Sie befinden sich hier
A special feature of MIISM are mechanisms for fast translation of the results into clinical practice. These are based on the extraordinarily proven and close bi-directional cooperation with the clinical departments of the university medicine in the processing of common scientific questions: In this way, new technologies and findings find their way into clinical trials more quickly. Conversely, the scientific solutions identified in the course of the cooperation provide new topics for the further development of technical-scientific approaches. Taking into account the social relevance, the consequences of research with regard to the extension or replacement of human decision-making functions are a building block that will be inherently anchored in MIISM. In particular, MIISM's close integration into daily clinical practice and medical research is a unique selling point.
Anika Strittmatter receives best poster prize at the STMM Summer Symposium 2024
At this year’s summer symposium of the School of Translational Medicine, Anika Strittmatter was awarded a best poster prize for her work on „Deep Learning-Based Multistep Deformable Medical Image Registration for Multimodal Minimal-Invasive Image-Guided Intervention“
The presented work has now also been published in the journal IEEE Access:
A. Strittmatter and F. Zöllner. Multistep Networks for Deformable Multimodal Medical Image Registration. IEEE Access, 2024, 12, pp.82676-82692 .
Auszeichnung als Editor's Pick
Wissenschaftliche Publikation aus der Computerunterstützten Klinischen Medizin vom Journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine als besondere Empfehlung ausgewählt.
Wirtschaftsministerium fördert das Projekt DeepRAY
Mithilfe der KI lebensbedrohliche Erkrankungen der Bauchschlagader sicher erkennen und schneller behandeln
Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine
Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Theodor Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim
Core Members
Prof. Dr. Frank Anton Giordano
Prof. Dr. Martin Lablans
Prof. Dr. Björn Wängler
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser
Prof. Dr. Michael Neumaier
Prof. Dr. Jan Stallkamp
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schönberg