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F. Zöllner and E. Ilicak.
Editorial for "Quantitative Characterization of Respiratory Pattern on Dynamic High Temporal Resolution MRI to Stratify Patients by Cardiopulmonary Symptom Burden.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 60 (6), pp.2470-2471 .
F. Zöllner and M. Sadick.
Editorial for "Cotyledon-Specific Flow Evaluation of Rhesus Macaque Placental Injury using Ferumoxytol Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI".
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2024, 60 (5), pp.2205-2206 .
H. Kerl, H. Baazaoui, K. Herrmann, A. Adlung, N. Ludwig, L. Hausner, L. Frölich, L. Schad, C. Groden and S. Mohamed.
Sodium signal intensity of CSF using 1H-guided 23Na-MRI as a potential noninvasive biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease.
J Neuroimaging, 2024, 34 (5), pp.619-626 .
S. Bollmann, T. Küstner, Q. Tao and F. Zöllner.
Artificial intelligence in medical physics.
Z Med Phys, 2024, 34 (2), pp.177-178 .
E. Ilicak, G. Thater, S. Özdemir, J. Zapp, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg, F. Zöllner and M. Weis.
Functional lung imaging of 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair using dynamic mode decomposition MRI.
Eur Radiol, 2024, 34 (6), pp.3761-3772
C. Licht, S. Reichert, M. Bydder, J. Zapp, S. Corella, M. Guye, F. Zöllner, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Low-rank reconstruction for simultaneous Double Half-Echo 23Na and undersampled 23Na Multi-Quantum Coherences MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 92 (4), pp.1440-1455
M. Ruttorf, J. Filip, T. Schaible, M. Weis and F. Zoellner.
White Matter Integrity Differences in 2-year-old Children Treated with ECMO: A Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Study.
medRxiv, 2024, , p.2024.03.11.24304090 .
A. Strittmatter and F. Zöllner.
Multistep Networks for Deformable Multimodal Medical Image Registration.
IEEE Access, 2024, 12, pp.82676-82692 .
S. Reichert, V. Schepkin, D. Kleimaier, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
23Na Triple Quantum MR Signal Extraction Using a Single-pulse Sequence with Single Quantum Time Efficiency.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 92 (3), pp.900-915 .
A. Raj, A. Allababidi, H. Kayed, A. Gerken, J. Müller, S. Schönberg, F. Zöllner and J. Rink.
Streamlining acute Abdominal Aortic Dissection management - an AI based CT imaging workflow.
J Digit Imaging. Inform. med., 2024, .
R. Floca, J. Bohn, C. Haux, B. Wiestler, F. Zöllner, A. Reinke, J. Weiß, M. Nolden, S. Albert, T. Persigehl, T. Norajitra, B. Baeßler, M. Dewey, R. Braren, M. Büchert, E. Fallenberg, N. Galldiks, A. Gerken, M. Götz, H. Hahn, J. Haubold, T. Haueise, N. Große Hokamp, M. Ingrisch, A. Iuga, M. Janoschke, M. Jung, L. Kiefer, P. Lohmann, J. Machann, J. Moltz, J. Nattenmüller, T. Nonnenmacher, B. Oerther, A. Othman, F. Peisen, F. Schick, L. Umutlu, B. Wichtmann, W. Zhao, S. Caspers, H. Schlemmer, C. Schlett, K. Maier-Hein and F. Bamberg.
Radiomics Workflow Definition & Challenges - German Priority Program 2177 Consensus Statement on Clinically Applied Radiomics.
Insights Imaging, 2024, 15 (1), p.124 .
S. Bollmann, T. Küstner, Q. Tao and F. Zöllner.
Artificial intelligence in medical physics.
Z Med Phys, 2024, 34 (2), pp.177-178 .
A. Raj, F. Tollens, A. Caroli, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
Automated prognosis of renal function decline in ADPKD patients using deep learning.
Z Med Phys, 2024, 34 (2), pp.330-342 .
S. Reichert, V. Schepkin, D. Kleimaier, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Comparison of triple quantum (TQ) TPPI and inversion recovery TQ TPPI pulse sequences at 9.4 and 21.1T.
NMR Biomed, 2024, 37, p.e5106 .
A. Strittmatter, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Deep Learning-Based Affine Medical Image Registrationfor Multimodal Minimal-Invasive Image-GuidedInterventions - A Comparative Study onGeneralizability.
Z Med Phys, 2024, 34 (2), pp.291-317 .
P. Weidner, D. Saar, M. Söhn, T. Schroeder, F. Zöllner, Y. Yu, N. Ponelies, X. Zhou, A. Zwicky, F. and Vijaya R. Pattabiraman, M. Tanriver, A. Bauer, H. and Simon M. Ametamey, P. Riffel, R. Seger, J. Bode, R. Wade, M. Ebert, B. Kragelund and E. Burgermeister.
Myotubularin-related-protein-7 inhibits mutant (G12V) K-RAS by directinteraction.
Cancer Lett, 2024, 588, p.216783 .
M. Ruttorf, J. Filip, T. Schaible, M. Weis and F. Zoellner.
White Matter Integrity Differences in 2-year-old Children Treated with ECMO: A Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Study.
medRxiv, 2024, , p.2024.03.11.24304090 .
S. Özdemir, E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility of undersampled spiral trajectories in MREPT for fast conductivity imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 91 (4), pp.1567-1575 .
C. Licht, S. Reichert, M. Guye, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Multidimensional compressed sensing to advance 23Na multi?quantum coherences MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 91 (3), pp.926-941 .
A. Raj, A. Gass, P. Eisele, A. Dabringhaus, M. Kraemer and F. Zöllner.
A Generalizable Deep Voxel-Guided Morphometry Algorithm for the Detection of Subtle Lesion Dynamics in Multiple Sclerosis.
Front. Neurosci., 2024, 18, p.1326108 .
D. Feinberg, A. Beckett, A. Vu, J. Stockmann, L. Huber, S. Ma, S. Ahn, K. Setsompop, X. Cao, S. Park, C. Liu, L. Wald, J. Polimeni, A. Mareyam, B. Gruber, R. Stirnberg, C. Liao, E. Yacoub, M. Davids, P. Bell, E. Rummert, M. Koehler, A. Potthast, I. Gonzalez-Insua, S. Stocker, S. Gunamony and P. Dietz.
Next-generation MRI scanner designed for ultra-high-resolution human brain imaging at 7 Tesla.
Nat Methods, 2023, 20, pp.2048-2057 .
S. Said, Z. Yang, P. Clauser, N. Ruiter, P. Baltzer and T. Hopp.
Estimation of the biomechanical mammographic deformation of the breast using machine learning models.
Clin Biomech, 2023, 110, p.106117
C. Tönnes, C. Licht, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
VirtMRI: A Tool for Teaching MRI.
J Med Syst, 2023, 47 (1) .
M. Bozic-Iven, S. Rapacchi, Q. Tao, I. Pierce, G. Thornton, C. Nitsche, T. Treibel, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Improved reproducibility for myocardial ASL: Impact of physiological and acquisition parameters.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 91 (1), pp.118-132 .
M. Ruttorf, Z. Tal, L. Amaral, F. Fang, Y. Bi and J. Almeida.
Neuroplastic changes in functional wiring in sensory cortices of the congenitally deaf: A network analysis.
Human Brain Mapp 2023, 44, p 6523-6536 .
F. Zöllner and D. Nörenberg.
Clinical Implementation of Image Processing in Kidney MRI.
In: Advanced Clinical MRI of the Kidney. , Springer International Publishing, , 2023, pp.77-88 .
B. Wichtmann, Q. Fan, L. Eskandarian, T. Witzel, U. Attenberger, C. Pieper, L. Schad, B. Rosen, L. Wald, S. Huang and A. Nummenmaa.
Linear multi-scale modeling of diffusion MRI data: A framework for characterization of oriented structures across length scales.
Hum Brain Mapp, 2023, 44 (4), pp.1496-1514 .
H. Tan, S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, A. Lee, S. Gerhardt, M. Gerchen, W. Sommer, F. Kiefer, L. Schad and S. Vollstädt-Klein.
Association between iron accumulation in the dorsal striatum and compulsive drinking in alcohol use disorder.
Psychopharmacology, 2023, 240 (2), pp.249-257 .
A. Strittmatter, A. Caroli and F. Zöllner.
Multistage Rigid-Affine-Deformable Network for Three-Dimensional Multimodal Medical Image Registration.
Appl. Sci, 2023, 13, p.13298 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Vendramini, N. Ferris, L. Schad, D. Sosnovik, C. Nguyen, L. Wald and B. Guerin.
Prediction of experimental cardiac magnetostimulation thresholds using pig-specific body models.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 90 (4), pp.1594-1609 .
F. Zöllner, A. Caroli and N. Selby.
Editorial for „Perfusion and T2 relaxation time as predictors of severity and outcome in sepsis-associated acute kidney injury: a preclinical MRI study".
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2023, 58 (6), pp.1964-1965 .
S. Albert, B. Wichtmann, W. Zhao, A. Maurer, J. Hesser, U. Attenberger, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparison of Image Normalization Methods for Multi-Site Deep Learning.
Appl Sci, 2023, 13 (15), p.8923 .
C. Tönnes and F. Zöllner.
Feature-Oriented CBCT Self-Calibration Parameter Estimator for Arbitrary Trajectories: FORCAST-EST.
Appl Sci, 2023, 13 (16), p.9179 .
E. Ilicak, S. Özdemir, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Dynamic MRI for Assessment of Pulmonary Ventilation and Perfusion.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 90 (2), pp.761-769 .
B. Mosch, V. Hagena, S. Herpertz, M. Ruttorf and M. Diers.
Neural correlates of control over pain in fibromyalgia patients.
NeuroImage: Clinical, 2023, 37, p. 103355.
A. Raj, F. Tollens, A. Caroli, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
Automated Prognosis of Renal Function Decline in ADPKD Patients using Deep Learning.
medRxiv, 2023,
E. Ilicak, E. Saritas and T. Çukur.
Automated Parameter Selection for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction via Low-Rank Modeling of Local k-Space Neighborhoods.
Z Med Phys, 2022, 33 (2), pp.203-219 .
M. Sadick, L. Hofmann, C. Weiß, B. Tuschy, S. Schönberg and F. Zöllner.
Long-term evaluation of uterine fibroid embolisation using MRI perfusion parameters and patient questionnaires: preliminary results.
BMC Med Imaging. 2022;22(1):214.
V. Klein, J. Coll-Font, L. Vendramini, D. Straney, M. Davids, N. Ferris , L. Schad, D. Sosnovik, C. Nguyen, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Measurement of magnetostimulation thresholds in the porcine heart.
Magn Reson Med 2022;88(5):2242-2258.
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L.L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Erratum to "Investigating Cardiac Stimulation Limits of MRI Gradient Coils Using Electromagnetic and Electrophysiological Simulations in Human and Canine Body Models"
(MRM 2021, 85[2]:1047-1061). Magn Reson Med 2022;88(3):1480-1483.
T. Ismail, W. Strugnell, C. Coletti, M. Božić-Iven, S. Weingärtner, K. Hammernik, T. Correia and T. Küstner.
Cardiac MR: From Theory to Practice.
Front Cardiovasc Med 2022;9:826283.
M. Hoesl, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Volumetric 23Na Single and Triple-Quantum Imaging at 7T: 3D-CRISTINA.
Z Med Phys 2022;32(2):199-208.
S. Hatamikia, A. Biguri, G. Herl, G. Kronreif, T. Reynolds, J. Kettenbach, T. Russ, A. Tersol, A. Maier, M. Figl, J. Siewerdsen and W. Birkfellner.
Source-detector trajectory optimization in cone-beam computed tomography: a comprehensive review on today's state-of-the-art.
Phys Med Biol 2022;67(16).
S. Grudzenski, S. Heger, A. de Jonge, J. Schipp, E. Dumont, B. Larrat, L. Schad, M. Platten and M. Fatar.
Simulation, Implementation and Measurement of Defined Sound Fields for Blood-Brain Barrier Opening in Rats.
Ultrasound Med Biol 2022;48(3):422-436.
Q. Fan, C. Eichner, M. Afzal, L. Mueller, C. Tax, M. Davids, M. Mahmutovic, B. Keil, B. Bilgic, K. Setsompop, H. Lee, Q. Tian, C. Maffei, G. Ramos-Llordén, A. Nummenmaa, T. Witzel, A. Yendiki, Y. Song, C. Huang, C. Lin, N. Weiskopf, A. Anwander, D. Jones, B. Rosen, L. Wald and S. Huang.
Mapping the human connectome using diffusion MRI at 300 mT/m gradient strength: Methodological advances and scientific impact.
Neuroimage 2022;254:118958.
M. Davids, B. Guerin and L. Wald.
A Huygens' surface approach to rapid characterization of peripheral nerve stimulation.
Magn Reson Med 2022;87(1):377-393.
A. Adlung, C. Licht, S. Reichert, S. Özdemir, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, A. Gass, E. Prost and L. Schad.
Quantification of tissue sodium concentration in the ischemic stroke: A comparison between external and internal references for 23Na MRI.
J Neurosci Methods 2022;382:109721.
D. Bauer, A. Adlung, I. Brumer, A. Golla, T. Russ, E. Oelschlegel, F. Tollens, S. Clausen, P. Aumüller, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
An anthropomorphic pelvis phantom for MR-guided prostate interventions.
Magn Reson Med, 2022, 87 (3), pp.1605-1612.
D. Bauer, C. Ulrich, T. Russ, A. Golla, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
End-to-End Deep Learning CT Image Reconstruction for Metal Artifact Reduction.
Appl. Sci., 2022, 12 (1), p.404.
D. Bauer, J. Rosenkranz, A. Golla, C. Tönnes, I. Hermann, T. Russ, G. Kabelitz, A. Rothfuss, L. Schad, J. Stallkamp and F. Zöllner.
Validation of an oligometastatic disease diagnosis workow 1using an abdominal phantom.
Med Phys, 2022, 49 (7), pp.4445-4454.
S. Bech, H. Qi, C. Mariager, E. Hansen, E. Ilicak, F. Zöllner and C. Laustsen.
The number of glomeruli and pyruvate metabolism is not strongly coupled in the healthy rat kidney.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2022, 87 (2), pp.896-903.
A. de Boer, G. Villa, O. Bane, M. Bock, E. Cox, I. Dekkers, P. Eckerbom, M. Fernández-Seara, S. Francis, B. Haddock, M. Hall, P. Barrientos, I. Hermann, P. Hockings, H. Lamb, C. Laustsen, R. Lim, D. Morris, S. Ringgaard, S. Serai, K. Sharma, S. Sourbron, Y. Takehara, A. Wentland, M. Wolf, F. Zöllner, F. Nery and A. Caroli.
Consensus-based technical recommendations for clinical translation of renal phase contrast MRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2022, 55 (2), pp.323-335.
