Sie befinden sich hier
Prof. Dr. med. Heike Allgayer, MD, PhD
*12. June 1969 in Lindenberg/Allgäu, Germany
Main Research Fields
- Metastasis research
- microRNAs in metastasis
- Tumor-associated proteolysis
- Translational metastasis research
- Molecular staging of cancer and metastasis
Final Medical Board Examination (MD), Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Dr. med. (Medicine, Translational Research) Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, with “summa cum laude”
1997 - 1999
Postdoctoral Fellow (Molecular Biology, Metastasis), MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston/USA
PhD, Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBS), MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston/USA
1999 - 2001
Assistant Professor, Section Molecular Biology, Dept. Surgery, Clinical Surgeon, Surgical Oncology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Priv.Doz. (Associate Professor), Experimental Surgery/Molecular Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Diploma in Medical Economics, Chur, Switzerland
Surgical Board Exam, Munich/Germany
2004 - 2015
Full Professor and Head, Dept. of Experimental Surgery, Med. Faculty Mannheim, Univ. of Heidelberg, Molecular Oncology of Solid Tumors Unit, DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany
Since 2015
Full Professor and Director, Dept. of Experimental Surgery - Cancer Metastasis, Centre for Biomedicine and Medical Technology Mannheim (CBTM), Med. Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
2018 - 2020
Vice Director, Centre for Biomedicine and Medical Technology Mannheim (CBTM), Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
Positions and Employment
Positions and Employment
1996 - 1997
Medical Intern, Dept. Surgery, Klinikum Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
1997 – 1999
Fellow at the Dept. of Cancer Biology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,TX (Prof. Douglas D. Boyd, PhD, Principal Investigator, Prof. J.I. Fidler, Head)
1999 – 2004
Assistant, later Associate Professor, Molecular Oncology, PI of section Molecular Biology, in parallel: Resident, Dept. of Surgery, Klinikum Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
2004 - 2015
Full Professor and Head, Dept. Experimental Surgery, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, and Adjunct Professor, DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center) Heidelberg
Since 2015
Full Professor and Director, Dept. of Experimental Surgery – Cancer Metastasis, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
2018 - 2020
Vice Director, Centre for Biomedicine and Medical Technology Mannheim (CBTM), Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg
Professional Memberships
Vereinigung der Bayerischen Chirurgen
Active/Corresponding Member der American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
Molekularbiologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (CAMO)
Berufsverband der Deutschen Chirurgen (BDC)
European Association of Cancer Research (EACR)
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
EACR Council Member, Member of Communications Committee
Member of EORTC Pathobiology Group
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Stammzellforschung
Metastasis Research Society
Academia.Net of the Robert Bosch Foundation
Task Force „Surgical Oncology“, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
European Society for Translational Medicine (EUSTM)
Invited Member, WORLD.MINDS, Zurich
EORTC Translational Research Advisory Committee (EORTC-TRAC; chair: Emilie Varin)
Elected Member of the EACS Fellowship of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences
Invited Member, EACR Conference Series Committee
Excerpt out of a total of 23 awards
1st Prize of the German Chemical Industry for the promotion of research youngsters
Research fellowship of the Dr. Mildred Scheel Stiftung (Deutsche Krebshilfe), Bonn, Germany, for postdoctoral period, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer-Award for Young Investigators of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), Philadelphia, USA
Langenbeck Research Award of the German College of Surgeons
1st Prize, Wolfgang Wilmanns Research Foundation for Innovative Concepts of Translational Cancer Research
Otto-Goetze-Award for the best scientific lecture at the Year 2000-Congress of the Bavarian College of Surgeons
1st Prize of the DPC-Biermann-Academy of Biomedical Sciences
Ferdinand-Sauerbruch Research Award of the Berlin College of Surgeons
Johann-Nepomuk-von-Nussbaum-Research Award of the Bavarian College of Surgeons
Research Award of the Drs. Graute- und Graute-Oppermann-Foundation, Essen
Johann-Georg-Zimmermann-Award for Extraordinary Merits in Cancer Research, University of Hannover
Travel Award of the Japanese Society of Surgery
Research Award of the Ingrid-zu-Solms Foundation for excellent achievements of Women in Science, Frankfurt, Germany
Young Cancer Researcher Award Lecture of the EACR (European Association of Cancer Research)
Research Award for high-potential young Full Professors, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen- and Halbach-Foundation, Essen, Germany (1 Mill. Euro, the second highest and most competitive Research Award in Germany)
Hella-Bühler-Award, University of Heidelberg, Germany
European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) First Annual Distinguished Lecture, Nottingham, UK
Walter-Schulz Award, Munich, Germany
Annual Lilly Oncology Lecture, Dresden 2013
Inoviem Scientific Excellence Award, Inoviem Scientific, Strasbourg
Otto Herz Memorial Lecture in Cancer Research at University of Tel Aviv, Israel (previous lecturers: e.g., Robert Gallo (1982), Harald zur Hausen (1984), Howard Temin (1985), Hilary Koprowski (1986), Isaiah Fidler (1990), David Goldenberg (1991), Judah Folkman (1994), Charles Weissmann (1996), Fritz Melchers (1997), Harold L. Moses (1998), Carlo M. Croce (1999), Richard D. Klausner (2000), Alberto Mantovani (2003), Zena Werb (2005))
Allgayer H, Leupold JH (2003): Tissue specific expression (PCT/EPO3/01671)
Ca. 300; ca. 100 of these Original Articles
Total Impact Factor according to current IF directory (2019/2020; all publications incl. Reviews etc.): ca. 1000
- The top original articles have been published in: Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Oncogene, and Clinical Cancer Research.
