Publications of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Schad
Books & Book Chapters
Journal Papers
Conference Contributions
Other Publications
Books & Book Chapters
Journal Papers
Conference Contributions
Other Publications
E. Gottwald, A. Neubauer and L. Schad.
Tracking Cellular Functions by Exploiting the Paramagnetic Properties of X-Nuclei.
In: C. Constantinides.
Assessment of Cellular and Organ Function and Dysfunction using Direct and Derived MRI Methodologies., InTech - open science | open minds, Croatia, (2016),
M. Rance, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Neurofeedback of the difference in activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and posterior insular cortex: two functionally connected areas in the processing of pain.
In: S. Ruiz S.
Learned Brain Self-Regulation for Emotional Processing and Attentional Modulation: From Theory to Clinical Applications., Frontiers Media, Lausanne, (2016), pp.167-178
L. Schad.
Magnetic Resonance Tomography.
In: S. Reiser M.
1st edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (2008),Computer Aided 3D Radiation Planning Using MRI, pp.1323-1329
L. Schad.
Magnetic Resonance Tomography.
In: S. Reiser M.
1st edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (2008),Functional MRI, pp.1292-1307
L. Schad.
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy.
In: M. Schlegel W.
2nd edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (2007),Magnetic Resonance Imaging, pp.38-49
L. Schad.
New Technologies in Radiation Oncology.
In: B. Schlegel W.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (2006),Magnetic resonance imaging for radiotherapy planning,, pp.99-111
L. Schad and A. Lundervold.
Texture Analysis for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In: M. Hajek, M. Dezortova, A. Materka and R. Lerski.
HRaNa, Prague, CZ, (2006),Influence of resolution and signal to noise ratio on MR image texture,, pp.129-149
W. Semmler and L. Schad.
Medizinische Physik 2003. W. Semmler and L. Schad.., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik e.V., (2003), pp.1-390
L. Schad.
In: S. Reiser M.
3rd edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (2002),Bildkorrelation/Registrierung von MRT, CT und PET in der streotaktischen Operations- und Bestrahlungsplanung,, pp.1049-1056
L. Schad.
Medizinische Physik.
In: B. Schlegel W.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (2002),Anwendungen und Techniken der MRT in der Strahlentherapieplanung,, pp.395-416
L. Schad.
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy.
In: M. Schlegel W.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, (2002),Magnetic Resonance Imaging,, pp.33-43
L. Schad, K. Baudendistel and F. Wenz.
In: S. Reiser M.
3rd edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (2002),Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT),, pp.967-1000
L. Schad, K. Baudendistel and F. Wenz.
In: S. Reiser M.
2nd edition , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (1997),Funktionelle MRT (fMRT),, pp.797-828
L. Schad.
Quality assurance program on stereotactic radiosurgery.
In: H. GH.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, (1995),Correction of spatial distortion in magnetic resonance imaging for stereotactic operation/treatment planning in the brain,, pp.80-89
L. Schad.
Verbesserte Zielvolumenbestimmung durch Einbeziehung der Magnetresonanztomographie in die Strahlentherapie von raumfordernden Prozessen des menschlichen Gehirn.
Habilitationsschrift, Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Heidelberg (1990)
G. van Kaick, W. Semmler, G. Gademann, L. Schad, H. Zabel and W. Lorenz.
Wirkungssteigerung der Strahlentherapie maligner Tumore.
In: K. zum Winkel.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo, (1987),Beitrag der Magnetresonanz zur Wirkungssteigerung der Strahlentherapie maligner Tumoren,, pp.36-46
L. Schad.
Experimenteller Nachweis superdeformierter Kernformen im Massenbereich A = 150 und Drehimpulsbereich I > 70 h durch Messung der vor Spaltung emittierten leichten geladenen Teilchen.
