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Licensing of SciFlow

Dear library users,

First of all a big thank you to all of you who participated in our survey and supported us with many helpful comments to make a meaningful decision.

From 01.04.21 SciFlow is - initially for one year - one of our licensed offers. This means that the software can be used without interruption after the test phase.

From the start of the licensing phase, any number of templates can be requested on demand. If you miss a template that is important for you, please contact the SciFlow team.

Furthermore, they are working hard to provide you with improved change tracking and review capabilities as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, criticism or suggestions for changes, please contact us ( or the SciFlow team  directly at any time (you can send a message via the support page).

The next online webinar will take place in April via Zoom:

29.04.21 (2pm-3pm) Webinar for Researchers | Register.

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