I. Brumer, E. Vita, J. Ashmore, J. Jarosz and M. Borri.
Reproducibility of MRI-based white matter tract estimation using multi-fiber probabilistic tractography: effect of user-defined parameters and regions.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2022, 35 (3), pp.365-373.
I. Brumer, D. Bauer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Synthetic Arterial Spin Labeling MRI of the Kidneys for Evaluation of Data Processing Pipeline.
Diagnostics, 2022, 12 (8), p.1854.
M. Bucolo, M. Rance, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, G. Stella, N. Monarca, J. Andoh and H. Flor.
Cortical networks underlying successful control of nociceptive processing using real-time fMRI.
Front Pain Res, 2022, 3, p.969867.
H. Ekhtiari, P. Ghobadi-Azbari, A. Thielscher, A. Antal, L. Li, A. Shereen, Y. Cabral-Calderin, D. Keeser, T. Bergmann, A. Jamil, I. Violante, J. Almeida, M. Meinzer, H. Siebner, A. Woods, C. Stagg, R. Abend, D. Antonenko, T. Auer, M. Bächinger, C. Baeken, H. Barron, H. Chase, J. Crinion, A. Datta, M. Davis, M. Ebrahimi, Z. Esmaeilpour, B. Falcone, V. Fiori, I. Ghodratitoostani, G. Gilam, R. Grabner, J. Greenspan, G. Groen, G. Hartwigsen, T. Hauser, C. Herrmann, C. Juan, B. Krekelberg, S. Lefebvre, S. Liew, K. Madsen, R. Mahdavifar-Khayati, N. Malmir, P. Marangolo, A. Martin, T. Meeker, H. Ardabili, M. Moisa, D. Momi, B. Mulyana, A. Opitz, N. Orlov, P. Ragert, C. Ruff, G. Ruffini, M. Ruttorf, A. Sangchooli, K. Schellhorn, G. Schlaug, B. Sehm, G. Soleimani, H. Tavakoli, B. Thompson, D. Timmann, A. Tsuchiyagaito, M. Ulrich, J. Vosskuhl, C. Weinrich, M. Zare-Bidoky, X. Zhang, B. Zoefel and M. Bikson.
A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies (ContES checklist): a consensus study and statement.
Nat Protoc, 2022, 17, pp. 596 - 617.
V. Groß, K. Zahn, K. Maurer, L. Wessel, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, C. Weiß, F. Zöllner and M. Weis.
MR lung perfusion measurements in adolescents after congenital diaphragmatic hernia: correlation with spirometric lung function tests.
Eur Radiol, 2022, 32, pp. 2572–2580.
J. Hong, I. Hermann, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Wang, W. Lee, Y. Chen, Y. Chang and Y. Wu.
Acceleration of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Denoising and Self-Attention Pyramidal Convolutional Neural Network.
Sensors, 2022, 22(3), 1260.
L. Huber, D. Gvaramia, J. Kern, Y. Jakob, F. Zöllner, D. Hirsch, R. Breiter, R. Brenner and R. Nicole.
In situ regeneration of nasal septal defects using acellular cartilage enhanced with platelet-derived growth factor.
Journal of Tissue Engineering, 2022, 13, p.204173142211144.
E. Ilicak, S. Özdemir, L. Schad, M. Weis, S. Schoenberg, F. Zöllner and J. Zapp.
Phase-Cycled bSSFP Imaging for Non-Contrast-EnhancedFunctional Lung Imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2022, 8 (4), pp.1764-1774.
M. Malzacher, L. Schad and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Comparison of time and frequency domain solvers for magnetic resonance coils at different field strengths using a single computational platform.
J. Electromagn., RF, Microw. Med. Biol., 2022, 6(1), pp. 46 – 152.
A. Raj, F. Tollens, L. Hansen, A. Golla, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
Deep Learning-Based Total Kidney Volume Segmentation in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Using Attention, Cosine Loss, and Sharpness Aware Minimization.
Diagnostics, 2022, 12 (5), p.1159
C. Tönnes, T. Russ, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feature-based CBCT Self-Calibration forArbitrary Trajectories.
Int J CARS, 2022, 17 (11), pp.2151-2159.
B. Wichtmann, S. Albert, W. Zhao, A. Maurer, C. Rödel, R. Hofheinz, J. Hesser, F. Zöllner and U. Attenberger.
Are We There Yet? The Value of Deep Learning in a Multicenter Setting for Response Prediction of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy.
Diagnostics, 2022, 12 (7), p.1601.
A. Adlung, N. Paschke, A. Golla, D. Bauer, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
23Na MRI in ischemic stroke: Acquisition time reduction using postprocessing with convolutional neural networks.
NMR Biomed, 2021, 34 (4), p.e4474.
A. Adlung, M. Samartzi, L. Schad, E. Neumaier-Probst, M. Fatar and S. A. Mohamed.
Tissue Sodium Concentration within White Matter Correlates with the Extent of Small Vessel Disease.
Cerebrovasc Dis, 2021, 50, pp.347-355.
D. Bauer, T. Russ, B. Waldkirch, C. Tönnes, W. Segars, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and A. Golla.
Generation of annotated multimodal ground truth datasets for abdominal medical image registration.
Int J Comput Ass Rad, 2021, 16 (8), pp.1277-1285.
M. Davids, B. Guerin, V. Klein and L. Wald.
Optimization of MRI Gradient Coils with Explicit Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Constraints.
IEEE Trans Med Imag, 2021, 40 (1), pp.129-142.
P. Eisele, M. Kraemer, A. Dabringhaus, C. Weber, A. Ebert, M. Platten, L. Schad and A. Gass.
Characterization of chronic active multiple sclerosis lesions with sodium ( 23 Na) magnetic resonance imaging\textemdashpreliminary observations.
Eur. J. Neurol., 2021, 28 (7), pp.2392-2395.
A. Golla, D. Bauer, R. Schmidt, T. Russ, D. Nörenberg, K. Chung, C. Tönnes, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Convolutional Neural Network EnsembleSegmentation with Ratio-based Sampling for theArteries and Veins in Abdominal CT Scans.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2021, 68 (5), pp.1518-1526.
A. Golla, C. Tönnes, T. Russ, D. Bauer, M. Froelich, S. Diehl, S. Schoenberg, M. Keese, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and J. Rink.
Automated Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in CT scans under clinical conditions using Deep Learning.
Diagnostics, 2021, 1(11), p. 2131,
J. Grist, E. Hansen, F. Zöllner and C. Laustsen.
Sodium ( Na) MRI of the Kidney: Basic Concept.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. , Springer US, 2021 , 15:, pp.257-266
J. Grist, E. Hansen, F. Zöllner and C. Lautsen.
Sodium ( 23Na) MRI of the Kidney: Experimental Protocol.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US, 2021, 28:, pp.473-480.
J. Grist, E. Hansen, F. Zöllner and C. Laustsen.
Analysis Protocol for Renal Sodium ( 23Na) MR Imaging.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US, 2021, 41:, pp.689-696.
S. Hatamikia, A. Biguri, G. Kronreif, M. Figl, T. Russ, J. Kettenbach, M. Buschmann and W. Birkfellner.
Toward on-the-fly trajectory optimization for C-arm CBCT under strong kinematic constraints.
PLOS ONE, February 2021, 16 (2), p.e0245508.
D. Hausmann, D. Kreul, M. Klarhöfer, D. Nickel, R. Grimm, B. Kiefer, P. Riffel, U. Attenberger, F. Zöllner and R. Kubik-Huch.
Morphological and functional assessment of the uterus: “one-stop shop imaging” using a compressed-sensing accelerated, free-breathing T1-VIBE sequence.
Acta Radiol, 2021, 62 (5), p.695–704.
I. Hermann, T. Shchetynska-Marinova, K. Amendt, A. Hohneck, S. Schönberg, F. Zöllner and M. Sigl.
First experiences of local pulse wave velocity measurements in 4D-MRI in focally stented femoropopliteal arteries.
Vasa, 2021, 50, pp. 468-474.
I. Hermann, E. Martínez-Heras, B. Rieger, R. Schmidt, A. Schnurr, J. Hong, W. Lee, W. Yu-Te, M. Nagetegaal, E. Solana, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad, S. Weingärtner and F. Zöllner.
Accelerated white matter lesion analysis based on simultaneous T1 and T2* quantification using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting and Deep Learning.
Magn Reson Med, 2021, 86 (1), pp.471-486.
I. Hermann, A. Golla, E. Martinez-Heras, R. Schmidt, E. Solana, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Lesion probability mapping in MS patients using a regression network on MRFingerprinting.
BMC Medical Imaging, 2021, 21 (1), p.107.
I. Hermann, P. Kellman, O. Demirel, M. Akcakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Free-breathing simultaneous T1, T2 and T2* quantificationin the myocardium.
Magn Reson Med, 2021, 86 (3), pp.1226-1240.
P. Irrera, L. Consolino, W. Dastru, M. Pedersen, F. Zöllner and D. Longo.
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI-Derived Renal Perfusion and Filtration: Experimental Protocol.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. , Springer US, 2021, 25:, pp.429-44.
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Investigating cardiac stimulation limits of MRI gradient coils using electromagnetic and electrophysiological simulations in human and canine body models.
Magn Reson Med, 2021, 85, pp.1047-1061.
J. Leuschner, M. Schmidt, P. Ganguly, V. Andriiashen, S. Coban, A. Denker, D. Bauer, A. Hadjifaradji, K. Batenburg, P. Maass and M. van Eijnatten.
Quantitative Comparison of Deep Learning-Based Image Reconstruction Methods for Low-Dose and Sparse-Angle CT Applications.
J Imaging, 2021, 7 (3), p.44.
S. Merat, T. Blümlein, M. Klarhöfer, D. Nickel, G. Singer, F. Zöllner, S. Schoenberg, R. Kubik-Huch, D. Hausmann and L. Hefermehl.
Impact of Chronic Prostatitis on the PI-RADS Score 3: Proposal for Addition of Novel Binary Suffix.
Diagnostics, 2021, 21 (4), p.623.
S. Mohamed, K. Herrmann, A. Adlung, N. Paschke, L. Hausner, L. Frölich, L. Schad, C. Groden and H. Kerl.
Evaluation of Sodium (23Na) MR-imaging as a Biomarker and Predictor for Neurodegenerative Changes in Patients With Alzheimer Disease.
In Vivo, 2021, 35 (1), pp.429-435.
M. Pedersen, P. Irrera, W. Dastru, F. Zöllner, K. Bennett, S. Beeman, G. Bretthorst, J. Garbow and D. Longo.
Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DCE) MRI–Derived Renal Perfusion and Filtration: Basic Concepts.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US, 2021, 12:, pp.205-227.
C. Tönnes, S. Janssen, A. Schnurr, T. Uhrig, K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Deterministic Arterial Input Function selection in DCE-MRI for automation of quantitativeperfusion calculation of colorectal cancer.
Magn. Reson. Imaging, 2021, 75, pp.116-123.
F. Tollens, N. Westhoff, J. von Hardenberg, S. Clausen, M. Ehmann, F. Zöllner, A. Adlung, D. Bauer, S. Schoenberg and D. Nörenberg.
[MRI-guided minimally invasive treatment of prostate cancer]..
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C. Weber, K. Nagel, A. Ebert, C. Roßmanith, N. Paschke, A. Adlung, M. Platten, L. Schad, A. Gass and P. Eisele.
Diffusely appearing white matter in multiple sclerosis: insights from sodium (23Na) MRI.
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 2021, 49, p.102752.
K. Yan, J. Zheng, F. Zöllner, K. Schwenke, P. Pallavi and M. Keese.
A Modified Surgical Model of Hind Limb Ischemia in ApoE-/- Mice Using a Miniature Incision.
J. Visualized Exp., 2021, (171), p.e62402.
F. Zöllner, W. Dastru, P. Irrera, D. Longo, K. Bennett, S. Beeman, G. Bretthorst and J. Garbrow.
Analysis Protocol for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI 2of Renal Perfusion and Filtration.
In: A. Pohlmann and T. Niendorf. Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US, 2021, 38:, pp.637-653.
F. Zöllner, M. Kocinski, L. Hansen, A. Golla, A. Trbalic, A. Lundervold, A. Materka and P. Rogelj.
Kidney segmentation in renal magnetic resonance imaging \textendash current status and prospects.
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S. Albert, D. Brivio, S. Aldelaijan, E. Sajo, J. Hesser and P. Zygmanski.
Towards customizable thin-panel low-Z detector arrays: electrode design for increased spatial resolution ion chamber arrays.
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I. Brumer, E. De Vita, J. Ashmore, J. Jarosz and M. Borri.
Implementation of clinically relevant and robust fMRI-based language lateralization: Choosing the laterality index calculation method.
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J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Maunder, M. Rao, G. Norquay, O. Rodgers, M. Clemence, C. Puddu, L. Schad and J. Wild.
Dissolved hyperpolarized xenon-129 MRI in human kidneys.
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J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Kee, P. Spincemaille, T. Nguyen, S. Hubertus, A. Gupta and Y. Wang.
Cluster analysis of time evolution (CAT) for quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and quantitative blood oxygen level-dependent magnitude (qBOLD)-based oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) mapping.
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M. Davids, B. Guerin, V. Klein, M. Schmelz, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Optimizing selective stimulation of peripheral nerves with arrays of coils or surface electrodes using a linear peripheral nerve stimulation metric.
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G. Villa, S. Ringgaard, I. Hermann, R. Noble, P. Brambilla, D. Khatir, F. Zöllner, S. Francis, N. Selby, A. Remuzzi and A. Caroli.
Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging to assess renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2020, 33, pp.3-21 .
S. Hatamikia, A. Biguri, G. Kronreif, J. Kettenbach, T. Russ, H. Furtado, L. Shiyam Sundar, M. Buschmann, E. Unger, M. Figl, D. Georg and W. Birkfellner.
Optimization for customized trajectories in cone beam computed tomography..
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D. Hausmann, F. Zöllner and R. Kubik-Huch.
Editorial for "Qualitative and Quantitative Reporting of a Unique Biparametric MRI: Towards Biparametric MRI-Based Nomograms for Prediction of Prostate Biopsy Outcome in Men With a Clinical Suspicion of Prostate Cancer (IMPROD and MULTI-IMPROD Trials)".
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2020, 51 (5), pp.1568-1569 .
I. Hermann, J. Chacon-Caldera, I. Brumer, B. Rieger, S. Weingärtner, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for simultaneous renal T1 and T2* mapping in a single breath-hold.
Magn Reson Med, 2020, 83 (6), pp.1940-1948 .
I. Hermann, T. Uhrig, J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Towards measuring the effect of flow in blood T1 assessed in a flow phantom and in vivo..
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M. Hoesl, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Efficient 23Na triple-quantum signal imaging on clinical scanners: Cartesian imaging of single and triple-quantum 23Na (CRISTINA).
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R. Hu, D. Kleimaier, M. Malzacher, M. Hoesl, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
X-nuclei imaging: Current state, technical challenges, and future directions.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2020, 51 (2), pp.355-376 .
