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Opening hours on public holiday

On 01.11.2022 (All Saints' Day) the library will be open from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.

The break clocks are back!

Who hasn't searched in vain for a free work table? Unfortunately, our offer is not enough for everyone.

Pay machine with exchange function

The cash machine in the library now has a currency exchange function.

FFP2 masks compulsory in the library

According to the current federal COVID protection law, FFP2 masks must be worn in all hospitals in Germany as of 1st October 2022.

Opening hours on holiday

On 03.10. "Day of German Unity" the library is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.


The library of the Faculty of Medicine warmly welcomes all new students!

No more entrance control!

As of today, there is no longer an entrance check at the library.

Attention: 19. September. - 21. September Library closed!

During cleaning the library and the foyer of house 42 will be completely closed from 19. September - 21. September.

New: automatic pay station

A new automatic pay station is available to you as of today.

New: LibKey Nomad is now also available for Safari!

Since 22. August 2022 LibKey Nomad also works with Safari.