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Curriculum Dr. sc. hum.

The Dr. sc. hum. committee has defined a curriculum according to the implementation guidelines of the Dr. sc. hum. regulations. In each of seven categories a certain minimum number of hours is to be covered over the entire doctoral period:

Category 1 (C1): Good scientific practice (5 h)

Category 2 (C2): Participation in internal scientific exchange (50 h)

Category 3 (C3): Participation in external scientific exchange (25 h)

Category 4 (C4): Active presentation of (own) research (40 h)

Category 5 (C5): Key competences for scientists (20 h)

Category 6 (C6): Subject-specific competences for scientists (30 h)

Category 7 (C7): TAC meetings (30 h)

As a rule, 240 hours should be completed within the STMM structured programme. The freely selectable 40 hours can come from any category or can be filled through bonus hours.

More detailed information regarding the categories and bonus hours can be found downloaded here.

The STMM offers Introductory Days, a Spring School and a Summer School, which already cover a number of the teaching requirements for the STMM structured programme. For the categories C1, C3, C5 and C6 in particular, it may be helpful to participate in courses and activities that are not offered by the STMM, but which are thematically appropriate for the doctoral student's education and training. Assuming the contents of these courses or activities meet the requirements of a particular category in the curriculum, they can in principle also be recognized for the STMM structured training program for the Dr. sc. hum. degree, subject to confirmation by the STMM office.


Online accreditation via the STMM IT platform will be possible soon. Until then, doctoral students should document all activities undertaken using the form provided. As soon as the STMM IT platform has been launched, the forms can be uploaded and the courses will be accredited.


School of Translational Medicine (STMM)

Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Heidelberg University

Tridomus C, Ebene 3
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim


STMM office

Dr. Susanne Hausselt
Dr. sc. hum. programme
Phone +49 621 383-71597

Dr. Claudine Öngen
Dr. med. programme
Telefon 0621 383-71608

Ramona Ludwig
Administration + LEARN
Phone +49 621 383-71609