S. Huang, Q. Tian, Q. Fan, T. Witzel, B. Wichtmann, J. McNab, J. Daniel Bireley, N. Machado, E. Klawiter, C. Mekkaoui, L. Wald and A. Nummenmaa.
High-gradient diffusion MRI reveals distinct estimates of axon diameter index within different white matter tracts in the in vivo human brain.
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P. Irrera, L. Consolino, J. Cutrin, F. Zöllner and D. Longo.
Dual assessment of kidney perfusion and pH by exploiting a dynamic CEST-MRI approach in an acute kidney ischemia reperfusion injury murine model.
NMR Biomed, 2020, 33 (6), p.e4287 .
D. Kleimaier, S. Goerke, C. Nies, M. Zaiss, P. Kunz, P. Bachert, M. Ladd, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
The cellular heat shock response monitored by chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI..
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D. Kleimaier, V. Schepkin, R. Hu and L. Schad.
Protein conformational changes affect the sodium triple-quantum MR signal..
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D. Kleimaier, V. Schepkin, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Intracellular Sodium Changes in Cancer Cells Using a Microcavity Array-Based Bioreactor System and Sodium Triple-Quantum MR Signal.
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S. Mohamed, A. Adlung, A. Ruder, M. Hoesl, L. Schad, C. Groden, F. Giordano and E. Neumaier-Probst.
MRI Detection of Changes in Tissue Sodium Concentration in Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Feasibility Study..
Journal of Neuroimaging, 2020, 31 (2), pp.297-305 .
S. Mohamed, A. Adlung, A. Ruder, M. Hoesl, L. Schad, C. Groden, F. Giordano and E. Neumaier-Probst.
MRI Detection of Changes in Tissue Sodium Concentration in Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Feasibility Study.
J. Neuroimaging, 2020, 31 (2), pp.297-305 .
F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, X. Fuchs, M. Rance and N. Beyer.
Brain-behaviour correlates of habitual motivation in chronic back pain.
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F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, X. Fuchs, M. Rance and N. Beyer.
Volumetric brain correlates of approach-avoidance behavior and their relation to chronic back pain.
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B. Wichtmann, F. Zöllner, U. Attenberger and S. Schönberg.
Multiparametric MRI in the diagnosis of prostate cancer:Physical foundations, limitations and prospective advancesof diffusion-weighted MRI?.
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F. Zöllner, A. Šerifovic-Trbalic, G. Kabelitz, M. Kocinski, A. Materka and P. Rogelj.
Image Registration in Dynamic Renal MRI - Current status and prospects.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2020, 33, pp.33-48 .
F. Zöllner.
MRI based nanoparticle imaging.
In: E. Sajo and P. Zygmanski. Nanoparticle Enhanced Radiation Therapy. IOP Series in Global Health and Radiation Oncology. , IOP Publishing, , 2020, 13:, pp.13-1to13-11
M. Akçakaya, S. Moeller, S. Weingärtner and K. Ugurbil.
Scan-specific robust artificial-neural-networks for k-space interpolation (RAKI) reconstruction: Database-free deep learning for fast imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2019, 81, pp.439-453 .
M. Bydder, W. Zaaraoui, B. Ridley, M. Soubrier, M. Bertinetti, S. Confort-Gouny, L. Schad, M. Guye and J. Ranjeva.
Dynamic Na MRI - A non-invasive window on neuroglial-vascular mechanisms underlying brain function.
NeuroImage, 2019, 184, pp.771-780 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, A. Vom Endt, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Prediction of peripheral nerve stimulation thresholds of MRI gradient coils using coupled electromagnetic and neurodynamic simulations.
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M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Modeling for MRI.
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M. Donadieu, Y. Le Fur, A. Maarouf, S. Gherib, B. Ridley, L. Pini, S. Rapacchi, S. Confort-Gouny, M. Guye, L. Schad, A. Maudsley, J. Pelletier, B. Audoin, W. Zaaraoui and J. Ranjeva.
Metabolic counterparts of sodium accumulation in multiple sclerosis: A whole brain Na-MRI and fast H-MRSI study.
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P. Eisele, S. Konstandin, K. Szabo, A. Ebert, C. Roßmanith, N. Paschke, M. Kerschensteiner, M. Platten, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and A. Gass.
Temporal evolution of acute multiple sclerosis lesions on serial sodium (23Na) MRI.
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A. Grapperon, B. Ridley, A. Verschueren, A. Maarouf, S. Confort-Gouny, E. Fortanier, L. Schad, M. Guye, J. Ranjeva, S. Attarian and W. Zaaraoui.
Quantitative Brain Sodium MRI Depicts Corticospinal Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
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B. Guerin, M. Iacono, M. Davids, D. Dougherty, L. Angelone and L. Wald.
The 'virtual DBS population': five realistic computational models of deep brain stimulation patients for electromagnetic MR safety studies.
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D. Hausmann, T. Niemann, D. Kreul, A. Nocito, M. Klarhöfer, D. Nickel, B. Kiefer, U. Attenberger, F. Zöllner and R. Kubik-Huch.
Free-breathing dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging of the upper abdomen using a Cartesian compressed-sensing sequence with hard-gated and motion-state-resolved reconstruction.
Invest Radiol, 2019, 54 (11), pp.728-736 .
M. Hoesl, D. Kleimaier, R. Hu, M. Malzacher, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
23 Na Triple-quantum signal of in vitro human liver cells, liposomes, and nanoparticles: Cell viability assessment vs. separation of intra- and extracellular signal.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2019, 50 (2), pp.435-444 .
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Comparison of gradient echo and gradient echo sampling of spin echo sequence for the quantification of the oxygen extraction fraction from a combined quantitative susceptibility mapping and quantitative BOLD (QSM+qBOLD) approach.
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S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Using an artificial neural network for fast mapping of the oxygen extraction fraction with combined QSM and quantitative BOLD.
Magn Reson Med, 2019, 82 (6), pp.2199-2211 .
P. Illert, B. Wängler, C. Wängler, F. Zöllner, T. Uhrig, S. Litau, M. Pretze and T. Röder.
Functionalizable composite nanoparticles as a dual MRI/CT contrast agent for medical imaging.
J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 2019, 136 (19), p.47571 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Wald, L. Schad and B. Guerin.
Sensitivity analysis of neurodynamic and electromagnetic simulation parameters for robust prediction of peripheral nerve stimulation.
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M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
Feasibility study of a double resonant (1 H/ 23Na) abdominal RF setup at 3T.
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M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
Feasibility study of a double resonant 8-channel 1H/ 8-channel 23Na receive-only head coil at 3 Tesla.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2019, 59, pp.97-104 .
M. Meyer, S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Budjan, J. Morelli, L. Schad, H. Kerl, S. Schoenberg and C. Kabbasch.
Repeatability and reproducibility of cerebral Na imaging in healthy subjects.
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M. Meyer, A. Schmidt, J. Benrath, S. Konstandin, L. Pilz, M. Harrington, J. Budjan, M. Meyer, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and S. Haneder.
Cerebral sodium (Na) magnetic resonance imaging in patients with migraine - a case-control study.
Eur Radiol, 2019, 29, pp.7055-7062 .
W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, M. Malzacher, V. Kossmann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Risk assessment of copper containing contraceptives: The impact for women with implanted intrauterine devices during clinical MRI and CT examinations.
Eur Radiol, 2019, 29 (6), pp.2812-2820 .
W. Neumann, T. Pusch, M. Siegfarth, L. Schad and J. Stallkamp.
CT and MRI compatibility of flexible 3D-printed materials for soft actuators and robots used in image-guided interventions.
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T. Russ, S. Goerttler, A. Schnurr, D. Bauer, S. Hatamikia, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and K. Chung.
Synthesis of CT images from digital body phantoms using CycleGAN.
Int J CARS, 2019, 14 (10), pp.1741-1750 .
M. Ruttorf, S. Kristensen, L. Schad and J. Almeida.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Alters Functional Network Structure in Humans: A Graph Theoretical Analysis.
IEEE T Med Imaging, 2019, 38 (12), pp.2829-2837 .
M. Sadick, J. Richers, B. Tuschy, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility of quantitative MR-perfusion imaging to monitor treatment response after uterine artery embolization (UAE) in symptomatic uterus fibroids.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2019, 59, pp.31-38 .
A. Schnurr, K. Chung, T. Russ, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Simulation-Based Deep Artifact Correction with Convolutional Neural Networks for Limited Angle Artifacts.
Z Med Phys, 2019, 29 (2), pp.150-161 .
M. Shahdloo, E. Ilicak, M. Tofighi, E. Saritas, A. Cetin and T. Cukur.
Projection onto Epigraph Sets for Rapid Self-Tuning Compressed Sensing MRI.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2019, 38, pp.1677-1689 .
A. Wahl, M. Löffler, L. Hausner, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees and L. Frölich.
Case Report: A Giant Arachnoid Cyst Masking Alzheimer's Disease.
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F. Zidda, M. Griebe, A. Ebert, M. Ruttorf, C. Roßmanith, A. Gass, J. Andoh, F. Nees and K. Szabo.
Resting-state connectivity alterations during transient global amnesia.
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E. Biyik, E. Ilicak and T. Çukur.
Reconstruction by calibration over tensors for multi-coil multi-acquisition balanced SSFP imaging.
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J. Bluemink, M. Hoesl, E. Seravalli, C. Van den Berg, B. Raaymakers and J. Visser.
PO-0920: Proton planning on segmented CTs for head and neck tumors.
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2018, 127, pp.S494-S495 .
J. Budjan, E. Sauter, F. Zöllner, A. Lemke, J. Wambsganss, S. Schoenberg and U. Attenberger.
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of the Liver at 3 Tesla – In vivo Comparison to Standard Diffusion Weighted Imaging.
Acta Radiologica, 2018, 59, pp.18-25 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Fischer, M. Malzacher, Y. Vetter, M. Davids, M. Flöser, C. Stumpf and L. Schad.
Evaluation of stacked resonators to enhance the performance of a surface receive-only array for prostate MRI at 3 Tesla.
Magn. Reson. Imaging, 2018, 53, pp.164-172 .
K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Tomosynthesis implementation with adaptive online calibration on clinical C-arm systems.
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K. Demberg, F. Laun, M. Bertleff, P. Bachert and T. Kuder.
Experimental determination of pore shapes using phase retrieval from q-space NMR diffraction.
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S. Domsch, B. Mürle, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Oxygen extraction fraction mapping at 3 Tesla using an artificial neural network: A feasibility study.
Magn Reson Med, 2018, 79, pp.890-899 .
Q. Fan, A. Nummenmaa, B. Wichtmann, T. Witzel, C. Mekkaoui, W. Schneider, L. Wald and S. Huang.
A comprehensive diffusion MRI dataset acquired on the MGH Connectome scanner in a biomimetic brain phantom.
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Q. Fan, A. Nummenmaa, B. Wichtmann, T. Witzel, C. Mekkaoui, W. Schneider, L. Wald and S. Huang.
Validation of diffusion MRI estimates of compartment size and volume fraction in a biomimetic brain phantom using a human MRI scanner with 300?mT/m maximum gradient strength.
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B. Gozcu, R. Mahabadi, Y. Li, E. Ilicak, T. Cukur, J. Scarlett and V. Cevher.
Learning-Based Compressive MRI.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2018, 37, pp.1394-1406 .
N. Kassner, M. Weis, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Histogram based Analysis of Lung Perfusion of Children after Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2018, 48, pp.42-49 .
M. Malzacher, M. Davids, L. Schad and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Evaluating the effects of receive-only arrays in specific absorption rate simulations at 3 and 7 T.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2018, 53, pp.7-13 .
M. Malzacher, R. Hu, J. Chacon-Caldera and L. Schad.
Reducing signal-to-noise ratio degradation due to coil coupling in a receiver array for 35Cl MRI at 9.4 Tesla: A comparison of matching and decoupling strategies.
Concept Magn Reson B, 2018, 48 (2), p.e21383 .
N. Meßner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, T. Papavassiliu, L. Schad, S. Weingärtner and F. Zöllner.
Saturation-Recovery Myocardial T1-Mapping during Systole: Accurate and Robust Quantification in the Presence of Arrhythmia.
Sci Rep, 2018, 8, p.5251 .
C. Möhler, T. Russ, P. Wohlfahrt, A. Elter, A. Runz, C. Richter and S. Greilich.
Experimental verification of stopping-power prediction from single- and dual-energy computed tomography in biological tissues.
Phys. Med. Biol, 2018, 63 (2), p.025001 .
W. Neumann, A. Bichert, J. Fleischhauer, A. Stern, R. Figuli, M. Wilhelm, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A novel 3D printed mechanical actuator using centrifugal force for magnetic resonance elastography: initial results in an anthropomorphic prostate phantom.
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W. Neumann, V. Lehnart, Y. Vetter, A. Bichert, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Coupled actuators with a mechanically synchronized phase during MR elastography: a phantom feasibility study.
Concept Magn Reson B, 2018, 48B, p.e21403 .
N. Paschke, W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, M. Winkler, E. Probst, M. Fatar, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Influence of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents on Tissue Sodium Quantification in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Invest Radiol, 2018, 53 (9), pp.555-562 .
B. Rieger, M. Akçakaya, J. Pariente, S. Llufriu, E. Martinez-Heras, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Time efficient whole-brain coverage with MR Fingerprinting using slice-interleaved echo-planar-imaging.
Sci Rep, 2018, 8, p.6667 .
M. Ruttorf, S. Kristensen, L. Schad and J. Almeida.
Transcranial direct current stimulation alters functional network structure in humans.
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C. Stumpf, M. Malzacher and L. Schmidt.
Radio Frequency Modeling of Receive Coil Arrays for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
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S. Sudarski, T. Henzler, T. Floss, T. Gaa, M. Meyer, H. Haubenreisser, S. Schoenberg and U. Attenberger.
Variability and Reproducibility of 3rd-generation dual-source dynamic volume perfusion CT Parameters in Comparison to MR-perfusion Parameters in Rectal Cancer.
Sci Rep, 2018, 8, p.6868 .
S. Weingärtner, C. Shenoy, B. Rieger, L. Schad, J. Schulz-Menger and M. Akçakaya.
Temporally resolved parametric assessment of Z-magnetization recovery (TOPAZ): Dynamic myocardial T1 mapping using a cine steady-state look-locker approach.
Magn Reson Med, 2018, 79 (4), pp.2087-2100 .
F. Zidda, J. Andoh, S. Pohlack, T. Winkelmann, R. Dinu-Biringer, J. Cavalli, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees and H. Flor.
Default mode network connectivity of fear- and anxiety-related cue and context conditioning.
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J. Almeida, A. Martins, F. Bergström, L. Amaral, A. Freixo, A. Ganho Ávila, S. Kristensen, D. Lee, J. Nogueira and M. Ruttorf.
Polarity-specific transcranial Direct Current Stimulation effects on object-selective neural responses in the Inferior Parietal Lobe.
