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The FlowCore offers:
EV User Meeting March 26th 11–1pm
Drinks and snacks sponsored by Cytek
A tiny look: unreaveling Small Particles using the Enhanced Small Particle (ESP) detector with Cytek instruments - PRAGATI LODHA, ECAS
Decoding EV Heterogeneity: A Flow Cytometric Approach to Understanding EV Protein Marker Distribution - STEFANIE UHLIG, FLOWCORE
From scatter signal to particle size
The FlowCore offers:
Thanks to the growth of the FlowCore, we are pleased to be able to offer you a series of flow cytometry training courses, theory, practical workshops and demos:
- Level 1 for beginners aiming to learn the basics of flow cytometry:
February 19th, 9am – approx. 11am
- Level 2 for more advanced users aiming to learn more about panel design:
April 16th, 9am – approx. 11am
- Level 3 for those of you interested in high parameter data analysis:
May 14th, 9am – approx. 11am
Please book in advance via Email to flowcore@
10.00 am – 3.30 pm, House 42 Room H07
ThermoFischerScientific-Supply Centre & Cell Culture Workshop (one day)
Lecture Topics:
- Supply Centre Tridomus/ Q Digital PCR System/Protein Expression/Organoids/ Cell biology & Cell Culture/ Cytometry/Protein and Gene Expression/High-throughput Western Blotting/ Image Analysis for 2D and 3D Models
- Hands-on training to
- NeonTM NxT Electroporation- and EVOSTMM3000 Imaging Systems
- ProFlexTM PCR System, 2x32-well
- iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer System
For more details see: Link
18.11. – 22.11.2024
House 42 Room 3226 and 3210
Leica Microscopy Workshop (one week)
Workshop to confocal microscopy and Training Session to Mica (compact microscope)
Leica Confocal System „Stellaris-Multiplexing“ (room 3226)
Leica Compact System „Mica“ (room 3210)
09.30 am, House 42 Room H07
Microscopy lectures (one day)
IBIDI Usage of IBIDI chambers for microscopy
Leica Sample Preparation for confocal microscopy
Imaging times for user samples bookable in the Leica workshop or via link ...
For more details see: Link
2RISE – Level Up: Alliance research infrastructure scientists education
The Health + Life Science Alliance is supporting core facilities staff of all Alliance Institutes through a project called 2RISE, managed by the RI coordinators of DKFZ, EMBL, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University Heidelberg and ZI Mannheim. In the scope of 2RISE, we are organizing four training and networking days to facilitate education and networking of the Core Facilities staff.
For more details see:Link
Core Facility Platform Mannheim: OPEN DAY
Dear Scientists,
we warmly invite you to join the Core Facility Platform Mannheim (CFPM) OPEN DAY on Friday, July 7th 2023, from 10am to 4pm.
Location: Hörsaal 02, Alte Brauerei, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Röntgenstr. 7
From 10am to 12am our highly trained experts will report how their state-of-the-art facilities can help making the most of your research. From 13pm to 16pm we offer guided visits to the core facility labs where you can learn more about the services and equipment of the Core Facility Platform Mannheim and how they can support you and your group in advancing your research.
10:00 – 12:00: Presentation of the Core Facilities
- Integrated Biobank Mannheim
- Preclinical Models & Zebrafish Unit
- Cardio Imaging
- Animal Scanner
- LIMa
- FlowCore
- Proteomics
- NGS & Bio-Informatics
12:00 – 13:00: Poster, light Lunch, Drinks
13:00 – 16:00: Visit of the Core Facility Labs
Please find further information and details in the flyer (download)
LIMa Course “Introduction to Microscopy Image Analysis using ImageJ & Imaris”
More details can be found in the flyer.
Registration is now open:
New computational support for biological image analysis by Qi Gao
On May 1st, 2022 Mr. Qi Gao started his new job as a data scientist within the Core Facility Platform Mannheim. He is associated with the Live Cell Imaging Mannheim (LIMa) Core Facility and the Bioinformatics Core Facility to provide computational support for biological image analysis.
Mr. Qi Gao studied Computer Science with the focus on computer vision and machine learning at Saarland University and at TU Darmstadt. From Feb 2016 to Apr 2022 he worked as an image analysis scientist within the Math-Clinic Core Facility and the Biomedical Computer Vision Group at Heidelberg University.
Die Core Facility Plattform Mannheim stellt sich vor

Die Core Facility Plattform Mannheim der Medizinischen Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg (CFPM) stellt sich mit einem neu erschienenen Flyer vor…
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New Technology Platform operational at the Proteomics Core Facility (PCF)

With the TripleTOF 6600+ mass spectrometer, the Proteomics Core Facility received a new technology platform from AB Sciex as new equipment. The PCF started the development of new workflows with the AB TripleTOF 6600+ mass spectrometer to expand services. The TripleTOF 6600+ combines fast and high sensitive scanning with the Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) approach (SWATH®) for quantitation of (almost) every detectable compound in a sample. We are interested in establishing quantitative workflows in order to enlarge the field of clinical proteomics studies. The combination of split free micro flow HPLC with SWATH® acquisition for accelerating quantitative proteomics studies is becoming more widespread, due to the improved robustness and throughput. With the µl-pick-up principle of the new HPLC system, technical replicas from smallest sample volumes are made possible.