Sie befinden sich hier
Lab skills: Single Cell RNA Seq
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) core facility, Mannheim
- Basics
- Principles
- Library construction
- Sequencing
- Quality control
- Analysis
- Guided tour to the facility
Lab skills: Flow Cytometry
FlowCore Mannheim
- Basics
- Principles
- Technical background for conventional and spectral flow cytometry
- How to design, perform and analyze a flow cytometry experiment
- Practical training
Workshop for Young Scientists “Reliability of research data“
Björn GERLACH, PAASP GmbH - Partnership for Assessment and Accreditation of Scientific Practice
The workshop aims to provide participants with the knowledge about different biases in research and identify ways to circumvent them. Specific topics to be covered include: origins of poor data robustness, sources of bias beyond study design, data integrity guidelines, methods to improve research practices.
Reproducibility; bias; data integrity; Good Research Practice