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Z. Alnewaini, E. Langer, P. Schaber, M. Davids, D. Kretz, V. Steil and J. Hesser.
Real-time, ray casting-based scatter dose estimation for c-arm x-ray system.
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M. Bertleff, S. Domsch, F. Laun, T. Kuder and L. Schad.
1D and 2D diffusion pore imaging on a preclinical MR system using adaptive rephasing: Feasibility and pulse sequence comparison.
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M. Bertleff, S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp, K. O'Brien, M. Barth and L. Schad.
Diffusion parameter mapping with the combined intravoxel incoherent motion and kurtosis model using artificial neural networks at 3 T.
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J. Cavalli, M. Ruttorf, M. Rosero Pahi, F. Zidda, H. Flor and F. Nees.
Oxytocin differentially modulates pavlovian cue and context fear acquisition.
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J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Malzacher and L. Schad.
Partially orthogonal resonators for magnetic resonance imaging.
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M. Davids, B. Guerin, M. Malzacher, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Predicting Magnetostimulation Thresholds in the Peripheral Nervous System using Realistic Body Models.
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P. Eisele, S. Konstandin, K. Szabo, M. Ong, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and A. Gass.
Sodium MRI of T1 high signal intensity in the dentate nucleus due to gadolinium deposition in multiple sclerosis.
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T. Gaa, M. Reinhart, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, P. Soukup, O. Jäkel and M. Martisikova.
Visualization of air and metal inhomogeneities in phantoms irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions.
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T. Gaa, W. Neumann, S. Sudarski, U. Attenberger, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparison of perfusion models for quantitative T1 weighted DCE-MRI of rectal cancer.
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S. Geraci, J. Chacon-Caldera, L. Cullen-McEwen, L. Schad, C. Sticht, V. Puelles, J. Bertram and N. Gretz.
Combining new tools to assess renal function and morphology: a holistic approach to study the effects of aging and a congenital nephron deficit.
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S. Grudzenski, S. Baier, A. Ebert, P. Pullens, A. Lemke, K. Bieback, R. Dijkhuizen, L. Schad, A. Alonso, M. Hennerici and M. Fatar.
The effect of adipose tissue-derived stem cells in a middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model depends on their engraftment rate.
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C. Henzler, F. Zöllner, M. Weis, F. Zimmer, S. Schoenberg, K. Zahn, T. Schaible and K. Neff.
Cerebral Perfusion After Repair of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia with Common Carotid Artery Occlusion After ECMO Therapy.
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E. Ilicak, L. Senel, E. Biyik and T. Çukur.
Profile-encoding reconstruction for multiple-acquisition balanced steady-state free precession imaging.
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J. Kather, A. Weidner, U. Attenberger, Y. Bukschat, C. Weis, M. Weis, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Color-coded visualization of magnetic resonance imaging multiparametric maps.
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J. Kather, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Melchers, H. Sinn, A. Marx, T. Gaiser and C. Weis.
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B. Rieger, F. Zimmer, J. Zapp, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
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Technische Grundlagen der Prostata-MRT.
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S. Weick, M. Völker, K. Hemberger, C. Meyer, P. Ehses, B. Polat, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, C. Fink, L. Schad and . .
Desynchronization of Cartesian k-space sampling and periodic motion for improved retrospectively self-gated 3D lung MRI using quasi-random numbers.
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S. Weingärtner, N. Meßner, F. Zöllner, M. Akçakaya and L. Schad.
Black-Blood Native T1 Mapping: Blood Signal Suppression for Reduced Partial-Voluming in the Myocardium.
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S. Weingärtner, F. Zimmer, G. Metzger, K. Ugurbil, P. Van de Moortele and M. Akçakaya.
Motion-robust cardiac B1+ mapping at 3T using interleaved bloch-siegert shifts.
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S. Weingärtner, S. Moeller, S. Schmitter, E. Auerbach, P. Kellman, C. Shenoy and M. Akçakaya.
Simultaneous multislice imaging for native myocardial T1 mapping: Improved spatial coverage in a single breath-hold.
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J. Zapp, S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Gaussian signal relaxation around spin echoes: Implications for precise reversible transverse relaxation quantification of pulmonary tissue at 1.5 and 3 Tesla.
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F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger, B. Yard, B. Krämer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Quantitative Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Measurements in Rat Models of Renal Transplantation and Acute Kidney Injury at 3T.
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M. Akçakaya, S. Weingärtner, T. Basha, S. Roujol, S. Bellm and R. Nezafat.
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J. Budjan, H. Haubenreisser, T. Henzler, S. Sudarski, M. Schmidt, C. Doesch, I. Akin, M. Borggrefe, N. Meßner, S. Schoenberg, U. Attenberger and T. Papavassiliu.
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J. Budjan, U. Benck, A. Lammert, M. Ong, M. Mircheva, S. Diehl, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, B. Krämer, S. Schoenberg and S. Haneder.
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J. Chacón-Caldera, S. Geraci, P. Krämer, L. Cullen-McEwen, J. Bertram, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
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M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guerin.
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P. Eisele, S. Konstandin, M. Griebe, K. Szabo, M. Wolf, A. Alonso, A. Ebert, J. Serwane, C. Rossmanith, M. Hennerici, L. Schad and A. Gass.
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E. Gottwald, A. Neubauer and L. Schad.
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J. Jang, S. Bellm, S. Roujol, T. Basha, M. Nezafat, S. Kato, S. Weingärtner and R. Nezafat.
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N. Kartalis, G. Manikis, L. Loizou, N. Albiin, F. Zöllner, M. Del Chiaro, K. Marias and N. Papanikolaou.
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Statin Therapy and the Development of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-A Rodent in Vivo Approach.
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B. Reuter, A. Venus, P. Heiler, L. Schad, A. Ebert, M. Hennerici, S. Grudzenski and M. Fatar.
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P. Riffel, F. Zöllner, J. Budjan, R. Grimm, K. Block, S. Schoenberg and D. Hausmann.
'One-stop Shop': Free-breathing Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Kidney Using Iterative Reconstruction and Continuous Golden-Angle Radial Sampling.
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M. Schwerter, F. Lietzmann and L. Schad.
A novel approach for a 2D/3D image registration routine for medical tool navigation in minimally invasive vascular interventions.
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M. Tibiletti, A. Kjorstad, A. Bianchi, L. Schad, D. Stiller and V. Rasche.
Multistage self-gated lung imaging in small rodents.
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B. Trimborn, P. Meyer, D. Kunka, M. Zuber, F. Albrecht, S. Kreuer, T. Volk, T. Baumbach and T. Koenig.
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S. Weingärtner, N. Meßner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, U. Mattler, T. Papavassiliu, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Myocardial T1-mapping at 3T using saturation-recovery: reference values, precision and comparison with MOLLI.
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M. Weis, V. Sommer, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg and K. Neff.
Region of interest-based versus whole-lung segmentation-based approach for MR lung perfusion quantification in 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair.
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M. Weis, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, S. Schoenberg, K. Zahn, T. Schaible and K. Neff.
MR lung perfusion in 2-year old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair– comparison of children after ECMO therapy and children without ECMO requirement.
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F. Wetterling, E. Chatzikonstantinou, L. Tritschler, S. Meairs, M. Fatar, L. Schad and S. Ansar.
Investigating potentially salvageable penumbra tissue in an in vivo model of transient ischemic stroke using sodium, diffusion, and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging.
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M. Wicking, F. Steiger, F. Nees, S. Diener, O. Grimm, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, T. Winkelmann, G. Wirtz and H. Flor.
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T. Winkelmann, O. Grimm, S. Pohlack, F. Nees, R. Cacciaglia, R. Dinu-Biringer, F. Steiger, M. Wicking, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Brain morphology correlates of interindividual differences in conditioned fear acquisition and extinction learning.
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F. Zimmer, K. O'Brien, S. Bollmann, J. Pfeuffer, K. Heberlein and M. Barth.
Pulsed arterial spin labelling at ultra-high field with a B 1 (+) -optimised adiabatic labelling pulse.
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F. Zöllner, S. Konstandin, J. Lommen, J. Budjan, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and S. Haneder.
Quantitative Sodium MRI of Kidney.
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F. Zöllner, T. Gaa, F. Zimmer, M. Ong, P. Riffel, D. Hausmann, S. Schoenberg and M. Weis.
Quantitative Perfusionsbildgebung in der Magnetresonanztomographie.
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F. Zöllner, M. Daab, S. Sourbron, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and G. Weisser.
An open source software for analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance images: UMMPerfusion revisited.
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M. Akçakaya, T. Basha, S. Weingärtner, S. Roujol, S. Berg and R. Nezafat.
Improved quantitative myocardial T2 mapping: Impact of the fitting model.
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M. Akçakaya, S. Weingärtner, S. Roujol and R. Nezafat.
On the selection of sampling points for myocardial T1 mapping.
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A. Bianchi, M. Tibiletti, Å. Kjørstad, G. Birk, L. Schad, B. Stierstorfer, V. Rasche and D. Stiller.
Three-dimensional accurate detection of lung emphysema in rats using ultra-short and zero echo time MRI.
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A. Bianchi, M. Tibiletti, Å. Kjørstad, G. Birk, L. Schad, B. Stierstorfer, D. Stiller and V. Rasche.
Functional Proton MRI in Emphysematous Rats.
Invest Radiol, 2015, 50 (12), pp.812-820 .
D. Corteville, Å. Kjørstad, T. Henzler, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Fourier Decomposition pulmonary MRI using a variable flip angle bSSFP technique.
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M. Davids, M. Ruttorf, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Fast and robust design of time-optimal k-space trajectories in MRI.
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S. Domsch, J. Zapp, L. Schad, F. Nees, H. Hill, D. Hermann, K. Mann and S. Vollstädt-Klein.
Optimized Protocol for High Resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3T using Single-Shot Echo Planar Imaging.
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E. Eikefjord, E. Andersen, J. Monssen, E. Hodneland, E. Hanson, F. Zöllner, A. Lundervold, E. Svarstad and J. Rørvik.
Use of 3D DCE-MRI for the estimation of renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) - an intra-subject comparison of FLASH and KWIC with a comprehensive framework for evaluation.
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K. Emblem, M. Pinho, F. Zöllner, P. Due-Tonnessen, J. Hald, D. Scheie, L. Schad, T. Meling, O. Rapalino and A. Bjornerud.
A Generic SVM Model for Preoperative Glioma Survival Associations.
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I. Fellhauer, F. Zöllner, J. Schröder, C. Degen, L. Kong, M. Essig, P. Thomann and L. Schad.
Comparison of automated brain segmentation using a brain phantom and patients with early Alzheimer's dementia or mild cognitive impairment.
Psychiat Res-Neuroim, 2015, 233 (3), pp.299-305 .
S. Haneder, J. Budjan, S. Schoenberg, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, R. Hofheinz, V. Gramlich, F. Wenz, F. Lohr and J. Boda-Heggemann.
Dose-dependent changes in renal (1)H-/ (23)Na MRI after adjuvant radiochemotherapy for gastric cancer.
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S. Haneder, F. Giordano, S. Konstandin, S. Brehmer, K. Buesing, P. Schmiedek, L. Schad, F. Wenz, S. Schoenberg and M. Ong.
(23)Na-MRI of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme after intraoperative radiotherapy: technical note.
Neuroradiology, 2015, 57 (3), pp.321-326 .
D. Harder and L. Schad.
25 Jahre "Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik".
Z Med Phys, 2015, 25 (1), pp.6-12 .
J. Kather, A. Marx, C. Reyes-Aldasoro, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and C. Weis.
Continuous representation of tumor microvessel density and detection of angiogenic hotspots in histological whole-slide images.
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J. Kather, C. Weis, A. Marx, A. Schuster, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
New colors for histology: optimized bivariate color maps increase perceptual contrast in histological images.
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A. Kjorstad, D. Corteville, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Non-invasive Quantitative Pulmonary V/Q imaging using Fourier Decomposition MRI at 1.5T.
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F. Klappenbach, M. Bertleff, J. Kostinek, F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, A. Agusti-Panareda, M. Razinger and A. Butz.
Accurate mobile remote sensing of XCO2 and XCH4 latitudinal transects from aboard a research vessel.
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L. Kong, C. Herold, F. Zöllner, D. Salat, M. Lässer, L. Schmid, I. Fellhauer, P. Thomann, M. Essig, L. Schad, K. Erickson and J. Schröder.
Comparison of grey matter volume and thickness for analyzing cortical changes in chronic schizophrenia: A matter of surface area, grey/white matter intensity contrast and curvature.
Psychiat Res-Neuroimaging, 2015, 231, pp.176-183 .
S. Konstandin, P. Krämer, M. Günther and L. Schad.
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging using ultra-short echo time sequences with anisotropic resolution and uniform k-space sampling.
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M. Meyer, H. Haubenreisser, R. Raupach, B. Schmidt, F. Lietzmann, C. Leidecker, T. Allmendinger, T. Flohr, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and T. Henzler.
Initial results of a new generation dual source CT system using only an in-plane comb filter for ultra-high resolution temporal bone imaging.
Eur Radiol, 2015, 25 (1), pp.178-185 .
E. Neumaier-Probst, S. Konstandin, J. Ssozi, C. Groden, M. Hennerici, L. Schad and M. Fatar.
A double-tuned 1 H/ 23 Na resonator allows 1 H-guided 23 Na-MRI in ischemic stroke patients in one session.
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N. Paschke, O. Dössel, T. Schaeffter, C. Prieto and C. Kolbitsch.
Comparison of image-based and reconstruction-based respiratory motion correction for golden radial phase encoding coronary MR angiography.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2015, 42 (4), p.964–971 .
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, R. Cacciaglia, T. Winkelmann, L. Schad, S. Witt, M. Rietschel and H. Flor.
Neural mechanism of a sex-specific risk-variant for posttraumatic stress disorder in the PAC1 receptor.
Biol Psychiat, 2015, 78 (12), pp.840-847 .
S. Roujol, M. Foppa, S. Weingärtner, W. Manning and R. Nezafat.
Adaptive registration of varying contrast-weighted images for improved tissue characterization (ARCTIC): Application to T1 mapping.
Magn. Reson. Med., 2015, 73 (4), p.1469–1482 .
S. Roujol, T. Basha, S. Weingärtner, M. Akçakaya, S. Berg, W. Manning and R. Nezafat.
Impact of Motion Correction on Reproducibility and Spatial Variability of Quantitative Myocardial T2 Mapping.
J Cardiov Magn R, 2015, 17, p.46 .
V. Schulz, M. Straub, M. Mahlke, S. Hubertus, T. Lammers and F. Kiessling.
A Field Cancellation Signal Extraction Method for Magnetic Particle Imaging.
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A. Torresin, M. Brambilla, A. Monti, A. Moscato, M. Brockmann, L. Schad, U. Attenberger and F. Lohr.
Review of potential improvements using MRI in the radiotherapy workflow.
