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Neurologist and MCTN director Michael Platten and psychiatrist and CEO Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg from the Central Institute of Mental Health are listed among the world's most cited scientists in the category “cross field”.
The recently published list of "Highly Cited Researchers” is an international evaluation that names researchers whose publications have been cited most frequently worldwide in their respective fields or who have achieved an outstanding publication record across several disciplines.
Prof. Michael Platten and Prof. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg are listed in the "Cross-Field" category. This is to recognize influence across disciplines, especially among researchers who are increasingly working across disciplinary boundaries. Neurologist Michael Platten develops novel personalized immunotherapeutic approaches for glioma patients, including mutation-specific vaccination and targeted T-cell therapies. Psychiatrist Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg is developing novel treatments for severe mental disorders, particularly schizophrenia. To do so, he uses multimodal imaging, genetics, and environmental sensing techniques to characterize brain networks underlying risk for mental illness and cognitive dysfunction.
Press release of the University of Heidelberg (German Language):
15.11.2023 Universität Heidelberg mit twelve "Highly Cited Researchers"
Highly Cited Researchers
Further information about the Clarivate ranking and single results