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Printing, rooms, equipment

We have several printers, copiers, scanners and two separate group study rooms (further rooms outside the library can be booked).
We also lend out anatomy models to students and provide on-site storage of working materials via wheeled containers and permanent lockers.

Learn (and relax) in comfort

Each Wi-Fi workstation is equipped with sockets or power strips.
Mobile monitors can be used there and connection cables can be borrowed.

The PC workstations have height-adjustable 24-inch screens so that two windows may be used in parallel.

Headphones can be borrowed.

Most of the chairs are rollable and adjustable for both tilt (lever on the left) and height (lever on the right).

There are 2 higher tables for taller people available in the silent study area ("large glass case" on the ground floor at the right rear).

Behind the printing and copying room on the shelf there are 13 elevations for the existing screens or your own notebooks to borrow, plus 12 adjustable book or tablet holders (description on the shelf).

An earplug machine is placed in front of the printing room.

For relaxation there is a small reading area with two armchairs next to the Book to go-shelf at the front of the gallery.

Group study rooms

  • Ground floor

    Please make reservations for the group study room in the list at the information desk - the duration is limited to a maximum of 4 hours per day. Reservations take priority over spontaneous use. Please contact library staff if necessary.


    • 8 workstations
    • Wi-Fi
    • Whiteboard (pens can be borrowed at the information desk)
    • Overhead projector on request

  • Gallery

    Two staircases lead to the gallery, which can be reached from the entrance and from the silent study area.


    • 3 group study tables with a total of 14 workstations
    • Wi-Fi

  • Room reservation for student study groups

    Students can book rooms in building 42 and building "Alte Brauerei" at least 1 working day before the reserved date, see Room Reservation (in German).

    If you need a room on short notice, please contact the room administration directly via phone 383-2524 or 383-3558 or

Anatomy models

For MaReCum students of the Medical Faculty Mannheim we offer 5 anatomy models for short loan (3 hours) in the library and the seminar rooms in building 42. The models are stored in a glass cabinet at the counter.


  • Borrowing and return is possible from Mon-Fri, 8:00-18:00 at the library counter.
  • The loan period is a maximum of 3 hours.
  • Use of the models is restricted to building 42.
  • The library card must be deposited.
  • Damage or loss obligates the borrower to pay compensation in the amount of the current purchase or repair price.
  • The anatomy models were purchased on the initiative of the student council from quality assurance funds of the faculty.

Break clocks

If you are temporarily away from your workstation, please use the break clocks placed on the book trolleys, which are also used for media storage, and set the current time.

Your place will then remain reserved for a maximum of 60 minutes.
At the end of this time, other library users are allowed to put their materials to one side and reoccupy the table.

Please note that we generally accept no liability for items left unattended in the library.
After use, please put the break clock back on the media trolley.

The break clocks are intended to promote fair cooperation between library users and prevent unused workstations from being blocked for hours.

Pay machine with exchange function

For the payment of library fees (also partial fees), a pay machine is available in the entrance area of the library.
Note: You can also pay with notes, but you will only receive coins back.

Exchange function: You can change coins and notes, but only receive coins back in a specified denomination.
Note: The change from smaller coins to 1 euro (for lockers) is working.

Wheeled containers / Permanent lockers

Students and doctoral candidates of the Mannheim Medical Faculty can borrow wheeled containers for use on the ground floor of the library or permanent lockers in the entrance hall. They serve as a repository for media borrowed from the library and users’ own working materials.

The keys can be borrowed and returned at the information desk and are available from Monday to Friday from 8-20 hrs (in short weeks until 17 hrs).

The loan period is four weeks with the possibility of extension (see section).


  • 15 wheeled containers are available at the entrance to the silent working area; 16 permanent lockers are located in the entrance hall at the left end of the row of lockers.
  • Using the keyword Rollcontainer or Dauerschließfach in the online catalogue, you can find out whether free wheeled containers / permanent lockers are available and, if necessary, trigger a reservation.
  • You can borrow either a wheeled container or a permanent locker.
  • Please return the wheeled containers to their location after each use to keep clear the traffic and escape routes in the library.
  • Each permanent locker is locked before being borrowed and is equipped with a 1 Euro coin. Before returning the key, the permanent locker must be closed with a 1 Euro coin again.
  • After the loan period has expired, as well as in the event of damage or loss of keys, fees will be charged.
  • § 22, (3) “Allgemeine Ausleihbestimmungen” of the “Durchführungsbestimmungen“ (in German)  shall also apply.

Lockers / Storage compartments / Baskets

In the entrance hall of building 42, 66 lockers are available during opening hours, i.e. they must be emptied in the evening.
Within the library there are about 185 open storage compartments and a small cloakroom.

We kindly ask you to lock your bags, backpacks, food and drinks (exception: lockable water bottles) (1 Euro coin required) or to leave them in the open storage compartments in the entrance area on the right.

To take work materials and valuables into the library, there are baskets (in the entrance area) and plastic bags (20 cents each, via information desk) available.


  • Please use only 1 € coins.
    Shopping cart chips or similar objects block the locks and cause expensive repairs.
  • Please note that if lockers are not cleared in due time, the deposit will be withdrawn at regular intervals.
  • Please inform us if you lose your keys (at the counter in the library).

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