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B. Ubl, C. Kuehner, P. Kirsch, M. Ruttorf, H. Flor and C. Diener.
Altered neural reward and loss processing and prediction error signalling in depression.
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B. Ubl, C. Kuehner, P. Kirsch, M. Ruttorf, H. Flor and C. Diener.
Neural reward processing in individuals remitted from major depression.
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S. Weingärtner, M. Akçakaya, S. Roujol, T. Basha, C. Stehning, K. Kissinger, B. Goddu, S. Berg, W. Manning and R. Nezafat.
Free-breathing post-contrast three-dimensional T1 mapping: Volumetric assessment of myocardial T1 values.
Magn Reson Med, 2015, 73 (1), pp.214-222 .
S. Weingärtner, M. Akçakaya, S. Roujol, T. Basha, C. Tschabrunn, S. Berg, E. Anter and R. Nezafat.
Free-breathing combined three-dimensional phase sensitive late gadolinium enhancement and T1 mapping for myocardial tissue characterization.
Magn Reson Med, 2015, 74 (4), p.1032–1041 .
S. Weingärtner, F. Wetterling, S. Konstandin, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst and L. Schad.
Scan time reduction in (23)Na-magnetic resonance imaging using the chemical shift imaging sequence: Evaluation of an iterative reconstruction method.
Z Med Phys, 2015, 25 (3), pp.275-286 .
S. Weingärtner, S. Roujol, M. Akcakaya, T. Basha and R. Nezafat.
Free-breathing multislice native myocardial T1 mapping using the slice-interleaved T1 (STONE) sequence.
Magn Reson Med, 2015, 74 (1), pp.115-124 .
C. Weis, B. Grießmann, C. Scharff, C. Detzner, E. Pfister, A. Marx and F. Zöllner.
On the representation of cells in bone marrow pathology by a scalar field: Propagation through serial sections, co-localization and spatial interaction analysis.
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A. Wujcicki, D. Corteville, A. Materka and L. Schad.
Perfusion and ventilation filters for Fourier-decomposition MR lung imaging.
Z Med Phys, 2015, 25 (1), pp.66-76 .
F. Zöllner, F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger and L. Schad.
Functional imaging of acute kidney injury at 3 Tesla: Investigating multiple parameters using DCE-MRI and a two-compartment filtration model.
Z Med Phys, 2015, 25 (1), pp.58-65 .
F. Zöllner, M. Daab, M. Weidner, V. Sommer, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, G. Weisser, S. Schoenberg, K. Neff and L. Schad.
Semi-automatic Lung Segmentation of DCE-MRI Data Sets of 2-year old Children after Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair: Initial Results.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2015, 33 (10), p.1345–1349 .
S. Baier, P. Krämer, S. Grudzenski, M. Fatar, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Chlorine and sodium chemical shift imaging during acute stroke in a rat model at 9.4 Tesla.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (1), pp.71-80 .
M. Danisch, R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
Bilaterale 23Na-MR-Bildgebung der Mamma und Quantifizierung der Natriumkonzentration.
Z Med Phys, 2014, 24 (1), pp.65-72 .
M. Davids, F. Zöllner, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, H. Flor, G. Schumann and L. Schad and the IMAGEN Consortium.
Fully-automated quality assurance in multi-center studies using MRI phantom measurements.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2014, 32, pp.771-780 .
S. Domsch, M. Mie, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Non-invasive multiparametric qBOLD approach for robust mapping of the oxygen extraction fraction.
Z Med Phys, 2014, 24 (3), pp.231-242 .
I. Elabyad, R. Kalayciyan, N. Shanbhag and L. Schad.
First in vivo Potassium-39 (39K) MRI at 9.4 T using conventional copper radio frequency surface coil cooled to 77 K.
IEEE T Biomed Eng, 2014, 61 (2), pp.334-345 .
K. Emblem, P. Due-Tonnessen, J. Hald, A. Bjornerud, M. Pinho, D. Scheie, L. Schad, T. Meling and F. Zöllner.
Machine Learning in Pre-operative Glioma MRI: Survival Associations by Perfusion-based SVM Outperforms Traditional MRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2014, 40, pp.47-54 .
S. Haneder, M. Ong, J. Budjan, R. Schmidt, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Kerl.
(23)Na - MR of the human lumbar vertebral discs: in-vivo measurements at 3.0T in healthy volunteers and patients with low back pain.
Spine J, 2014, 14 (7), pp.1343-1350 .
S. Haneder, H. Michaely, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, J. Morelli, B. Krämer, S. Schoenberg and A. Lammert.
3T Renal (23)Na-MRI: effects of desmopressin in patients with central diabetes insipidus.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (1), pp.47-52 .
J. Kather, J. Friedrich, N. Woik, C. Sticht, N. Gretz, H. Hammes and J. Kroll.
Angiopoietin-1 is regulated by miR-204 and contributes to corneal neovascularization in KLEIP deficient mice.
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J. Kather and J. Kroll.
Transgenic mouse models of corneal neovascularization: new perspectives for angiogenesis research.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2014, 55 (11), pp.7637-7651 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, E. Hodneland, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quantitative Lung Ventilation using Fourier Decomposition MRI; Comparison and Initial Study.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (6), pp.467-476 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, A. Fischer, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quantitative Lung Perfusion Evaluation using Fourier Decomposition Perfusion MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2014, 72 (2), pp.558-562 .
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
30 years of sodium/X-nuclei magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (1), pp.1-4 .
S. Konstandin and A. Nagel.
Measurement techniques for magnetic resonance imaging of fast relaxing nuclei.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (1), pp.5-19 .
A. Maarouf, B. Audoin, S. Konstandin, A. Rico, E. Soulier, F. Reuter, A. {Le Troter}, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, M. Guye, L. Schad, J. Pelletier, J. Ranjeva and W. Zaaraoui.
Topography of brain sodium accumulation in progressive multiple sclerosis.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2014, 27 (1), pp.53-62 .
N. Meßner, F. Zöllner, R. Kalayciyan and L. Schad.
Pre-clinical Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Part II: The Heart.
Z Med Phys, 2014, 24 (4), pp.307-32 .
A. Neubauer, A. Tomé, A. Kodewitz, J. Górriz, G. Puntonet and E. Lang.
Bidimensional Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition of Functional Biomedical Images.
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N. Pannetier, M. Sohlin, T. Christen, L. Schad and N. Schuff.
Numerical modeling of susceptibility-related MR signal dephasing with vessel size measurement: Phantom validation at 3T.
Magn Reson Med, 2014, 72, pp.646-658 .
M. Rance, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Real time fMRI feedback of the anterior cingulate and posterior insular cortex in the processing of pain.
Hum Brain Mapp, 2014, 35 (12), pp.5784-5798 .
M. Rance, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Neurofeedback of the difference in activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and posterior insular cortex: two functionally connected areas in the processing of pain.
Front Behav Neurosci, 2014, 8, p.357 .
B. Reuter, S. Grudzenski, E. Chatzikonstantinou, S. Meairs, A. Ebert, P. Heiler, L. Schad, M. Staufenbiel, M. Hennerici and M. Fatar.
Thrombolysis in Experimental Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and the Risk of Secondary Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
Stroke, 2014, 45 (8), pp.2411-2416 .
S. Roujol, S. Weingärtner, M. Foppa, K. Chow, K. Kawaji, L. Ngo, P. Kellman, W. Manning, R. Thompson and R. Nezafat.
Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility of Four T1 Mapping Sequences: A Head-to-Head Comparison of MOLLI, ShMOLLI, SASHA, and SAPPHIRE.
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R. Rupp, A. Blesch, L. Schad, B. Draganski and N. Weidner.
[Novel aspects of diagnostics and therapy of spinal cord diseases].
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M. Sack, F. Wetterling, A. Sartorius, G. Ende and W. Weber-Fahr.
Signal-to-noise ratio of a mouse brain (13) C CryoProbe™ system in comparison with room temperature coils: spectroscopic phantom and in vivo results.
NMR Biomed, 2014, 27 (6), pp.709-715 .
M. Weidner, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and K. Neff.
High temporal versus high spatial resolution in MR quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging of 2-year old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair.
Eur Radiol, 2014, 24 (10), pp.2427-2434 .
S. Weingärtner, M. Akçakaya, T. Basha, K. Kissinger, B. Goddu, S. Berg, W. Manning and R. Nezafat.
Combined saturation/inversion recovery sequences for improved evaluation of scar and diffuse fibrosis in patients with arrhythmia or heart rate variability.
Magn Reson Med, 2014, 71 (3), pp.1024-1034 .
F. Zöllner, F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger and L. Schad.
Renal Perfusion in Acute Kidney Injury with DCE-MRI: Deconvolution analysis versus Two-Compartment Filtration Model.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2014, 32 (6), pp.781-785 .
F. Zöllner, R. Kalayciyan, J. Chacón-Caldera, F. Zimmer and L. Schad.
Pre-clinical Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Part I: The Kidney.
Z Med Phys, 2014, 24 (4), pp.286-306 .
R. Cacciaglia, F. Nees, S. Pohlack, M. Ruttorf, T. Winkelmann, S. Witt, V. Nieratschker, M. Rietschel and H. Flor.
A risk variant for alcoholism in the NMDA receptor affects amygdala activity during fear conditioning in humans.
Biol Psychol, 2013, 94 (1), pp.74-81 .
S. Domsch, J. Linke, P. Heiler, A. Kroll, H. Flor, M. Wessa and L. Schad.
Increased BOLD sensitivity in the orbitofrontal cortex using slice-dependent echo times at 3 T.
Mag Res Imag, 2013, 31 (2), pp.201-211 .
E. Gottwald, T. Kleintschek, S. Giselbrecht, R. Truckenmüller, B. Altmann, M. Worgull, J. Döpfert, L. Schad and M. Heilmann.
Characterization of a chip-based bioreactor for three-dimensional cell cultivation via Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Z Med Phys, 2013, 23 (2), pp.102-110 .
M. Graf, D. Simon, A. Lemke, K. Grünberg and S. Mang.
Toward a non-invasive screening tool for differentiation of pancreatic lesions based on intra-voxel incoherent motion derived parameters.
Z Med Phys, 2013, 23, pp.46-55 .
S. Haneder, P. Kettnaker, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative in vivo 23Na MR imaging of the healthy human kidney: determination of physiological ranges at 3.0T with comparison to DWI and BOLD.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 2013, 26 (6), pp.501-509 .
S. Haneder, S. Schönberg, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Sodium (23Na)-imaging as therapy monitoring in oncology - future prospects.
MAGNETOM Flash, 2013, 2, pp.72-77 .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Assessment of the renal corticomedullary (23)Na gradient using isotropic data sets.
Acad Radiol, 2013, 20 (4), pp.407-413 .
J. Hansmann, P. Apfaltrer, F. Zöllner, T. Henzler, M. Meyer, G. Weisser, S. Schoenberg and U. Attenberger.
Correlation analysis of dual-energy CT iodine maps with quantitative pulmonary perfusion MRI.
World J Radiol, 2013, 5 (5), pp.202-207 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker, S. Haneder, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Bilateral kidney sodium-MRI: Enabling accurate quantification of renal sodium concentration through a two-element phased array system.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2013, 38 (3), pp.564-572 .
J. Kather and J. Kroll.
Rho guanine exchange factors in blood vessels: fine-tuners of angiogenesis and vascular function.
Exp Cell Res, 2013, 319 (9), pp.1289-1297 .
S. Kirsch, M. Kreinest, G. Reisig, M. Schwarz, P. Ströbel and L. Schad.
In vitro mapping of (1) H ultrashort T2 * and T2 of porcine menisci.
NMR Biomed, 2013, 26 (9), pp.1167-1175 .
M. Klau, M. Gaida, A. Lemke, K. Grünberg, D. Simon, M. Wente, S. Delorme, H. Kauczor, L. Grenacher and B. Stieltjes.
Fibrosis and Pancreatic Lesions: Counterintuitive Behavior of the Diffusion Imaging-Derived Structural Diffusion Coefficient D.
Invest Radiol, 2013, 8 (3), p.129–133 .
S. Konstandin and A. Nagel.
Performance of Sampling Density Weighted and Postfiltered Density-Adapted Projection Reconstruction in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2013, 69 (2), pp.495-502 .
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Two-dimensional radial sodium heart MRI using variable-rate selective excitation and retrospective electrocardiogram gating with golden angle increments.
Magn Reson Med, 2013, 70 (3), pp.791-799 .
A. Merrem, F. Zöllner, M. Reich, A. Lundervold, J. Rørvik and L. Schad.
A variational approach to image registration in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the human kidney Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Mag Res Imag, 2013, 31 (5), pp.771-777 .
H. Mochizuki, U. Baumgärtner, S. Kamping, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, H. Flor, R. Kakigi and R. Treede.
Cortico-subcortical activation patterns for itch and pain.
Pain, 2013, 154 (10), pp.1989-1998 .
J. Schneider, R. Kalayciyan, M. Haas, S. Herrmann, W. Ruhm, J. Hennig and P. Ullmann.
Inner-volume imaging in vivo using three-dimensional parallel spatially selective excitation.
Magn Reson Med, 2013, 69 (5), p.1367–1378 .
S. Sourbron, M. Heilmann, C. Walczak, J. Vautier, L. Schad and A. Volk.
T2*-relaxivity contrast imaging: First results.
Magn Reson Med, 2013, 69 (5), p.1430–1437 .
F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner, S. Höger, S. Klotz, C. Tsagogiorgas, B. Krämer and L. Schad.
Quantitative Renal Perfusion Measurements in a Rat Model of Acute Kidney Injury at 3T: Testing Inter- and Intramethodical Significance of ASL and DCE-MRI.
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (1), p.e53849 .
F. Zöllner, G. Weisser, M. Reich, S. Kaiser, S. Schoenberg, S. Sourbron and L. Schad.
UMMPerfusion: An Open Source software tool for quantitative MRI perfusion analysis in clinical routine.
J Digital Imaging, 2013, 26 (2), pp.344-352 .
F. Zöllner, D. Schock-Kusch, S. Bäcker, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Simultaneous measurement of GFR by DCE-MRI and FITC-sinistrin clearance in rats at 3.0 T: Initial Results.
Plos ONE, 2013, 8 (11), p.e79992 .
M. Bucolo, M. Rance, A. Muscarello, A. Spampinato, M. Ruttorf and H. Flor.
Brain Connectivity Networks and fMRI Brain-Computer Interface.
International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2012, 14 (4), pp.154-161 .
M. Bucolo, M. Rance, A. Muscarello, A. Spampinato, M. Ruttorf and H. Flor.
Functional Neuro-Imaging and Brain Networks.
International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, 2012, 14 (2), pp.100-107 .
H. Burmeister, T. Bitter, P. Heiler, A. Irintchev, R. Fröber, M. Dietzel, P. Baltzer, L. Schad, J. Reichenbach, H. Gudziol, O. Guntinas-Lichius and W. Kaiser.