- Most cited original article as Senior Author: Asangani I et al., Oncogene 2009 (currently 1985 citations according to Google Scholar, most cited original article of Oncogene 2009)
Examples of publications:
Ishaque N, Abba ML, Hauser C, Patil N, Paramasivam N, Huebschmann D, Leupold JH, Balasubramanian GP, Kleinheinz K, Toprak UH, Hutter B, Benner A, Shavinskaya A, Zhou C, Gu Z, Kerssemakers J, Marx A, Moniuszko M, Kozlowski M, Reszec J, Niklinski J, Eils J, Schlesner M, Eils R, Brors B, and Allgayer H: Whole genome sequencing reveals novel hypotheses on metastasis evolution and therapy in colorectal cancer. Nature Communications 2018, Nov 14;9(1):4782. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07041-z
Allgayer H, Leupold JH, Patil N. Defining the "Metastasome": Perspectives from the genome and molecular landscape in colorectal cancer for metastasis evolution and clinical consequences (Invited Review). Semin Cancer Biol. 2019 Jul 27. pii: S1044-579X(19)30156-7. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2019.07.018. Review. PMID: 31362074
Mudduluru G*, Abba M*, Batliner J*,Patil N, Scharp M, Leupold JH, Oleksiuk O, Buchhalter I, Thiele W, Benner A, Sleeman J, Allgayer H:: A systematic approach to defining the microRNA landscape in metastasis. Cancer Research 2015, Aug 1; 75(15):3010-9. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-0997. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
Utikal J, Abba M, Novak D, Moniuszko M, Allgayer H (Invited Review): Function and Significance of MicroRNAs in benign and malignant Human Stem Cells. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2015, 35, 200-211.
Asangani IA, Rasheed SA, Nikolova DA, Leupold JH, Colburn NH, Post S, Allgayer H: MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) post-transcriptionally downregulates tumor suppressor Pdcd4 and stimulates invasion, intravasation and metastasis in colorectal cancer. Oncogene 2008, 27, 2128-2136 (currently >2000 citations, Most cited Original Article Oncogene 2009, Source: Google Scholar).
Rasheed SAK, Efferth T, Asangani IA, Allgayer H: Artesunate – First evidence that an anti-malaria drug inhibits invasion and in vivo metastasis in lung cancer by targeting essential extracellular proteases. Int J Cancer 127(6):1475-85, 2010.
Mudduluru G, Ceppi P, Kumarswamy R, Scagliotti GV, Papotti M, Allgayer H: Regulation of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase expression by miR-34a and miR-199a/b in solid cancer. Oncogene 2011, 30, 2888-2899 (101 citations).
Nikolova DA, Asangani IA, NelsonLD, Hughes DP, Siwak DR, Mills GB, Harms A, Buchholz E, Pilz LR, Manegold C, Allgayer H: Cetuximab attenuates metastasis and u-PAR expression in non-small cell lung cancer: u-PAR and E-cadherin are novel biomarkers of cetuximab sensitivity. Cancer Research 2009, 69, 2461-2470.
Mudduluru G, Medved F, Grobholz R, Joste C, Gruber A, Leupold JH, Post S, Jansen A, Colburn NH, Allgayer H: Loss of Pdcd4 expression marks adenoma-carcinoma transition, correlates inversely with pAkt, and is a new and independent prognostic factor in resected colorectal cancer. Cancer 2007, 110:8, 1697-1707 (141 citations).
