Sie befinden sich hier
Medical Director of the Department of Addictive Behaviour and Addiction Medicine
Professor of Addiction Research, Heidelberg University
Central Institute of Mental Health
Department of Addictive Behaviour and Addiction Medicine
RG Translational Addiction Research
Addiction Research, Neuroscience
The research interests of Prof. Kiefer focus on the development of novel treatments for addictive behaviours through an application of targeted psycho- and pharmacotherapies based on neuroimaging, genetics and neuroendocrinology in interaction with psychosocial and environmental factors.
National and international joint research projects
DFG: CRC/TRR 265 “Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories To Mechanisms To Interventions”, co-spokesperson. Duration: 2019 – 2023 (1st funding phase)
Subproject A03“Stress-related predictor profiles for craving and relapse in human addiction”
Subproject C04 “Modification of cue reactivity by neurofeedback in human addiction”.
BMBF: A systems-medicine approach towards distinct and shared resilience and pathological mechanisms of substance use disorders (SySMedSUDs). Duration: 2019 – 2023
BMBF: Towards Targeted Oxytocin Treatment in Alcohol Addiction (Target-OXY). Duration: 2019 – 2023
BMBF: Addiction: Early Recognition and Intervention Across the Lifespan (AERIAL). Duration: 2015 – 2020, coordinator site Mannheim
Subproject 1: Development of neurobehavioral signatures and mechanism-based interventions for SUD in adolescents
Subproject 6: Mechanisms of addiction: social exclusion, risk and resilience prediction, and adapted interventions
Subproject 7: Epigenetics and alcohol use disorders
EU (Horizon2020): Systems Biology of Alcohol Addiction (Sybil-AA): Modeling and validating disease state networks in human and animal brains for understanding pathophysiolgy, predicting outcomes and improving therapy. Duration: 01/2016 – 12/2019
Legend: DFG = German Research Foundation, BMBF = Federal Ministry of Education and Research, EU = European Union
Selected publications
- Test–retest reliability of neural alcohol cue‐reactivity: Is there light at the end of the magnetic resonance imaging tube?
Bach P, Reinhard I, Koopmann A, Bumb JM, Sommer W H, Vollstädt‐Klein S, Kiefer F. (2022) Addict Biol. 27(1):e13069 - Oxytocin attenuates neural response to emotional faces in social drinkers: an fMRI study.
Bach P, Koopmann A, Bumb JM, Zimmermann S, Bühler S, Reinhard I, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Vollstädt-Klein S, Kiefer F. (2021) Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1(5):873-882 - Leptin predicts cortical and subcortical gray matter volume recovery in alcohol dependent patients: A longitudinal structural magnetic resonance imaging study.
Bach P, Koopmann A, Bumb JM, Vollstädt-Klein S, Reinhard I, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Wiedemann K, Kiefer F. (2020) Horm Behav 124:104749 - Reconsolidation impairment of reward memory by stimulating stress response.
Dinter C, Hermann D, Heckmann J, Hill H, Reinhard I, Vollstädt-Klein S, Kirsch P, Kiefer F. (2020) Addict Biol 25(1):e12712 - Ghrelin modulates mesolimbic reactivity to alcohol cues in alcohol-addicted subjects: a functional imaging study.
Koopmann A, Bach P, Schuster R, Bumb JM, Vollstädt-Klein S, Reinhard I, Rietschel M, Witt SH, Wiedemann K, Kiefer F. (2019) Addict Biol 24(5):1066-1076 - Effects of D-cycloserine on extinction of mesolimbic cue-reactivity: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Kiefer F, Kirsch M, Bach P, Hoffmann S, Reinhard I, Jorde A, von der Goltz C, Mann K, Loeber S, Vollstädt-Klein S. (2015) Psychopharmacol 232:2353-62 - Genetic Variation in the Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Transcription Factor GATA4 Modulates Amygdala Responsiveness in Alcohol Dependence.
Jorde A, Bach P, Witt SH, Becker K, Reinhard I, Vollstädt-Klein S, Kirsch M, Hermann D, Charlet K, Beck A, Wimmer L, Frank J, Treutlein J, Spanagel R, Mann K, Walter H, Heinz A, Rietschel M, Kiefer F. (2014) Bio. Psychiatry 75(10):790-7 - Association of leptin with food cue-induced activation in human reward pathways.
Grosshans M, Vollmert C, Vollstädt-Klein S, Tost H, Leber S, Bach P, Bühler M, von der Goltz, Mutschler J, Loeber S, Hermann D, Wiedemann K, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Kiefer F. (2012) Arch Gen Psychiat 69(5):529-37 - Effects of Cue-Exposure Treatment on Neural Cue Reactivity in Alcohol Dependence: A Randomized Trial.
Vollstädt-Klein S, Loeber S, Kirsch M, Bach P, Richter A, Fauth-Bühler M, von der Goltz C, Hermann D, Mann K, Kiefer F. (2011) Biol Psychiatry 69(11):1060-6 - Comparing and combining naltrexone and acamprosate in relapse prevention of alcoholism: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Kiefer F, Jahn H, Tarnaske T, Helwig H, Briken P, Holzbach R, Kämpf P, Stracke R, Baehr M, Naber D, Wiedemann K. (2003) Arch Gen Psychiat 60: 92-99
Central Institute of Mental Health
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68159 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 1703-3501