Imaging of lamination patterns of the adult human olfactory bulb and tract: In vitro comparison of standard- and high-resolution 3T MRI, and MR microscopy at 9.4T.
Neuroimage, 2012, 60, pp.1662-1670 .
C. Decker, F. Zöllner, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Comparing Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for the Enhancement of Sodium Magnetic Resonance Images.
Mag Res Imag, 2012, 30 (8), pp.1192-1200 .
S. Domsch, A. Lemke, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
A novel temporal filtering strategy for functional MRI using UNFOLD.
Neuroimage, 2012, 62 (1), pp.59-66 .
E. van Dongen, A. Takashima, M. Barth, J. Zapp, L. Schad, K. Paller and G. Fernández.
Memory stabilization with targeted reactivation during human slow-wave sleep.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109 (26), pp.10575-10580 .
G. Figueiredo, C. Brockmann, H. Boll, M. Heilmann, S. Schambach, T. Fiebig, M. Kramer, C. Groden and M. Brockmann.
Comparison of digital subtraction angiography, micro-computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography in the assessment of the cerebrovascular system in live mice.
Clin Neuroradiol, 2012, 22 (1), pp.21-28 .
J. Geleijns, E. Breatnach, A. Cantera, J. Damilakis, P. Dendy, A. Evans, K. Faulkner, R. Padovani, W. Putten, L. Schad, R. Wirestam, T. Eudaldo and . .
Core curriculum for medical physicists in radiology. Recommendations from an EFOMP/ESR working group.
Insights Imaging, 2012, 3 (3), pp.197-200 .
S. Haneder, H. Michaely, S. Schoenberg, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, K. Siebenlist, H. Wertz, F. Wenz, F. Lohr and J. Boda-Heggemann.
Assessment of renal function after conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy by functional (1)H-MRI and (23)Na-MRI.
Strahlenther Onkol, 2012, 188 (12), pp.1146-1154 .
D. Hausmann, S. Konstandin, F. Wetterling, S. Haneder, A. Nagel, D. Dinter, S. Schönberg, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Sodium Concentration Measurements in Human Prostate Tissue via Hydrogen-1 and Sodium-23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Clinical Setting at 3 T.
Invest Radiol, 2012, 47 (12), pp.677-682 .
M. Heilmann, S. Neudecker, I. Wolf, L. Gubhaju, C. Sticht, D. Schock-Kusch, W. Kriz, J. Bertram, L. Schad and N. Gretz.
Quantification of glomerular number and size distribution in normal rat kidneys using magnetic resonance imaging.
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2012, 27 (1), pp.100-107 .
T. Henzler, S. Konstandin, G. Schmid-Bindert, P. Apfaltrer, S. Haneder, F. Wenz, L. Schad, C. Manegold, S. Schoenberg and C. Fink.
Imaging of Tumor Viability in Lung Cancer: Initial Results Using 23Na-MRI.
Rofo-Fortschr Rontg, 2012, 184 (4), pp.340-344 .
H. Kerl, H. Boll, M. Ramacher, M. Heilmann, C. Groden, M. Kramer, V. Umansky and M. Brockmann.
Characterization and longitudinal monitoring of melanoma growth in ret-transgenic mice using a single-sequence MRI protocol.
Exp Dermatol, 2012, 21 (11), pp.837-841 .
F. Langhauser, P. Heiler, S. Grudzenski, A. Lemke, A. Alonso, L. Schad, M. Hennerici, S. Meairs and M. Fatar.
Thromboembolic stroke in C57BL/6 mice monitored by 9.4 T MRI using a 1H cryo probe.
Exp Transl Stroke Med, 2012, 4 (1), p.18 .
S. Li, F. Zöllner, A. Merrem, Y. Peng, J. Roervik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Wavelet-based segmentation of renal compartments in DCE-MRI of human kidney: Initial results in patients and healthy volunteers.
Comput Med Imag Grap, 2012, 36 (2), pp.108-118 .
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, U. Attenberger, S. Haneder, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
DCE-MRI of the human kidney using BLADE: A feasibility study in healthy volunteers.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2012, 35 (4), pp.868-874 .
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Activation of the ventral striatum during aversive contextual conditioning in humans.
Biol Psychol, 2012, 91 (1), pp.74-80 .
R. Rao, P. Riffel, M. Meyer, P. Kettnaker, A. Lemke, S. Haneder, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Implementation of dual-source RF excitation in 3 T MR-scanners allows for nearly identical ADC values compared to 1.5 T MR scanners in the abdomen.
PLoS One, 2012, 7 (2), p.e32613 .
S. Schuster, R. Bernewitz, G. Guthausen, J. Zapp, A. Greiner, K. Köhler and H. Schuchmann.
Analysis of W1/O/W2 double emulsions with CLSM: Statistical image processing for droplet size distribution.
Chemical Engineering Science, 2012, 81 (0), pp.84-90 .
F. Wetterling, L. Gallagher, I. Macrae, S. Junge and A. Fagan.
Regional and temporal variations in tissue sodium concentration during the acute stroke phase.
Magn Reson Med, 2012, 67 (3), pp.740-749 .
F. Wetterling, M. Högler, U. Molkenthin, S. Junge, L. Gallagher, I. Macrae and A. Fagan.
The design of a double-tuned two-port surface resonator and its application to in vivo Hydrogen- and Sodium-MRI.
J Magn Reson, 2012, 217, pp.10-18 .
F. Wetterling, D. Corteville, R. Kalayciyan, A. Rennings, S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, H. Stark and L. Schad.
Whole body sodium MRI at 3T using an asymmetric birdcage resonator and short echo time sequence: first images of a male volunteer.
Phys Med Biol, 2012, 57 (14), pp.4555-4567 .
F. Wetterling, S. Ansar and E. Handwerker.
Sodium-23 magnetic resonance imaging during and after transient cerebral ischemia: multinuclear stroke protocols for double-tuned (23)Na/(1)H resonator systems.
Phys Med Biol, 2012, 57 (21), pp.6929-6946 .
J. Wild, H. Marshall, M. Bock, L. Schad, P. Jakob, M. Puderbach, F. Molinari, E. Beek and J. Biederer.
MRI of the lung (1/3): methods.
Insights Imaging, 2012, 3 (4), pp.345-353 .
W. Zaaraoui, S. Konstandin, B. Audoin, A. Nagel, A. Rico, I. Malikova, E. Soulier, P. Viout, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, J. Pelletier, L. Schad and J. Ranjeva.
Distribution of Brain Sodium Accumulation Correlates with Disability in Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-sectional 23Na MR Imaging Study.
Radiology, 2012, 264 (3), pp.859-867 .
J. Zapp, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Sinusoidal echo-planar imaging with parallel acquisition technique for reduced acoustic noise in auditory fMRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2012, 36 (3), pp.581-588 .
F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
SVM-based Glioma Grading: Optimization by Feature Reduction Analysis.
Z Med Phys, 2012, 22 (3), pp.205-214 .
F. Zöllner, E. Svarstad, A. Munthe-Kaas, L. Schad, A. Lundervold and J. Rørvik.
Assessment of Kidney Volumes from MR Images: Acquisition and Segmentation Techniques.
Am J Roentgenol, 2012, 199 (5), pp.1060-1069 .
F. Zöllner, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and K. Neff.
Quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging at 3.0 T of 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair: initial results.
Eur Radiol, 2012, 22 (12), pp.2743-2749 .
V. Batista, . .. and F. Zimmer et al..
MOA-2009-BLG-387Lb: a massive planet orbiting an M dwarf.
Astron Astrophys, 2011, 529, p.A102 .
Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
G. Bauman, U. Lützen, M. Ullrich, T. Gaass, J. Dinkel, G. Elke, P. Meybohm, I. Frerichs, B. Hoffmann, J. Borggrefe, H. Knuth, J. Schupp, H. Prüm, M. Eichinger, M. Puderbach, J. Biederer and C. Hintze.
Pulmonary Functional Imaging: Qualitative Comparison of Fourier Decomposition MR Imaging with SPECT/CT in Porcine Lung.
Radiology, 2011, 260 (2), pp.551-559 .
J. Döpfert, A. Lemke, A. Weidner and L. Schad.
Investigation of prostate cancer using diffusion-weighted intravoxel incoherent motion imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2011, 29 (8), pp.1053-1058 .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, A. Nagel, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative and Qualitative 23Na MR Imaging of the Human Kidneys at 3 T: Before and after a Water Load.
Radiology, 2011, 260 (3), pp.857-865 .
P. Heiler, F. Langhauser, F. Wetterling, S. Ansar, S. Grudzenski, S. Konstandin, M. Fatar, S. Meairs and L. Schad.
Chemical shift sodium imaging in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke at 9.4 T.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2011, 34 (4), pp.935-940 .
S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Single-slice mapping of ultrashort T2.
J Magn. Reson., 2011, 210 (1), pp.133-136 .
M. Klauss, A. Lemke, K. Grünberg, D. Simon, T. Re, M. Wente, F. Laun, H. Kauczor, S. Delorme, L. Grenacher and B. Stieltjes.
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for the Differentiation Between Mass Forming Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Carcinoma.
Invest Radiol, 2011, 46 (1), pp.57-63 .
S. Konstandin, P. Heiler, J. Scharf and L. Schad.
Comparison of selective arterial spin labeling using 1D and 2D tagging RF pulses.
Z Med Phys, 2011, 21 (1), pp.26-32 .
S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Two-dimensional radial acquisition technique with density adaption in sodium MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2011, 70, p.791–799 .
A. Lemke, B. Stieltjes, L. Schad and F. Laun.
Toward an optimal distribution of b values for intravoxel incoherent motion imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging, 2011, 29 (6), pp.766-776 .
N. Miyake, . .. and F. Zimmer et al..
A Sub-Saturn Mass Planet, MOA-2009-BLG-319Lb.
Astrophys J, 2011, 728, p.120 .
Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
Y. Muraki, . .. and F. Zimmer et al..
Discovery and Mass Measurements of a Cold, 10 Earth Mass Planet and Its Host Star.
Astrophys J, 2011, 741, p.22 .
Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
A. Nagel, E. Amarteifio, F. Lehmann-Horn, K. Jurkat-Rott, W. Semmler, L. Schad and M. Weber.
3 Tesla Sodium Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging Allows for Improved Visualization of Intracellular Sodium Content Changes in Muscular Channelopathies.
Invest Radiol, 2011, 46 (12), pp.759-766 .
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, S. Witt, V. Nieratschker, M. Rietschel and H. Flor.
Risk variant for schizophrenia in the neurogranin gene impacts on hippocampus activation during contextual fear conditioning.
Mol Psychiatry, 2011, 16 (11), pp.1072-1073 .
T. Re, A. Lemke, M. Klauss, F. Laun, D. Simon, K. Grünberg, S. Delorme, L. Grenacher, R. Manfredi, R. Mucelli and B. Stieltjes.
Enhancing pancreatic adenocarcinoma delineation in diffusion derived intravoxel incoherent motion f-maps through automatic vessel and duct segmentation.
Magn Reson Med, 2011, 66 (5), pp.1327-1332 .
D. Ricci, . .., F. Zimmer, M. Zub and J. Surdej.
Flux and color variations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223.
Astron Astrophys, 2011, 528, p.A42 .
Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
M. Sohlin and L. Schad.
Susceptibility-related MR signal dephasing under nonstatic conditions: Experimental verification and consequences for qBOLD measurements.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 2011, 33 (2), pp.417-425 .
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J. Nissen, M. Mie, F. Zöllner, S. Haneder, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
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J. Southworth, T. Hinse, M. Dominik, M. Glitrup, U. J\orgensen, C. Liebig, M. Mathiasen, D. Anderson, V. Bozza, P. Browne, M. Burgdorf, S. Calchi Novati, S. Dreizler, F. Finet, K. Harps\oe, F. Hessman, M. Hundertmark, G. Maier, L. Mancini, P. Maxted, S. Rahvar, D. Ricci, G. Scarpetta, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, J. Surdej and F. Zimmer.
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F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
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M. Augath, P. Heiler, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
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G. Bauman, M. Puderbach, M. Deimling, V. Jellus, C. Chefd'hotel, J. Dinkel, C. Hintze, H. Kauczor and L. Schad.
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M. Heilmann, J. Vautier, P. Robert and A. Volk.
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F. Laun, B. Stieltjes, M. Schlüter, R. Rupp and L. Schad.
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A. Lemke, F. Laun, M. Klau, T. Re, D. Simon, S. Delorme, L. Schad and B. Stieltjes.
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F. Zöllner, R. Sance, P. Rogelj, M. Ledesma-Carbayo, J. Rørvik, A. Santos and A. Lundervold.
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S. Nielles-Vallespin, M. Weber, M. Bock, A. Bongers, P. Speier, S. Combs, J. Wöhrle, F. Lehmann-Horn, M. Essig and L. Schad.
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F. Risse, J. Boese, T. Hess, M. Mory, M. Schäfer, M. Gebhard and L. Schad.
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Y. Zhang, N. Schuff, G. Jahng, W. Bayne, S. Mori, L. Schad, S. Mueller, A. Du, J. Kramer, K. Yaffe, H. Chui, W. Jagust, B. Miller and M. Weiner.
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M. Heilmann, F. Kiessling, M. Enderlin and L. Schad.
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C. Karger, A. Höss, R. Bendl, V. Canda and L. Schad.
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F. Kiessling, M. Heilmann, T. Lammers, K. Ulbrich, V. Subr, P. Peschke, B. Waengler, W. Mier, H. Schrenk, M. Bock, L. Schad and W. Semmler.
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S. Kirsch and P. Bachert.
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M. Weber, S. Nielles-Vallespin, H. Huttner, J. Wöhrle, K. Jurkat-Rott, F. Lehmann-Horn, L. Schad, H. Kauczor, M. Essig and H. Meinck.
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C. Bottmer, S. Bachmann, J. Pantel, M. Essig, M. Amann, L. Schad, V. Magnotta and J. Schröder.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock, S. Nielles-Vallespin, C. Wacker, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
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F. Kiessling, P. Huber, R. Grobholz, M. Heilmann, J. Meding, M. Lichy, M. Krix, P. Peschke and H. Schlemmer.
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F. Kiessling, N. Farhan, M. Lichy, S. Vosseler, M. Heilmann, M. Krix, P. Bohlen, D. Miller, M. Mueller, W. Semmler, N. Fusenig and S. Delorme.
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging rapidly indicates vessel regression in human squamous cell carcinomas grown in nude mice caused by VEGF receptor 2 blockade with DC101.
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F. Kiessling, M. Lichy, R. Grobholz, M. Heilmann, N. Farhan, M. Michel, L. Trojan, J. Ederle, U. Abel, H. Kauczor, W. Semmler and S. Delorme.
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C. Plathow, S. Ley, C. Fink, M. Puderbach, M. Heilmann, I. Zuna and H. Kauczor.
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M. Weber, A. Kroll, M. Günther, S. Delorme, J. Debus, F. Giesel, M. Essig, H. Kauczor and L. Schad.