Heiss MM, Simon EH, Beyer BCM, Grützner KU, Tarabichi A, Babic R, Schildberg FW, Allgayer H: Minimal residual disease in gastric cancer: First evidence of an independent prognostic relevance of urokinase receptor gene expression by disseminated tumor cells in a large series of patients. The Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002, 20(8):2005-2016 (83 citations ).
Leupold JH, Yang HS, Colburn NH, Asangani I, Post S, Allgayer H: Tumor suppressor Pdcd4 inhibits invasion/intravasation and regulates urokinase receptor (u-PAR) gene expression via Sp-transcription factors. Oncogene 2007, 26, 4550-62 (116 citations).
Maurer GD, Leupold JH, Schewe DM, Biller T, Kates RE, Hornung H-M, Lau-Werner U, Post S, Allgayer H: First analysis of specific transcriptional regulators as predictors of independent prognostic relevance in resected colorectal cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2007, 13(4): 1123-1132.
Ceppi P, Mudduluru G, Regalla K, Rap I, Scagliotti GV, Papotti M, Allgayer H: Loss of miR-200c expression induces an aggressive, invasive, and chemoresistant phenotype in non-small-cell lung cancer. Mol Cancer Res Sept 2010, 8(9): 1207-16 Highlight of the Issue (166 citations).
Mesenguer S, Mudduluru G, Escamilla JM, Allgayer H*, Barrettino D*: MicroRNAs-10a and -10b contribute to retinoic acid-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells and target the alternative splicing regulatory factor SFRS1 (SF2/ASF). Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011, 286(6), 4150-4164 (63 citations), *equal senior authorship.
Regalla K, Mudduluru G, Ceppi P, Muppala S, Kozlowski M, Niklinski J, Papotti M, Allgayer H: MicroRNA-30a inhibits epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by targeting Snai1 and is downregulated in non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Cancer J 2012 May 1;130(9):2044-53 (105 citations).
Heckmann D, Maier P, Laufs S, Li L, Wenz F, Zeller WJ, Fruehauf S, Allgayer H: The disparate twins: A comparative study of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in SDF-1-induced gene expression, invasion and chemosensitivity of colon cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 Feb 1;20(3):604-16.
Patil N, Rasheed SAK, Abba M, Leupold JH, Schwarzbach M, Allgayer H: A mechanistic study on the metastasis inducing function of FUS-CHOP fusion protein in liposarcoma Running title: The role of FUS-CHOP in metastasis. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jun 15;134(12):2808-19.
Laudato, S., Patil, N., Abba, M. L., Leupold, J. H., Benner, A., Gaiser, T., Marx, A., Allgayer H: P53-induced miR-30e-5p inhibits colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis by targeting ITGA6 and ITGB1. Int J Cancer. 2017 Jun 28. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30854.
Grant Support
Total direct funding by competitive grant support for the H. Allgayer lab: ca. € 5.15 Mio
Completed grant supports
B. Braun Foundation, Melsungen
Friedrich Baur Foundation, München
Research Funding Centocor, Malvern, USA, “Immunohistochemical and – cytochemical analysis of EMMPRIN and MCP-1 in material of gastrointestinal cancer patients”
Wilhelm Sander Foundation, München, „Molecular Staging Simulation with Neural Networks“, together with Prof. N. Harbeck und Dr. R. Kates, Munich
Auguste Schaedel-Dantscher-Foundation, “Role of Pdcd4 tumor suppressor in invasion”
Merck, Darmstadt „Translational studies at resected patient tissues on Cetuximab response and resistance“
Merck, Darmstadt “Preclinical project: molecular mechanisms of anti-metastasis of Cetuximab”
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), „Molecular Staging of Cancer“
National Cancer Institutes, USA, “Defining molecular risk groups in colorectal cancer”
Daub Foundation, University of Heidelberg, “Advancing the chicken embryo (CAM) metastasis model”
Novartis, Nürnberg, “Mechanisms of metastasis inhibition brought about by zoledronic acid”
Eli Lilly, Indianapolis/USA, together with Prof. Christian Manegold, “Preclinical and translational studies on Enzastaurin and is action towards metastasis”
Industrial Grant Support, Congress „Molecular Staging of Cancer“, Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and others
Dr. Hella-Bühler-Foundation, Univ. of Heidelberg, „Molecular regulators of metastasis as individual clinical risk factors“
Hector-Foundation, Weinheim, „Role of CXRC4 in colorectal cancer metastasis and therapy“
Walter-Schulz-Foundation, München, „Studies on microRNAs and Pdcd4 in metastasis“
Excellence Initiative „FRONTIER“, University of Heidelberg, “FUS-CHOP as a regulator of invasion and metastasis in sarcoma”
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), „HaematoSys: Systems – Biology of the Haematopoetic System and Related Neoplasias”
Apogenix, Heidelberg, “Analysis of APG101 for its effect on the migration and invasion of tumor cells”
