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Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library is produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, a global and independent association of scientists, doctors and other healthcare professionals.

It comprises several databases:

  • Cochrane Reviews und Protocols

    contains systematic reviews in full text and protocols of ongoing reviews, which have been prepared according to the methodology of the Cochrane Collaboration and are regularly updated. Each review assesses the effectiveness of a medical intervention and summarises previous research. The Cochrane Library records are also included in PubMed.

    On the start page you can also search the reviews by topic ("Browse by Topic").

  • Trials

    primarily contains records of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs) - a total of over 1.5 million.

    On the one hand, these records refer to published articles mainly from PubMed and Embase, and to a small extent from other sources (CINAHL and handsearching).

    In addition, there are data sets from the study registries and WHO ICTRP, with links to the registry entries.

    Note: The detail pages of the hits usually link either to PubMed (for the integration of our "Check full text" service in PubMed you would have to start with the link or via DOI to the publisher's page (you can search for the DOI without "" via LibKey, so that you can access licensed full texts from outside the faculty network if necessary).

  • Cochrane Clinical Answers

    Summaries of selected Cochrane Reviews, see About

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