Sie befinden sich hier
LIMa offers multiple levels of image and data analysis support from technical consultation to development of new computational image analysis methods and customized software tools.
Individualized support generally begins with the Bioimage Computing (BIC) Meeting. To make an appointment, please send an email to LIMa ("lima@").
An HP workstation with popular commercial and open-source image analysis software (e.g., Imaris) is available for self-service. The workstation can be booked online via Bookkit by Clustermarket (a service registration is required).
Courses and workshops on image analysis techniques and practices are organized on a regular basis. Such events will be announced in advance on the LIMa webpage and via emails to the members of the Medical Faculty Mannheim.
Course & Workshops
03. – 04.08.2023
de.NBI-CFPM joint course: Microscopy Image Analysis. (more information and registration by 3rd July)
02. – 04.05.2023
LIMa course: Introduction to microscopy image analysis using ImageJ & Imaris. (flyer; registration).
LIMa course: Introduction to microscopy image analysis using ImageJ/Fiji & Imaris.(slides)
Commercial and open-source image analysis software
LIMa software
Capturing mitoflashes
[Galaxy workflows and tools]
Dorsal horn image registration
[Galaxy tool: landmark registration]
LIMa Core Facility
Tridomus C410
Ludolf-Krehl-Str. 13-17
68167 Mannheim
Qi Gao
Phone +49 621 383-71415