Grant Support of the University of Heidelberg Foundation, “Role of specific microRNAs in EMT”
German-Israeli Project Cooperation (DKFZ-MOST), “MicroRNA control of tissue invasion and inflammatory intestinal cancer”
Complete Genomics, Inc., Mountain View, CA/USA, “Pilot studies on genome sequencing of resected metastases”
Swiss National Fonds, Bern, Switzerland, “Defining important miRs regulating metastasis”
Deutsche Krebshilfe, Bonn, “Role of specific microRNAs in the regulation of carcinoma metastasis“
Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung, München, “The functional interplay between CD24, Src, miR-21, Pdcd4 and u-PAR and its impact on invasion and metastasis”
6th German-Israeli Cancer Research School, Stipend for Sara Laudato (DKFZ-MOST- Project)
DAAD, Bonn: “GERLS” stipend for one PhD student for 3 years
Erasmus Post-Doc-Scholarship of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Program for Aida Hajdarpasic
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EACEA) stipend, 71000306_IMIM, for TMR/IMIM Students
CSC Scholarship for Sha Guan for 24 months
CSC Scholarship for Xue Cao for 24 months
CSC Scholarship for Student Xinmiao Zhang for 36 months
Ongoing grant-supported projects
Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen (€ 1 Million); „Molecular tumor staging – translating molecular knowledge on metastasis into patient benefit“
“Verification of bacterial DNA-integration into tumor DNA in colorectal cancer”, Heidelberg Initiative of Personalized Oncology (HIPO) Grant
“Genome alterations defining the metastatistically relevant cancer cell”, Heidelberg Initiative of Personalized Oncology (HIPO) Grant
CSC Scholarship for Student Chan Zhou for 48 months
Deutsche Krebshilfe, Bonn, „Ursachen der differenziellen Expression von microRNAs bei der Metastasierung und organspezifischen Metastasierung“
MEAMEDMA Anschubfinanzierung für Mitarbeiter, Physician-Scientist Dr. Mohammed Abba
Pre-Doc research stipend for Estibaliz Orue-Etxebaria Iglesias (Grant number EP_2017_1_0089) of the Basque Government in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Krypta, CICbioGune, Imperial College, London
DFG, Bonn, Project number: DFG-AL-465/9-1, FAPESP- Collaboration Grant “Elucidating mechanisms underlying onset of breast cancer invasion and metastasis: deciphering the role of E3 ubiquitin Ligase Fbw7 in suppressing metastasis” for the funding of the visiting scientist Prof. Arun Trivedi, India
Stipend (Young Physician Potential Development Plan by Jiangxi University, China) for Student Yu Min for 48 months
Stipend (CSC und Doctoral Study-Abroad Funding by Subei People’s Hospital, China) for Student Ping Li for 36 months
HEiKA-excellence grant (Joint program of KIT Karlsruhe and University Heidelberg), with partner Prof. H. A. Wagenknecht, KIT; Thema: “Establishing microRNA single-cell single molecule superresolution microscopy in vivo and in primary patient tissues”
Total direct funding by competitive grant support for the H. Allgayer lab: ca. € 5.64 Mio
Doctorate Degrees to students, higher degrees to employees
Denis Schewe, Dr. med. (summa cum laude)
Erich Simon, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Jörg Leupold, Dr. rer. nat. (magna cum laude)
Bianca Beyer, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Fabian Medved, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Tobias Biller, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Gabriele Maurer, Dr. med. (summa cum laude)
Irfan Asangani, Dr. sc. hum. (summa cum laude)
Giridhar Mudduluru, Dr. sc. hum. (summa cum laude)
Kabeer Rasheed, Dr. sc. hum. (magna cum laude)
Daniel Bürgy, Dr. med. (summa cum laude)
Tina Fuchs, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Nitin Patil, Dr. sc. hum. (summa cum laude)
Alexandra Körner, Dr. sc. hum. (magna cum laude)
Doreen Heckmann, Dr. sc. hum. (summa cum laude)
Mohammed Abba, Dr. sc. hum., PhD (summa cum laude)
Julia Rotert, Dr. med. (magna cum laude)
Dr. Giridhar Mudduluru, Habilitation (Associate Professor)
Jonahunata G. W. Nesson, Dr. sc. hum. (cum laude)
Santoshi Muppala, Dr. sc. hum. (magna cum laude)
Sara Laudato Dr. sc. hum., PhD (magna cum laude)
Guan Sha, Dr. sc. hum., PhD (cum laude)
Further Activities in the scientific community
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Cancer (since 2008), Molecular Oncology (since 2019)
- Editor-in-Chief, Springer Nature Book Series “Recent Results in Cancer “ (since 2019)
- Editorial Board, Advances in Medical Sciences, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology, The Open Surgical Oncology Journal, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Fokus Onkologie, Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer, PEER J, RNA Biology, Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment, Nature Scientific Reports.
