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Cardiac Imaging Center

Echocardiography is a robust and reproducible non-invasive approach of assessing cardiovascular function in vivo. Our research group within the ECAS builds on more than 10 years of hands-on experience in murine echocardiography. In our research projects, we use cardiac ultrasound imaging in all stages of cardiac disease as state-of-the-art functional diagnosis tool. Assessed parameters start with systolic function (e.g. left-ventricular ejection fraction) and anatomy (e.g. ventricular dimensions and wall thickness), and lead via diastolic function, speckle-tracking echocardiography and right-ventricular imaging to infant, neonatal and even embryonal stages. One of our research aims is to develop existing echocardiography approaches further and establish new analytical standards in constant exchange with experts from Fujifilm VisualSonics and Purdue University.

Depending on your manuscript or project idea, we will record ultrasound images, assist or conduct the data acquisition and, if requested, give advice in design and structure of experimental groups and cohorts.

Important: In terms of the animal protection law, echocardiography needs to be announced to the regional council and the operating personnel needs to be listed (i.e., us). Depending on the study volume, an extension or new animal proposal will be necessary; however, we will support you in writing.

Your acknowledgement matters

Keep our core facility in your publications.

For more details see:Link

