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Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine

Research profile

The Chair in Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine (CKM) at the Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine (MIISM) conducts cutting-edge research in clinical and pre-clinical medical imaging and medical image processing to enhance diagnostics and patient treatment.

CKM possesses extensive expertise in MR sequence development, specializing in quantitative functional and physiological imaging techniques, including perfusion, diffusion, oxygenation, and relaxometry, as well as x-nuclei imaging. Our team develops advanced image reconstruction techniques for MRI and CT/CBCT, alongside medical image processing methods that utilize machine learning to extract imaging biomarkers.


Anika Strittmatter receives best poster prize at the STMM Summer Symposium 2024

At this year’s summer symposium of the School of Translational Medicine, Anika Strittmatter was awarded a best poster prize for her work on  „Deep Learning-Based Multistep Deformable Medical Image Registration for Multimodal Minimal-Invasive Image-Guided Intervention“

The presented work has now also been published in the journal IEEE Access:

A. Strittmatter and F. Zöllner. Multistep Networks for Deformable Multimodal Medical Image Registration. IEEE Access, 2024, 12, pp.82676-82692 .

Individualisierte Diagnostik

Individualisierte Diagnostik der chronischen Nierenerkrankung mittels mpMRT
Transnationales Forschungsprojekt RESPECT im Rahmen des ERA-Netzes zur personalisierten Medizin PerMed gefördert. read more...

MRT-Auswertungen durch Künstliche Intelligenz

Genauere MRT-Auswertungen für MS-Patienten durch Künstliche Intelligenz
Modellprojekt mit CKM Beteiligung im Rahmen des Innovationswettbewerbs "KI für KMU" soll die Behandlung von MS-Patienten verbessern. read more ...

CKM receives DFG funding

CKM receives DFG funding for Project "Prediktion von Therapieansprechen und Outcome beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektum-Karzinom mittels Radiomics und Deep Learning: eine beispielhafte Anwendung für eine allgemein verwendbare, Deep Learning basierte Prozessierungs-Pipeline für die Bild-Klassifikation". read more...


Mannheim Institute for Intelligent Systems in Medicine (MIISM)

Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine

Medical Faculty Mannheim,
Heidelberg University
House 3, Level 4, Room 118
Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim