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Seminars 2015
Thursday, 5-6pm
University Hospital Campus Mannheim, ZMF (Building 42), H 07
Prof. Dr. R. Malik, Manchester and New York
The Eye a window to the Soul
05.02.2015 16.30-17.00 h
Dr. K. Kynast, Heidelberg
SFB 1118 biobanking at a glance – regulations, options & status quo
Prof. Dr. I. Fleming, Frankfurt
Novel lipid mediators in the regulation of vascular homeostasis
05.03.2015 16.30-18.00 h
E. Romfeld, Mannheim
Introduction to Biomedical Ethics I
12.03.2015 16.30-18.00 h
Prof. Dr. A. Bauer, Mannheim
Introduction to Biomedical Ethics II
Prof. Dr. T. Langmann, Köln
Microglia in the Retina: Just Bystander or Target for Therapy
Prof. Dr. A. Fabarius, Mannheim
Inter- and Intra-Species Cross Contamination, Misidentification and Selection in Cell Cultures
Prof. Dr. R. Schlingemann, Amsterdam
Diabetic retinopathy – experimental and clinical innovations beyond VEGF
Prof. Dr. M. Schiffer, Hannover
Can we heal the actin cytoskeletton? Novel ways to interfere with proteinuria
Vascular Biology, Seminar room, 4. Floor Tridomus House C
Events 2015
25.03.-27.03. 2015
Spring School
11.05.-13.05. 2015
Joint Meeting (GRK 1302, GRK 1874/1)
Schloss Maurach, Bodensee
Autumn School
Heidelberg (IWH)
16.10.-17.10. 2016
2. Heidelberg International Symposium on Diabetic Complications (HIDC)
Workshops/Courses 2015
Scientific Writing
ZMF, S 02, S 06, S 07
Prof. Dr. H.P. Hammes
Presentation Skills
UMM, Mueller-Raum
Dr. M. Noke-Hammes
Presentation Skills
UMM, Mueller-Raum
Dr. M. Noke-Hammes
Method Workshops 2015
30.03.2015 - 01.04.2015
Investigation of the function of isolated vessel preparations
CBTM, Ludolf-Krehl-Str. 13-17, Tridomus-Building 117, 2-4
Prof. Dr. R. Schubert, n.n.
Combined Confocal and Two-Photon Laser Scanning Microscopy
Core Facility LIMA, CBTM Tridomus House C, Floor 4, AG Treede
Dr. J. Bucher
19.05.2015 -20.05.2015
Identification of cell phenotypes in tissue sections by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy
Tridomus, Room C517 (experiments in B111)
Prof. Dr. J. Kzhyshkowska, Dr. V. Ryabov
Introduction into laser confocal microscopy
ZMF (House 42), Floor 3, Room 3225
Dr. B. Kränzlin
24.11.2015 - 25.11.2015
Detection of reactive oxygen species and resulting protein modifications in cultured cells and tissues
Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, INF 326, Heidelberg
T. Wiedenmann, PD Dr. A. Wagner