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M. Weber, C. Thilmann, M. Lichy, M. Günther, S. Delorme, I. Zuna, A. Bongers, L. Schad, J. Debus, H. Kauczor, M. Essig and H. Schlemmer.
Assessment of irradiated brain metastases by means of arterial spin-labeling and dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI - initial results.
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A. Bankamp and L. Schad.
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C. Karger, P. Hipp, M. Henze, G. Echner, A. Höss, L. Schad and G. Hartmann.
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F. Kiessling, M. Lichy, R. Grobholz, N. Farhan, M. Heilmann, M. Michel, L. Trojan, A. Werner, J. Rabe, S. Delorme, H. Kauczor and H. Schlemmer.
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F. Kiessling, M. Heilmann, S. Vosseler, M. Lichy, M. Krix, C. Fink, I. Kiessling, H. Steinbauer, L. Schad, N. Fusenig and S. Delorme.
Dynamic T1-weighted monitoring of vascularization in human carcinoma heterotransplants by magnetic resonance imaging.
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F. Kiessling, M. Krix, M. Heilmann, S. Vosseler, M. Lichy, C. Fink, N. Farhan, K. Kleinschmidt, L. Schad, N. Fusenig and S. Delorme.
Comparing dynamic parameters of tumor vascularization in nude mice revealed by MRI and contrast enhanced intermittent power Doppler sonography.
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R. Krug, J. Boese and L. Schad.
Determination of aortic compliance from magnetic resonance images using an automatic active contour model.
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G. Rademaker, J. Jenne, R. Rastert, D. Röder and L. Schad.
Vergleich nichtinvasiver MRT-Verfahren zur Temperaturmessung für den Einsatz bei medizinischen Thermotherapien.
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W. Semmler and L. Schad.
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C. Wacker, A. Hartlep, S. Pfleger, L. Schad, G. Ertl and W. Bauer.
Susceptibility-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging detects human myocardium supplied by a stenotic coronary artery without a contrast agent.
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M. Weber, M. Günther, M. Lichy, S. Delorme, A. Bongers, C. Thilmann, M. Essig, I. Zuna, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Comparison of arterial spin-labeling techniques and dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI in perfusion imaging of normal brain tissue.
Invest Radiol, 2003, 38 (11), pp.712-718 .
M. Weber, M. Lichy, M. Günther, S. Delorme, C. Thilmann, P. Bachert, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Monitoring of irradiated brain metastases using arterial spin-labeling MR-perfusion imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy.
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M. Weber, M. Lichy, C. Thilmann, M. Günther, P. Bachert, A. Maudsley, S. Delorme, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Monitoring of irradiated brain metastases using MR perfusion imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy.
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M. Amann, M. Bock, F. Floemer, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
Three-dimensional spiral MR imaging: Application to renal multiphase contrast-enhanced angiography.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock, C. Wacker, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
23Na-MRI of the human heart using a 3D radial projection technique.
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K. Koch, F. Zöllner, S. Neumann, F. Kummert and G. Sagerer.
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J. Pantel, D. Hüger, B. Kratz, E. Minnemann, M. Martin, L. Schad, M. Essig and J. Schröder.
Structural cerebral changes in subjects with mild cognitive impairment.
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J. Pantel, P. Schönknecht, M. Essig, M. Amann, K. Eysenbach, L. Schad and J. Schröder.
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G. Beck, D. Li, E. Haacke, T. Noll and L. Schad.
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M. Günther, M. Bock and L. Schad.
Arterial spin labeling in combination with a look-locker sampling strategy: inflow turbo-sampling EPI-FAIR (ITS-FAIR).
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H. Meyer, D. Kleinböhl, K. Baudendistel, M. Bock, J. Trojan, M. Rabuffetti-Lehle, R. Hölzl and L. Schad.
Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral pain processing.
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L. Schad.
Improved target volume characterization in stereotactic treatment planning of brain lesions by using high-resolution BOLD MR-venography.
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M. Bock, S. Schoenberg, F. Floemer and L. Schad.
Separation of arteries and veins in 3D MR angiography using correlation analysis.
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J. Boese, M. Bock, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
Estimation of aortic compliance using magnetic resonance pulse wave velocity measurement.
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J. Debus, D. Schulz-Ertner, L. Schad, M. Essig, B. Rhein, C. Thilmann and M. Wannenmacher.
Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy for chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock and L. Schad.
An amplitude optimized single-shot hybrid QUEST technique.
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U. Ramm, U. Weber, M. Bock, M. Krämer, A. Bankamp, M. Damrau, C. Thilmann, H. Böttcher, L. Schad and G. Kraft.
Three-dimensional BANG gel dosimetry in conformal carbon ion radiotherapy.
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S. Thesen, O. Heid, E. Mueller and L. Schad.
Prospective acquisition correction for head motion with image-based tracking for real-time fMRI.
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S. Thesen, N. Henselmans, E. Müller and L. Schad.
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographiein Echtzeit.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
The relationship between the BOLD-induced T(2) and T(2)(*): a theoretical approach for the vasculature of myocardium.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
Theory of the BOLD effect in the capillary region: an analytical approach for the determination of T2 in the capillary network of myocardium.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
Theory of coherent and incoherent nuclear spin dephasing in the heart.
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M. Essig, J. Reichenbach, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg, J. Debus and W. Kaiser.
High-resolution MR venography of cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 17 (10), pp.1417-1425 .
M. Friedlinger, J. Schröder and L. Schad.
Ultra-fast automated brain volumetry based on bispectral MR imaging data.
Comput Med Imaging Graph, 1999, 23 (6), pp.331-337 .
J. Hirsch, M. Bock, M. Essig and L. Schad.
Comparison of diffusion anisotropy measurements in combination with the flair-technique.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 17 (5), pp.705-716 .
R. Lerski, L. Schad, R. Luypaert, A. Amorison, R. Muller, L. Mascaro, P. Ring, A. Spisni, X. Zhu and A. Bruno.
Multicentre magnetic resonance texture analysis trial using reticulated foam test objects.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1999, 17 (7), pp.1025-1031 .
J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Jauss, M. Essig, R. Minakaran, P. Schönknecht, G. Schneider, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
Topography of callosal atrophy reflects distribution of regional cerebral volume reduction in Alzheimer's disease.
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L. Schad.
Funktionelle MRT: von der Morphologie zur Funktion.
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J. Schröder, M. Essig, K. Baudendistel, T. Jahn, I. Gerdsen, A. Stockert, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
Motor dysfunction and sensorimotor cortex activation changes in schizophrenia: A study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Neuroimage, 1999, 9 (1), pp.81-87 .
C. Wacker, M. Bock, A. Hartlep, W. Bauer, G. van Kaick, S. Pfleger, G. Ertl and L. Schad.
BOLD-MRI in ten patients with coronary artery disease: evidence for imaging of capillary recruitment in myocardium supplied by the stenotic artery.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 1999, 8 (1), pp.48-54 .
C. Wacker, M. Bock, A. Hartlep, G. Beck, G. van Kaick, G. Ertl, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
Changes in myocardial oxygenation and perfusion under pharmacological stress with dipyridamole: assessment using T*2 and T1 measurements.
Magn Reson Med, 1999, 41 (4), pp.686-695 .
K. Baudendistel, J. Reichenbach, R. Metzner, J. Schroeder and L. Schad.
Comparison of functional MR-venography and EPI-BOLD fMRI at 1.5 T.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1998, 16 (8), pp.989-991 .
M. Bock, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad, M. Knopp, M. Essig and G. van Kaick.
Interleaved gradient echo planar (IGEPI) and phase contrast CINE-PC flow measurements in the renal artery.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 1998, 8 (4), pp.889-895 .
A. Hartlep, M. Bock, F. Oberdorfer and L. Schad.
Comparison of TurboFLASH- and spinecho-R1 measurements of FeMRI-gel-phantoms for verification of 3D-dose distributions.
Z Med Phys, 1998, 8, pp.210-216 .
H. Hawighorst, M. Bock, M. Knopp, M. Essig, S. Schoenberg, P. Knapstein, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
Magnetically labeled water perfusion imaging of the uterine arteries and of normal and malignant cervical tissue: Initial experiences.
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H. Hawighorst, M. Bock, M. Knopp, M. Essig, S. Schoenberg, P. Knapstein, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
MRI imaging of the uterine arterial blood flow in normal and malignant uterine tissue by means of 2d-multiphase tagging technic.
Radiologe, 1998, 38 (6), pp.539-544 .
K. Hiller, M. Bock, C. Wacker, L. Schad, C. Waller, A. Haase, G. van Kaick, G. Ertl and W. Bauer.
MR-perfusion measurements: basic methodology and current status.
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R. Lerski and L. Schad.
The use of reticulated foam in texture test objects for magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1998, 16 (9), pp.1139-1144 .
J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, M. Jauss, G. Schneider, K. Eysenbach, R. von Kummer, K. Baudendistel, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
In vivo quantification of brain volumes in subcortical vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. An MRI-based study.
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 1998, 9 (6), pp.309-316 .
J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, R. Minakaran, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, M. Jauss and M. Knopp.
Corpus callosum in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia-a quantitative magnetic resonance study.
J Neural Transm Suppl, 1998, 54, pp.129-136 .
J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, L. Schad, D. Popp, K. Eysenbach, M. Jauss and M. Knopp.
Volumetric brain findings in late depression. A study with quantified magnetic resonance tomography.
Nervenarzt, 1998, 69 (11), pp.968-974 .
J. Reichenbach, M. Essig, E. Haacke, B. Lee, C. Przetak, W. Kaiser and L. Schad.
High-resolution venography of the brain using magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 1998, 6 (1), pp.62-69 .
W. Weber-Fahr, T. Meid, M. Bock, P. Bachert, S. Turek and L. Schad.
Untersuchung komplexer Strömungen mit MRA-Techniken und Vergleich mit theoretischen Strömungsanalysen.
Z Med Phys, 1998, 8, pp.75-84 .
J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, N. Oesingmann, L. Schad, D. Brkovic, G. van Kaick and G. Staehler.
Die Magnetresonanzurographie. Erste klinische Ergebnisse.
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J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, S. Carl, N. Oesingmann, L. Schad, D. Brkovic, G. van Kaick and G. Staehler.
Uretral complications after kidney transplantation - evaluation with functional magnetic resonance urography.
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H. Hawighorst, M. Knopp, J. Debus, G. Brix, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, L. Schad, M. Grandy, M. Essig and G. van Kaick.
Morphologic MR imaging with T1-weighted sequences for radiotherapy goal volume definition of intracranial tumors. Comparison with FLASH-Turbo-FLASH and SE sequences.
Radiologe, 1997, 37 (3), pp.243-250 .
M. Knopp, J. Dörsam, N. Oesingmann, S. Piesche, H. Hawighorst, M. Wiesel, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
Functional MR urography in patients with kidney transplantation.
Radiologe, 1997, 37 (3), pp.233-238 .
M. Knopp, M. Essig, H. Hawighorst, F. Wenz, G. Brix, L. Schad, P. Bachert and G. van Kaick.
Functional neuroimaging in the assessment of CNS neoplasms.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, D. Popp, H. Dech, M. Knopp, L. Schad, K. Eysenbach, M. Backenstrass and M. Friedlinger.
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in geriatric depression and primary degenerative dementia.
J Affect Disord, 1997, 42 (1), pp.69-83 .
J. Pantel, J. Schröder, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, M. Knopp, R. Schmitt, M. Geissler, S. Blüml, M. Essig and H. Sauer.
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological functions in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Psychol Med, 1997, 27 (1), pp.221-229 .
L. Schad, P. Bachert, M. Bock, M. Essig, M. Knopp, M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, R. Surkau and E. Otten.
Hyperpolarized gases-a new type of MR contrast agents?.
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L. Schad, K. Baudendistel and F. Wenz.
In: S. Reiser M. . . 2nd edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1997, Funktionelle MRT (fMRT):, pp.797-828
S. Schoenberg, M. Knopp, M. Bock, F. Kallinowski, A. Just, M. Essig, H. Hawighorst, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
Renal artery stenosis: Grading of hemodynamic changes with cine phase-contrast MR blood flow measurements.
Radiology, 1997, 203, pp.45-53 .
S. Schoenberg, M. Knopp, M. Bock, F. Kallinowski, A. Just, M. Essig, H. Hawighorst, I. Zuna, L. Schad, J. Allenberg and G. van Kaick.
Einstufung hämodynamischer Veränderungen bei Nierenarterienstenosen mittels MR-CINE-Phasenkontrastflußmessungen.
Radiologe, 1997, 37, pp.651-662 .
J. Schröder, J. Pantel, N. Ida, M. Essig, T. Hartmann, M. Knopp, L. Schad, R. Sandbrink, H. Sauer, C. Masters and K. Beyreuther.
Cerebral changes and cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease: a study with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.
Mol Psychiatry, 1997, 2 (6), pp.505-507 .
P. Bachert, L. Schad, M. Bock, M. Knopp, M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, D. Hofmann, R. Surkau and E. Otten.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of airways in humans with use of hyperpolarized 3He.
Magn Reson Med, 1996, 36 (2), pp.192-196 .
K. Baudendistel, L. Schad, F. Wenz, M. Essig, J. Schröder, T. Jahn, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
Monitoring of task performance during functional magnetic resonance imaging of sensorimotor cortex at 1.5 T.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1996, 14 (1), pp.51-58 .
S. Blüml, L. Schad, J. Scharf, F. Wenz, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
A comparison of magnetization prepared 3D gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) sequences for imaging of intracranial lesions.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1996, 14 (3), pp.329-335 .
J. Debus, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, M. Knopp, L. Schad, W. Schlegel and M. Wannenmacher.
Image-oriented planning of minimally invasive conformal irradiation of the head-neck area.
Radiologe, 1996, 36 (9), pp.732-736 .
J. Debus, M. Essig, L. Schad, F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, M. Knopp, R. Engenhart and W. Lorenz.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging in a stereotactic setup.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1996, 14 (9), pp.1007-1012 .
M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, W. Otten, R. Surkau, M. Leduc, P. Bachert, M. Knopp, L. Schad and M. Thelen.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarised helium-3.
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M. Essig, R. Engenhart, M. Knopp, M. Bock, J. Scharf, J. Debus, F. Wenz, H. Hawighorst, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations: improved nidus demarcation by means of dynamic tagging MR-angiography.
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M. van Kampen, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, J. Debus, T. Hess, L. Schad and M. Wannenmacher.
Low-grade astrocytoma: treatment with conventionally fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, R. Schmitt, L. Schad, M. Knopp, M. Geissler, W. Uhde, S. Blüml, M. Friedlinger, M. Klemenz, M. Essig and H. Sauer.
Quantitative magnetic resonance tomography and the severity of deficits in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
Nervenarzt, 1996, 67 (1), pp.46-52 .