- EACR Council Member as Representative of Germany (since 2007), Member of the Communication Committee (since 2007), EACR Ambassador (since 2012), Member of EACR Conference Series Committee (since 2019)
- Reviewer for scientific journals: Clinical Cancer Research, Oncogene, Cancer Research, Oncology, Nature Communications, Molecular Cancer, Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB), International Journal of Colorectal Disease, Gastroenterology, British Journal of Cancer, PLOS ONE, Cancer Letters, World Journal of Clinical Oncology, The Open Surgical Oncology Journal, Nucleic Acids Research, FEBS Journal, APMIS, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Frontiers in Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Methods in Enzymology, European Journal of Surgical Research, Carcinogenesis, Cancer Genetics, Molecular Cancer Research, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, Open Access Publishing London (OAPL) Ethics Committee, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, Molecular & Cellular Oncology, Molecular Oncology, Journal of Cancer Biology and Treatment (CBT), Experimental Cell Research, Annals of Oncology, Amino Acids, Scientific Reports, Breast Cancer Research, Oncotarget, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Reviewer for the European Cancer Congress (ECCO 18 – ESMO 40).
- Reviewer for funding agencies: Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid), Scientific Reviewer for the European Community (Vice Chair of EU Life Sciences Review 2008), German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation, Scientific Selection Committee for the King Faisal International Prize, Riyadh/Saudi Arabia, Reviewer for the Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm/Sweden, Association for International Cancer Research (AICR), Institut National du Cancer, France; Research Council for Biosciences, Academy of Finland.
- Open Access Publishing London (OAPL) Ethics Committee (since 2013)
- Member of the Award Selection Committee, Karl Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung, Garching (since 2013)
- Founder of the international meeting series “Molecular Staging of Cancer” (held since 2001)
- Chair of the Fellows of the Ingrid-zu-Solms Foundation for excellent Women in Research, Medicine and Culture, Frankfurt/Main (since 2007)
- MD Anderson Cancer Center – DKFZ Institutional Sister Alliance (since 2007, HA supported initiation, continuous activities)
- Visiting Professor, Medical University of Bialystok, since 2013
- AACR Surgical Oncology Task Force, Member upon personal invitation by Dr. Margaret Foti, since 2013 (Heads: Dr. Monica Morrow, Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Margaret Foti, AACR-CEO)
- Member, International Advisory Committee, 7th International Conference on the Tumor Microenvironment: Progression, Therapy & Prevention, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct 2015
- Member, Selection Committee of the Mildred Scheel Lectureship (Deutsche Krebshilfe, Bonn, Germany)
- Member upon personal invitation by Dr. Rolf Dobelli: WORLD.MINDS, „An invitation-only community of 1000 high-caliber individuals who have made proven contributions in science, the arts and business“ (citation from the invitation letter for the Annual Meeting 2018 in Zurich); since 2014.
- EORTC Pathobiology Group, since 2007
- EORTC Translational Research Advisory Committee (EORTC-TRAC; chair: Emilie Varin), since 2016
- Main and Faculty Coordinator for establishment of new Code of Conduct (“Dachleitbild”) for University Medicine Mannheim (UMM) of University Heidelberg, with Leadership and coordinative function for whole UMM (ca. 6000 employees)
- Opponent at International PhD Defenses, e.g. Department of Translational Medicine, Malmö/Lund University, or Finsen Laboratory, Kopenhagen, Denmark
- Advisory Board, PEKKIP Oncology Alliance AG, since 2016
- Member, Program Committee, Annual Meeting of the AACR 2017
- Member, International Advisory Committee, 8th International Conference on Tumor Microenvironment: Progression, Therapy & Prevention, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2018
Prof. Dr. med. Heike Allgayer
Full Professor and Director
Dept. of Experimental Surgery – Cancer Metastasis
Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim
Telefon +49 621 383-71630, -71635 or -71406
Fax +49 621 383-71631