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The central nervous system (CNS) is an immune-privileged organ in which immune responses are strictly controlled. However, autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) can still occur. Intrinsic brain tumors of the CNS, especially gliomas, are also often immunosuppressed by active processes.
The cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to such a dysregulation of the immune system in the CNS are not well understood. There is too much immune response in MS and too little in brain tumors. Therefore, we are interested in the control of CNS autoimmunity as well as in immunotherapeutic approaches for brain tumors and are developing innovative animal models and working with patient material. The aim of this work is the rapid translation of the findings into clinical studies.
Aslan, K., V. Turco, J. Blobner, J. K. Sonner, A. R. Liuzzi, N. G. Nunez, D. De Feo, P. Kickingereder, M. Fischer, E. Green, A. Sadik, M. Friedrich, K. Sanghvi, M. Kilian, F. Cichon, L. Wolf, K. Jahne, A. von Landenberg, L. Bunse, F. Sahm, D. Schrimpf, J. Meyer, A. Alexander, G. Brugnara, R. Roth, K. Pfleiderer, B. Niesler, A. von Deimling, C. Opitz, M. O. Breckwoldt, S. Heiland, M. Bendszus, W. Wick, B. Becher and M. Platten (2020). "Heterogeneity of response to immune checkpoint blockade in hypermutated experimental gliomas." Nat Commun 11(1): 931.
Sonner JK*, Keil M*, Falk-Paulsen M*, Mishra N, Rehman A, Kramer M, Deumelandt K, Röwe J, Saghvi K, Wolf L, von Landenberg A, Wolff H, Bharti R, Oezen I, Lanz TV, Wanke F, Tang Y, Brandao I, Mohapatra S, Epping L, Grill A, Röth R, Niesler B, Meuth SG, Opitz CA, Okun JG, Reinhardt C, Kurschuss F, Wick W, Bode HB, Rosenstiel P*, Platten M* (2019). Dietary tryptophan links encephalitogenicity of autoreactive T cells with gut microbial ecology. Nat Commun Oct 25 [Epub]. * equal contribution
Bunse L*, Pusch S*, Bunse T*, Sahm F, Sanghvi K, Friedrich M, Alansary D, Sonner JK, Green E, Deumelandt K, Kilian M, Neftel C, Uhlig S, Kessler T, von Landenberg A, Berghoff AS, Marsh K, Steadman M, Zhu D, Nicolay B, Wiestler B, Breckwoldt MO, Al-Ali R, Karcher-Bausch S, Bozza M, Oezen I, Kramer M, Meyer J, Habel A, Poschet G, Weller M, Preusser M, Nadji-Ohl M, Thon N, Burger M, Harter P, Ratliff M, Harbottle R, Benner A, Schrimpf D, Okun J, Herold-Mende CM, Turcan S, Kaulfuss S, Hess-Stumpp H, Bieback K, Cahill DP, Plate KH, Hänggi D, Dorsch M, Suva M, Niemeyer BA, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M (2018). Suppression of antitumor T cell immunity by the oncometabolite R-2-hydroxyglutarate. Nat Med 24:1192-1203. * equal contribution
Schumacher T*, Bunse L*, Pusch S, Sahm F, Wiestler B, Quandt J, Menn O, Osswald M, Oezen I, Ott M, Keil M, Balss J, Rauschenbach K, Grabowska AK, Vogler I, Diekmann J, Trautwein N, Eichmüller S, Okun J, Stefanovic S, Riemer AB, Sahin U, Friese M, Beckhove P, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M (2014). A vaccine targeting mutant IDH1 induces antitumor immunity. Nature 512:324-327. *equal contribution.
Opitz CA, Litzenburger UM, Sahm F, Ott M, Tritschler I, Trump S, Schumacher T, Jestaedt L, Schrenk D, Weller M, Jugold M, Guillemin GJ, Miller CL, Lutz C, Radlwimmer B, Lehmann I, von Deimling A, Wick W, Platten M (2011). An endogenous ligand of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor promotes tumor formation. Nature 478:197-203.

Prof Dr. Michael Platten
Neurologische Klinik, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
KKE Neuroimmunologie und Hirntumorimmunologie, DKFZ Heidelberg
Immunmonitoring-Einheit, NCT Heidelberg
Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
Universität Heidelberg
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 383-2885