Sie befinden sich hier
Blood platelets are small anucleated cells with a variety of functions in hemostasis, inflammation and immunity. Platelets interact with neutrophils and monocytes, thereby, promoting different mechanisms of the innate immune response such as extravasation, phagocytosis, NETosis, oxidative burst and release of various inflammatory cytokines and enzymes. As a consequence platelets get activated via different signaling pathways and release soluble factors (cytokines, chemokines, growth factors) stored in granules. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms our current research is focused on the characterization of different receptors involved in platelet adhesion and activation including P-selectin, ADP receptor (P2Y12), thromboxane A2 receptor (TBXA2R) and C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2).
- Gerhards C, Uhlig S, Etemad M, Christodoulou F, Bieback K, Klüter H, Bugert P. Expression of ADP receptor P2Y12, thromboxane A2 receptor and C-type lectin-like receptor 2 in cord blood-derived megakaryopoiesis. Platelets 2020 Jul 3:1-8. doi: 10.1080/09537104.2020.1782868. Online ahead of print.
- Bugert P, Fischer L, Althaus K, Knöfler R, Bakchoul T. Platelet dysfunction caused by a novel thromboxane A2 receptor mutation and congenital thrombocytopenia in a case of mild bleeding. Platelets 2020; 31: 276-279.
- Costa B, Eisemann T, Strelau J, Spaan I, Korshunov A, Liu HK, Bugert P, Angel P, Peterziel H. Intratumoral platelet aggregate formation in a murine preclinical glioma model depends on podoplanin expression on tumor cells. Blood Adv 3: 1092-1102 (2019).
- Grafetstätter M, Hüsing A, González Maldonado S, Sookthai D, Johnson TS, Pletsch-Borba L, Katzke V, Hoffmeister M, Bugert P, Kaaks R, Kuehn T. Plasma Fibrinogen and sP-Selectin are associated with the risk of lung cancer in a prospective study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 28: 1221-1227 (2019).
- Wiest I, Wiemers T, Kraus MJ, Neeb H, Strasser EF, Hausner L, Frölich L, Bugert P. Multivariate platelet analysis differentiates between patients with Alzheimer's disease and healthy controls at first clinical diagnosis. J Alzheimers Dis 71: 993-1004 (2019).
- Graf ME, Sookthai D, Johnson T, Schübel R, González Maldonado S, Pletsch-Borba L, Katzke V, Bugert P, Hoffmeister M, Kaaks R, Kühn T. Pre-diagnostic plasma concentrations of Fibrinogen, sGPIIb/IIIa, sP-selectin, sThrombomodulin, Thrombopoietin in relation to cancer risk: findings from a large prospective study. Int J Cancer 143: 2659-2667 (2018).
- Popa M, Tahir S, Elrod J, Kim SH, Leuschner F, Kessler T, Bugert P, Pohl U, Wagner AH, Hecker M. Role of CD40 and ADAMTS13 in von Willebrand factor-mediated endothelial cell-platelet-monocyte interaction. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115:E5556-E5565 (2018).

Prof. (apl.) Dr. Peter Bugert
Phone +49 621 3706-9495