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Information about scheduled courses, workshops etc. can be found in our event calendar. We also regularly provide information in our STMM newsletter, you can easily subscribe using Listserv, the subscription service of Heidelberg University.

Information event on the new Dr. med. doctoral program

In the summer semester 2025, the new structured Dr. med. doctoral program will start at the Medical Faculty Mannheim. What were the motivations for such a program? What can doctoral candidates expect? And does it make the doctorate longer or more attractive? These and other questions will be answered at an initial information event.

When? Monday, October 21, 17:00 – 18:00

Where? House 12, Lecture Hall H05

Target audience: primarily medical students in their main studies who are planning to submit their application for admission to doctoral studies in winter semester 2024/25 or summer semester 2025. All other interested doctoral candidates are of course also welcome.

A further information event is expected to take place in January 2025.

No registration required.

First STMM Summer Symposium on 19 July 2024

More than 60 doctoral students and young researchers of the Medical Faculty Mannheim, as well as of other institutions of Heidelberg University, participated in the first STMM Summer Symposium on 19 July, 2024 at Alte Brauerei in Mannheim.

The Symposium started with inspiring impulse talks by Prof. Dr. Emanuel Schwarz and Dr. Eduard Maier, followed by an interactive Panel Discussion on research-related topics and moderated by the doctoral student Darpan Phagiwala and postdoc Amritha Sathyanarayanan.

Afterwards, selected young scientists presented short talks whereas all participants hat the opportunity to give  flash talks advertising their posters after lunch.

During the poster session, the scientists discussed the most diverse research topics presented on the nearly 30 posters. According to the jury's decision, the poster prize winners were Juhyun Kang and Anika Strittmatter. The audience prize went to Yuanhan Ao.

The day ended with another highlight: Prof. Rohini Kuner, Leibniz Prize Winner 2024, gave special insights into pain research with the keynote lecture on “The challenge of chronic pain: neural circuits and molecular plasticity”.

Find more details on the webpage of the Summer Symposium 2024.

Funding opportunities for young scientists

The Medical Faculty Mannheim will continue to award scholarships for the research work of young scientists in 2024, including doctoral scholarships for medical students, funding for gender equality, SEED scholarships and the ICON Clinician Scientist Programme. The calls for applications for 2024 have just been published. Details on the requirements and submission deadlines can be found on the website (in german).

New Seminar Series started by STMM young scientists

Science and Pizza - The STMM members’ representatives have established a monthly seminar series from and for young scientists. Invited speakers or (doctoral) students themselves present their latest research, scientific literature and other science-related topics. Discussion is encouraged by an informal atmosphere. All interested young scientists are invited every third Friday of the month at 5pm in H07. Details on the respective topics can be found in our events calendar.

STMM launches General Lecture series

On 10 October the STMM hosted its first general lecture: Professor Larry S. Sherman inspired his audience with a presentation about the neuroscience of making and listening to music. During "Every Brain Needs Music" lecture hall 01 was not only filled with scientific insight, but also resounded with piano pieces, the solo singing of a talented medical student and with a public impromptu choir performance.

First graduation within the Clinician Scientist Programme ICON at the Medical Faculty Mannheim

For translational medicine, in order to bring findings from basic research to the bedside as quickly as possible, funding is always a very important factor. With the Clinician Scientist Programme ICON (Interfaces and Interventions in Complex Chronic Conditions), the Mannheim Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg supports physicians in residency training and gives them the opportunity to dedicate about half of their time to their research.

Dr. med. Manuel Winkler, M.Sc. now received his specialist certificate in the field of dermatology being the first graduate of this programme. His research time was credited to his further training as a specialist. Due to a special agreement with the North Baden District Medical Association (BÄK) within a joint pilot project, this is possible under certain circumstances for up to 12 months. Please find more detailed information in the press release. (in German)

STMM Members’ Assembly 

At the first general assembly of the STMM on 16 May 2023, the members present were informed about the purpose and organisation of the School of Translational Medicine, as well as the goals already achieved. During a discussion round, the members could make suggestions for the future work of the STMM.

Five people (doctoral students and stood for election as representatives, all of whom were unanimously confirmed by the voters present. Together with the Board of Directors and the staff of the STMM office, they will also support the further networking of the various member groups.

Industry and Innovation Days 2023

The annual Industry and Innovation Days took place on March 17 and 18, 2023 at the Alte Brauerei, hosted for the first time by the School of Translational Medicine of the Mannheim Medical Faculty (STMM) together with the team of the International Master of Innovative Medicine (IMIM).

For the sixth time, and this year finally back in presence, master students, PhD students, postdocs, scientists and representatives of various companies and institutions from the region, from start-ups to big pharma, attended a series of interesting lectures on translational research and innovation, career paths in industry and elsewhere, as well as took advantage of the many networking opportunities.

Representatives of the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University, heiINNOVATION, Science Value GmbH, NEXT Mannheim /Cubex One, BioRN, EITHealth and the Health and Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim, among others, joined the Resources Lunch on Friday.

On the Industry and Innovation Days website you will find details of this year's programme. And save the date for March 2024, for the next edition!

STMM Newsletter

You can now subscribe to the newsletter of the School of Translational Medicine of the Medical Faculty Mannheim (STMM) here. We will regularly inform about STMM news and events, as well as about current regional offers for young scientists.

Scholarship programmes at the Medical Faculty Mannheim

As in previous years, the Medical Faculty Mannheim will support young scientists at various stages of their careers in 2023. The details and deadlines of the calls for application for the different programs can be found online on the faculty website under "Nachwuchsförderung".

Joint Doctoral Programme “PERPHARMANCE”

Together with the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, the University of Heidelberg has set up a new cooperative doctoral program called "PERPHARMANCE - Personalized Medicine and Organoid Pharmaceutical Test Models: Advanced Materials, Analytics, and Computing".

The aim is to develop the next generation of drug test models and analytical concepts of personalized medicine at the interface between experimental, clinical and applied science. More information for interested physicians, biotechnologists, engineers, mathematicians or computer scientists can be found here.

Network meeting for Clinician Scientists

The Clinician-Scientist program "Interfaces and Interventions in Complex Chronic Conditions (ICON)" of the Medical Faculty Mannheim hosted the first network meeting of Clinician Scientists from all over Baden-Württemberg in September 2022. Read more about it in the October issue of UMMsicht (in german).

New doctoral regulations and structured programme for Dr. sc. hum.

The new doctoral regulations for the Dr. sc. hum. degree came into force on 01.03.2022. Doctoral candidates for the Dr. sc. hum. can find information on the pages of the structured doctoral programme Dr. sc. hum..

Context Column

School of Translational Medicine (STMM)

Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Heidelberg University

Tridomus C, Ebene 3
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim


STMM office

Dr. Susanne Hausselt
Dr. sc. hum. programme
Phone +49 621 383-71597

Dr. Claudine Öngen
Dr. med. programme
Telefon 0621 383-71608

Ramona Ludwig
Administration + LEARN
Phone +49 621 383-71609

Support young scientists

Details can be found in the section Nachwuchsförderung
(in German).