, engineering, biology and medicine to answer health-science-related questions, for diagnostics, and for therapeutics.

Course Outline

The Master's degree programme in Biomedical Engineering (BME) is an interdisciplinary programme open to graduates with a degree in Physics or in a degree programme with essentially the same content, in particular Medical Technology, Computer Science (with a physics component), Biomedical Engineering, or Engineering. It emphasizes research and offers the opportunity to study medical physics and biomedical engineering in the core areas of Radiotherapy, Imaging Physics in Medicine, Computational Medical Physics, and Robotics and Automation in Medicine, with a strong orientation towards data and computer science. This reflects the increasing demand for skills in data science and artificial intelligence paired with the specialized knowledge of biomedical devices required to develop and operate the next and next-next generations of these devices. Graduates of this programme will be well equipped for various positions in industry and research to answer health science questions for future diagnostics and therapeutics. The programme is located in an outstanding environment that allows its students to pursue their research theses with partners in the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim and opens the door to health science careers in local research organizations or in the medical technology industry, from start-ups to global players.

What you will learn

Graduates of the Master’s degree programme in Biomedical Engineering ...

  • have acquired a broad knowledge of radiotherapy, computational physics, medical imaging, or robotics and automation.
  • have tackled successfully all technical issues arising in their fields of specialization.
  • are able to analyse and evaluate recent technological developments and advances in the field.
  • will also be able to independently tackle current challenges and to find solutions or establish new areas of research.

They have acquired the ability to ...

  • work and/or carry out independent research in the field of biomedical engineering and/or medical physics.
  • present and defend their research orally using a variety of different media.
  • independently formulate research projects in biomedical engineering and/or medical physics, including identification of a research question, development of a methodology for its solution, and analysis of the impact of results on practice.
  • work autonomously on a specific research project in a laboratory or clinical setting and participate actively in lab routines such as journal clubs, progress reports and academic discussions.

Course Structure

The Master’s degree programme in Biomedical Engineering is a two-year programme which consists of a standard period of four semesters of study. More details on the course structure can be found in the module handbook.

The course starts immediately on September 1.

Mobility Options

Students have the opportunity to take modules at other higher education institutions in Germany or abroad without extending their period of study. Most appropriate for these endeavours are the second and the third semesters, and especially the fourth semester for an external Master's thesis in an academic group or company elsewhere. Please note that an application is required for recognition of external study and examination achievements.

Additionally, there is a bilateral agreement in the context of the Erasmus+ programme with the University of Coimbra, Portugal where students can spend one semester taking modules. Early application and Portuguese language skills at B1 level are recommended.

Furthermore, a joint workshop of several days including scientific symposium with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China takes place usually once per year.

Recognition Options

For specific recognition of external achievements, individualized decisions have to be made based on the Heidelberg University statutes regulating the procedure for the recognition and crediting of achievements. The BME academic coordinator is responsible for all matters regarding recognition of achievements for the BME programme in consultation with the BME Examination Board. Achievements from prior learning are evaluated according to required learning objectives.

Financing your studies

Please be aware that there are no BME programme scholarships.

In general, students need to fund their studies themselves and can search for and apply to opportunities such as the DAAD, general Erasmus funds or other funding schemes (

Other resources include:

Information for Applicants

You can find more detailed information about the programme including module handbook in the Downloads section and on the Profile BME on

Please find the detailed admission regulations and the application form, which the applicants are required to upload to the campus management system “heiCO” – Heidelberg Campus Online ( together with all the required documents, in the Downloads section.

Please double check whether the admission regulations, the application form and the application procedure have been updated at the beginning of the application period (February 1 - March 15).

The responsible admissions committee conducts the selection procedure and prepares the admissions decisions. Admissions are based on a composite of information including academic type and focus of the programme in which the applicants previously studied, grades, test scores and formal requirements as described in detail in the published admission regulations. Each application is considered in relation to other applications. The applicants will be informed about the result of their application probably around the end of May / beginning of June.

Please understand that due to the high number of requests and the limited number of staff, we are unfortunately not able to answer very individual requests.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where can I get information about fees and any financial issues, enrolment procedures or general procedures at Heidelberg University?

Handling of these topics is done in the central offices of Heidelberg University. Therefore, we would like to ask you to check the website of Heidelberg University ( for current and prospectively updated information about these topics including respective contact details.

What is the deadline for online submission of the application documents in heiCO?

  • All documents: March 15
  • English Proficiency, letters of recommendation: Alternatively, you can upload an informal written request for submitting the required document until April 15 at the latest

How can I sign the BME application form, which is to be uploaded in heiCO?

For signing the BME application form, you can print and sign or use a digital image of your signature.

Can I submit the letters of recommendation from the referees myself in heiCO? What if the referees prefer submitting their letter of recommendation themselves?

The letters of recommendation need to be uploaded by the applicant. But if the referees prefer, they can also send it by email to with your heiCO application number in the email’s subject line; in this case the applicant is required to upload instead an informal written request that the letter of recommendation will be sent to the given email address by someone else (please specify the name of the sender) until April 15 at the latest.

I have studied a specific course for my Bachelor's degree. Can I be admitted?

  • Bachelor study programmes listed as relevant for admission:
    Physics, Medical Technology (Engineering), Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering.
  • Bachelor study programmes NOT listed as relevant for admission:
    Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Chemistry, Pharmacy.

I have achieved a specific grade point average for my Bachelor’s degree. How is my chance to be admitted?

Admissions are based on a composite of information including academic type and focus of the programme in which the applicants previously studied, grades, test scores and formal requirements as described in detail in the published admission regulations. Each application is considered in relation to other applications. Therefore, the minimum grades of admitted students can vary from year to year. However, in recent years, students have been admitted with German grade equivalent of their Bachelor’s degree of 2.4 (max/min passing grade = 1.0/4.0) or better.

Do I need an APS certificate?

Required for applicants with certificates from Vietnam, the People's Republic of China and India: Original of the APS certificate from the relevant Academic Evaluation Centre.

Please check the website of Heidelberg University ( for current and prospectively updated information about this topic including respective contact details.

Context Column

Programme Director BME

Prof. Dr. med. Frank Giordano

Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim


Application Form

Module Handbook (valid until the end of the summer semester 2025 with transitional arrangements until the end of the winter semester 2026/2027)

Module Handbook (valid from the winter semester 2025/2026)

Admission Regulations (German)

Admission Regulations (English; non-binding convenience translation)

Exam Regulations (German; valid until the end of the summer semester 2025 with transitional arrangements until the end of the winter semester 2026/2027)

Exam Regulations (German; valid from the winter semester 2025/2026)

Exam Regulations (English; non-binding convenience translation; valid until the end of the summer semester 2025 with transitional arrangements until the end of the winter semester 2026/2027)

Exam Regulations (English; non-binding convenience translation; valid from the winter semester 2025/2026)