Sie befinden sich hier

Prof. Dr. Martin Schmelz

Prof. Dr. Christian Schultz

Prof. Dr. Simon Wiegert
Personal Members

Prof. Dr. Tobias Banaschewski
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Central Institute of Mental Health

Prof. Dr. Nima Etminan

Prof Dr. Christoph Groden

Prof. Dr. Falk Kiefer
Addiction Research, Neuroscience
Central Institute of Mental Health

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Central Institute of Mental Health

Prof. Dr. Lucas Schirmer

Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Kinfe
Neuromodulation and Neuroprosthetics
Prof. Dr. Christian Schmahl
Psychosomatics & Psychotherapeutic Medicine - Experimental Psychopathology
Central Institute of Mental Health