L. Schad, M. Bock, K. Baudendistel, M. Essig, J. Debus, M. Knopp, R. Engenhart and W. Lorenz.
Improved target volume definition in radiosurgery of arteriovenous malformations by stereotactic correlation of MRA, MRI, blood bolus tagging, and functional MRI.
Eur Radiol, 1996, 6 (1), pp.38-45 .
E. Wiener, L. Schad, K. Baudendistel, M. Essig, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Functional MR imaging of visual and motor cortex stimulation at high temporal resolution using a FLASH technique on a standard 1.5 Tesla scanner.
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K. Baudendistel, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, F. Wenz, J. Schröder and W. Lorenz.
Postprocessing of functional MRI data of motor cortex stimulation measured with a standard 1.5 T imager.
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M. Bock, L. Schad, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Pulsewave velocity measurement using a new real-time MR-method.
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M. Bock, L. Schad, J. Scharf, M. Essig and W. Lorenz.
Bolustagging in der MR-Angiographie.
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J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, L. Schad, S. Piesche, S. Carl and N. Oesingmann.
Elimination of gadolinium-DTPA by peritoneal dialysis.
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M. Friedlinger, L. Schad, S. Blüml, B. Tritsch and W. Lorenz.
Rapid automatic brain volumetry on the basis of multispectral 3D MR imaging data on personal computers.
Comput Med Imaging Graph, 1995, 19 (2), pp.185-205 .
H. Hawighorst, L. Schad, G. Gademann, S. Blüml, M. Knopp, F. Wenz and G. van Kaick.
A 3D T1-weighted gradient-echo sequence for routine use in 3D radiosurgical treatment planning of brain metastases: first clinical results.
Eur Radiol, 1995, 5 (1), pp.19-25 .
L. Schad, M. Bock, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Echo planar imaging on a standard 1.5 Tesla imager.
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L. Schad, E. Wiener, K. Baudendistel, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Event-related functional MR imaging of visual cortex stimulation at high temporal resolution using a standard 1.5 T imager.
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Quality assurance program on stereotactic radiosurgery.
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J. Schröder, F. Wenz, L. Schad, K. Baudendistel and M. Knopp.
Sensorimotor cortex and supplementary motor area changes in schizophrenia. A study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Br J Psychiatry, 1995, 167 (2), pp.197-201 .
F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, M. Knopp, L. Schad, J. Schröder, F. Flömer and G. van Kaick.
Functional magnetic resonance tomography of movement disorders in patients with schizophrenia.
Radiologe, 1995, 35 (4), pp.267-271 .
F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, S. Wildermuth, T. Hess, T. Egelhof, M. Forsting, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
Quantifizierung der hemisphärischen Asymmetrie bei Fingerbewegung mit der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie.
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C. Becker, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Measurement of diffusion coefficients using a quick echo split NMR imaging technique.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (8), pp.1167-1174 .
J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, L. Schad and G. Staehler.
Magnetresonanzurographie - eine Alternative zur konventionellen Ausscheidungsurographie.
Z Urologie Poster, 1994, 1, pp.42-44 .
M. Knopp, T. Hess, L. Schad, H. Bischoff, G. Weisser, S. Blüml and G. van Kaick.
MR tomography of lung metastases with rapid gradient echo sequences. Initial results in diagnostic applications.
Radiologe, 1994, 34 (10), pp.581-587 .
R. Niethammer, M. Karr, L. Schad, M. Knopp, F. Wenz, A. Stockert, K. Baudendistel and J. Schröder.
Schizophrene Psychosen: Morphologische und funktionelle Veränderungen.
TW Neurol Psychiat, 1994, 8 (12), pp.679-686 .
L. Schad, S. Blüml, J. Debus, J. Scharf and W. Lorenz.
Improved target volume definition for precision radiotherapy planning of meningiomas by correlation of CT and dynamic, Gd-DTPA-enhanced FLASH MR imaging.
Radiother Oncol, 1994, 33 (1), pp.73-79 .
L. Schad, S. Blüml, H. Hawighorst, F. Wenz and W. Lorenz.
Radiosurgical treatment planning of brain metastases based on a fast, three-dimensional MR imaging technique.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (5), pp.811-819 .
L. Schad, F. Wenz, M. Knopp, K. Baudendistel, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Functional 2D and 3D magnetic resonance imaging of motor cortex stimulation at high spatial resolution using standard 1.5 T imager.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (1), pp.9-15 .
H. Schlemmer, T. Hess, J. Debus, M. Knopp, L. Schad and R. Engenhart.
TOF-MR angiography in radiotherapy treated cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
Radiologe, 1994, 34 (8), pp.447-453 .
C. Wacker, L. Schad, U. Gehling, A. Gamroth, E. Müller, M. Knopp, V. Schulz and G. van Kaick.
The pulmonary artery acceleration time determined with the MR-RACE-technique: comparison to pulmonary artery mean pressure in 12 patients.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (1), pp.25-31 .
F. Wenz, T. Hess, M. Knopp, G. Weisser, S. Blüml, L. Schad, H. Hawighorst and G. van Kaick.
3D MPRAGE evaluation of lesions in the posterior cranial fossa.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (4), pp.553-558 .
F. Wenz, L. Schad, M. Knopp, K. Baudendistel, F. Flömer, J. Schröder and G. van Kaick.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T: activation pattern in schizophrenic patients receiving neuroleptic medication.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1994, 12 (7), pp.975-982 .
S. Blüml, L. Schad, B. Stepanow and W. Lorenz.
Spin-lattice relaxation time measurement by means of a TurboFLASH technique.
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G. Gademann, W. Schlegel, J. Debus, L. Schad, T. Bortfeld, K. Höver, W. Lorenz and M. Wannenmacher.
Fractionated stereotactically guided radiotherapy of head and neck tumors: A report on clinical use of a new system in 195 cases.
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H. Kauczor, R. Engenhart, G. Layer, A. Gamroth, B. Wowra, L. Schad, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
3D TOF MR angiography of cerebral arteriovenous malformations after radiosurgery.
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R. Lerski, K. Straughan, L. Schad, D. Boyce, S. Blüml and I. Zuna.
MR image texture analysis-an approach to tissue characterization.
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C. Ostertag, L. Schad, R. Koch, R. Maier and B. Wowra.
Titanium Riechert head ring for MR stereotaxy. Technical note.
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L. Schad, S. Blüml and I. Zuna.
MR tissue characterization of intracranial tumors by means of texture analysis.
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L. Schad, A. Gamroth, C. Wacker, U. Gehling, E. Müller, G. Irngartinger, G. van Kaick and W. Lorenz.
MR velocity measurement in the pulmonary arteries: A comparative study.
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L. Schad, W. Semmler, M. Knopp, M. Deimling, H. Weinmann and W. Lorenz.
Preliminary evaluation: magnetic resonance of urography using a saturation inversion projection spin-echo sequence.
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L. Schad, U. Trost, M. Knopp, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of motoric stimulation measured at 1.5 Tesla.
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L. Schad, U. Trost, M. Knopp, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Motor cortex stimulation measured by magnetic resonance imaging on a standard 1.5 T clinical scanner.
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H. Ehricke and L. Schad.
MRA-guided stereotactic radiation treatment planning for cerebral angiomas.
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H. Ehricke, L. Schad, G. Gademann, B. Wowra, R. Engenhart and W. Lorenz.
Use of MR angiography for stereotactic planning.
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A. Gamroth, L. Schad, C. Wacker, U. Gehling, M. Knopp, B. Betsch, J. Clorius and G. van Kaick.
Measurement of the blood flow velocity in the pulmonary arteries using the magnetic resonance technique.
Radiologe, 1992, 32 (4), pp.182-184 .
A. Gamroth, L. Schad and B. Betsch.
Techniques and current indications for MR angiography.
Radiologe, 1992, 32 (4), pp.158-164 .
O. Henriksen, M. Cortsen, P. Ring, G. Bielke, J. de Certaines, J. Chambron, D. Gounot and L. Schad.
In vivo proton relaxation times in human brain.
Eurospin Quarterly, 1992, 29/30, pp.80-101 .
H. Kauczor, A. Gamroth, S. Tuengerthal, R. Hausmann, L. Schad, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
MR-Angiographie: Einsatz bei pulmonalen und mediastinalen Raumforderungen.
Fortschr Röntgenstr, 1992, 157 (1), pp.15-20 .
H. Kauczor, A. Gamroth, S. Tuengerthal, R. Hausmann, L. Schad, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
MR angiography. Its use in pulmonary and mediastinal space-occupying lesions.
Rofo-Fortschr Rontg, 1992, 157 (1), pp.15-20 .
H. Kauczor, A. Gamroth, S. Tuengerthal, P. Herb, L. Schad, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
MR-angiography: Clinical applications in thoracic surgery.
Eur Radiol, 1992, 2, pp.214-222 .
L. Schad, S. Blüml and I. Zuna.
MR tissue characterization of intracranial tumors by means of texture analysis.
Eurospin Quarterly, 1992, 29/30, pp.145-157 .
L. Schad, H. Ehricke, B. Wowra, G. Layer, R. Engenhart, H. Kauczor, H. Zabel, G. Brix and W. Lorenz.
Correction of spatial distortion in magnetic resonance angiography for radiosurgical treatment planning of cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1992, 10 (4), pp.609-621 .
L. Schad, G. Gademann, M. Knopp, H. Zabel, W. Schlegel and W. Lorenz.
Radiotherapy treatment planning of basal meningiomas: improved tumor localization by correlation of CT and MR imaging data.
Radiother Oncol, 1992, 25 (1), pp.56-62 .
L. Schad, W. Härle, I. Zuna and W. Lorenz.
Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial tumors: Tissue characterization by means of texture analysis.
Z Med Phys, 1992, 2, pp.12-17 .
W. Schlegel, O. Pastyr, T. Bortfeld, G. Becker, L. Schad, G. Gademann and W. Lorenz.
Computer systems and mechanical tools for stereotactically guided conformation therapy with linear accelerators.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1992, 24 (4), pp.781-787 .
H. Schmitt, C. Oberwittler and L. Schad.
Computer-aided classification of malignancy in astrocytomas. I. The value of nuclear parameters obtained by automated black and white image analysis.
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G. Brix, W. Semmler, R. Port, L. Schad, G. Layer and W. Lorenz.
Pharmakokinetische Analyse des MRT-Signalverlaufs vor, während und nach i.v. Gd-DTPA-Infusion.
Z Med Phys, 1991, 1, pp.119-121 .
G. Brix, W. Semmler, R. Port, L. Schad, G. Layer and W. Lorenz.
Pharmacokinetic parameters in CNS Gd-DTPA enhanced MR imaging.
J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1991, 15 (4), pp.621-628 .
H. Kauczor, G. Layer, L. Schad, M. Müller-Schimpfle, S. Tuengerthal, I. Vogt-Moykopf, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
Clinical applications of MR angiography in intrathoracic masses.
J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1991, 15 (3), pp.409-417 .
G. Layer, W. Semmler, L. Schad, B. Wowra and G. van Kaick.
MR tomography and MR angiography in cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
Rofo-Fortschr Rontg, 1991, 154 (4), pp.438-444 .
L. Schad.
Critical Review: "Two exponential analysis of spin-spin proton relaxation times in MR imaging using surface coils" (author's respond).
Invest Radiol, 1991, 26 (3), pp.274-276 .
B. Wowra, G. Layer, L. Schad, B. Ullrich, W. Semmler, A. Aschoff, M. Kiessling and S. Kunze.
Three-dimensional time-of-flight MR-angiography and the surgical indication of brainstem cavernomas.
Acta Neurochir (Wien), 1991, 112 (3-4), pp.77-82 .
I. Zuna and L. Schad.
Tissue characterization by MR-image texture analysis.
Eurospin Quarterly, 1991, 26, pp.68-76 .
G. Brix, L. Schad, M. Deimling and W. Lorenz.
Fast and precise T1 imaging using a TOMROP sequence.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1990, 8 (4), pp.351-356 .
G. Brix, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Evaluation of proton density by magnetic resonance imaging: phantom experiments and analysis of multiple component proton transverse relaxation.
Phys Med Biol, 1990, 35 (1), pp.53-66 .
R. Lerski, L. Schad, I. Zuna and K. Straughan.
Texture analysis.
Eurospin Quarterly, 1990, 25, pp.60-61 .
L. Schad, G. Brix, I. Zuna, W. Härle, W. Semmler and W. Lorenz.
Multiexponential proton spin-spin relaxation and texture analysis in magnetic resonance imaging of human brain tumors.
Eurospin Quarterly, 1990, 23, pp.34-35
L. Schad, G. Brix, W. Semmler, F. Gückel and W. Lorenz.
Two-exponential analysis of spin-spin proton relaxation times in MR imaging using surface coils.
Magn Reson Imaging, 1989, 7 (4), pp.357-362 .
L. Schad, G. Brix, I. Zuna, W. Härle, W. Lorenz and W. Semmler.
Multiexponential proton spin-spin relaxation in MR imaging of human brain tumors.
J Comput Assist Tomogr, 1989, 13 (4), pp.577-587 .
G. Brix, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
1H-spectroscopic imaging using a modified Dixon method.
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A. Brucker, B. Lindl, M. Bantel, H. Ho, R. Muffler, L. Schad, M. Trauth and J. Wurm.
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A. Brucker, B. Lindl, M. Bantel, H. Ho, R. Muffler, L. Schad, M. Trauth and J. Wurm.
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G. van Kaick, W. Semmler, G. Gademann, L. Schad, H. Zabel and W. Lorenz.
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MR tissue characterization under stereotactic conditions. Part I: MR stereotaxy.
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L. Schad, S. Lott, F. Schmitt, V. Sturm and W. Lorenz.
Correction of spatial distortion in MR-imaging: a prerequisite for accurate stereotaxy.
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L. Schad, R. Boesecke, W. Schlegel, G. Hartmann, V. Sturm, L. Strauss and W. Lorenz.
Three dimensional image correlation of CT, MR, and PET studies in radiotherapy treatment planning of brain tumors.
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L. Schad, H. Schmitt, C. Oberwittler and W. Lorenz.
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H. Ho, G. Fan, P. Gonthier, W. Kühn, B. Lindl, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski, J. Wurm, J. Adloff, D. Disdier, V. Rauch and F. Scheibling.
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S. Leray, X. Chen, G. Fan, C. Gregoire, H. Ho, C. Mazur, C. Ngo, A. Pfoh, M. Ribrag, L. Schad, E. Tomasi and J. Wurm.
Investigation of fast fission in the 35Cl + 238U system.
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L. Schad, H. Ho, G. Fan, B. Lindl, A. Pfoh, R. Wolski and J. Wurm.
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G. Fan, H. Ho, P. Gonthier, W. Kühn, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski, J. Wurm, J. Adloff, D. Disdier, V. Rauch and F. Scheibling.
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H. Ho, P. Gonthier, G. Fan, W. Kühn, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski, J. Wurm, J. Adloff, D. Disdier, A. Kamili, V. Rauch, G. Rudolf, F. Scheibling and A. Strazzeri.
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