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The Core Facility is equipped with the 8-color BD FACSCanto II analyzer, the 24-color Cytek®Northern Lights™ Full Spectrum flow cytometer and the 9-color BD FACSAria IIu High Speed ​​Cell Sorter. Following an introduction, the analyzers are operated by the users, whereas the sorter is an operator-based system only.

FlowCore @ TPMA2

Cytek®Northern Lights™ with Automated sample loader

The Cytek®Northern Lights™ is a full spectrum flow cytometer. The benchtop instrument is equipped with 3 lasers and can detect at least 24 fluorescent markers simultaneously. In addition, the analyzer is equipped with a highly sensitive violet side scatter detector with enhanced small particle detection performance and an automated sample loader to use 96 well plates (U-, V- and Flat Bottom well plates) and a 40 tube rack (for FACS tubes).

Spectral flow cytometry is the next level of flow cytometry. It overcomes the limits of conventional flow cytometry, which uses dichroic mirrors and bandpass filters to serially select specific wavelength ranges, then detected by photomultiplier tubes (PMTs).

Spectral flow cytometry, in contrast, captures the full emission spectrum and thus allows discriminating fluorochromes, which cannot be discriminated in conventional flow cytometry. Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) instead of PMTs improve quantum efficiency, signal-to-noise ratio and enhance red and near infrared detection.

Small particles are being explored across a diverse range of therapeutic and diagnostic applications, with particular attention to synthetic and drug-loaded particles. With its 405 nm laser and highly sensitive violet SSC detector, particles nearing 100 nm in size can be analyzed. Protocols for human extracellular vesicle characterization are currently established and are available upon request.

Learn more about full spectrum flow cytometry

Learn more about the Cytek®Northern Lights™

Performance features Cytek Northern Lights


BD FACSCanto II – Analysis

The BD FACSCanto II is an analysis flow cytometer equipped with three lasers. Simultaneously up to eight colors can be measured in a multicolor experiment.

Following an introduction, the analyzer is operated by the users.

Performance features FACSCanto II

Booking (possible after an introduction)


BD FACSAria IIu – Cell Sorter

The BD FACSAria Fusion is a high-speed ce ll sorter that can sort up to 25,000 cells per second. The system is equipped with four lasers and can simultaneously measure up to sixteen colors in a multi-color experiment. The sample can be fed into the device in 5 or 15 mL tubes. Up to four populations can be sorted per sorting process or perforated plates can be fed. Aseptic sorting is possible, so that the cells can be taken back into culture after the sorting process.

Sorting assignment

Performance features BD FACS ARIA FUSION


FlowCore @ Tridomus

BD FACSCanto II – Analysis

A second BD FACS Canto II is now ready to use, in Tridomus C, Room 108.

Users who have had already the introduction and are experienced, can book the device via clustermarket (select BD FACS Canto II Tridomus).

Performance features FACSCanto II


BD FACSAria IIu – Cell Sorter

The BD FACSAria IIu is a high-speed cell sorter that can sort up to 20,000 cells per second. The system is equipped with three lasers and can simultaneously measure up to nine colors in a multi-color experiment. The sample can be fed into the device in 5 or 15 mL tubes. Up to four populations can be sorted per sorting process or perforated plates can be fed. Aseptic sorting is possible, so that the cells can be taken back into culture after the sorting process.

The completed form Assignment CellSorting is to be brought to every sort.

Performance features BD FACS ARIA IIu


This upgrade of the FlowCore Mannheim has been granted within the FI-EMS Core Facility Strategic Extension funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments of Germany.