PhD Thesis, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Naturwissenschaftlich-Mathematische Gesamtfakultät, Universität Heidelberg (1983)
C. Licht, S. Reichert, M. Bydder, J. Zapp, S. Corella, M. Guye, F. Zöllner, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Low-rank reconstruction for simultaneous Double Half-Echo 23Na and undersampled 23Na Multi-Quantum Coherences MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 92 (4), pp.1440-1455
S. Reichert, V. Schepkin, D. Kleimaier, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
23Na Triple Quantum MR Signal Extraction Using a Single-pulse Sequence with Single Quantum Time Efficiency.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 92 (3), pp.900-915 .
S. Reichert, V. Schepkin, D. Kleimaier, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Comparison of triple quantum (TQ) TPPI and inversion recovery TQ TPPI pulse sequences at 9.4 and 21.1T.
NMR Biomed, 2024, 37, p.e5106 .
A. Strittmatter, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Deep Learning-Based Affine Medical Image Registrationfor Multimodal Minimal-Invasive Image-GuidedInterventions - A Comparative Study onGeneralizability.
Z Med Phys, 2024, 34 (2), pp.291-317 .
S. Özdemir, E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility of undersampled spiral trajectories in MREPT for fast conductivity imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 91 (4), pp.1567-1575 .
C. Licht, S. Reichert, M. Guye, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Multidimensional compressed sensing to advance 23Na multi?quantum coherences MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 2024, 91 (3), pp.926-941 .
C. Tönnes, C. Licht, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
VirtMRI: A Tool for Teaching MRI.
J Med Syst, 2023, 47 (1) .
M. Bozic-Iven, S. Rapacchi, Q. Tao, I. Pierce, G. Thornton, C. Nitsche, T. Treibel, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Improved reproducibility for myocardial ASL: Impact of physiological and acquisition parameters.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 91 (1), pp.118-132 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Vendramini, N. Ferris, L. Schad, D. Sosnovik, C. Nguyen, L. Wald and B. Guerin.
Prediction of experimental cardiac magnetostimulation thresholds using pig-specific body models.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 90 (4), pp.1594-1609 .
H. Tan, S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, A. Lee, S. Gerhardt, M. Gerchen, W. Sommer, F. Kiefer, L. Schad and S. Vollstädt-Klein.
Association between iron accumulation in the dorsal striatum and compulsive drinking in alcohol use disorder.
Psychopharmacology, 2023, 240 (2), pp.249-257 .
B. Wichtmann, Q. Fan, L. Eskandarian, T. Witzel, U. Attenberger, C. Pieper, L. Schad, B. Rosen, L. Wald, S. Huang and A. Nummenmaa.
Linear multi-scale modeling of diffusion MRI data: A framework for characterization of oriented structures across length scales.
Hum Brain Mapp, 2023, 44 (4), pp.1496-1514 .
S. Albert, B. Wichtmann, W. Zhao, A. Maurer, J. Hesser, U. Attenberger, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparison of Image Normalization Methods for Multi-Site Deep Learning.
Appl Sci, 2023, 13 (15), p.8923 .
E. Ilicak, S. Özdemir, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Dynamic MRI for Assessment of Pulmonary Ventilation and Perfusion.
Magn Reson Med, 2023, 90 (2), pp.761-769 .
A. Raj, F. Tollens, L. Hansen, A. Golla, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
Deep Learning-Based Total Kidney Volume Segmentation in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Using Attention, Cosine Loss, and Sharpness Aware Minimization.
Diagnostics, 2022, 12 (5), p.1159
D. Bauer, J. Rosenkranz, A. Golla, C. Tönnes, I. Hermann, T. Russ, G. Kabelitz, A. Rothfuss, L. Schad, J. Stallkamp and F. Zöllner.
Validation of an oligometastatic disease diagnosis workow 1using an abdominal phantom.
Med Phys, 2022, Press.
D. Bauer, A. Adlung, I. Brumer, A. Golla, T. Russ, E. Oelschlegel, F. Tollens, S. Clausen, P. Aumüller, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
An anthropomorphic pelvis phantom for MR-guided prostate interventions.
Magn Reson Med, 2022, 87 (3), pp.1605-1612.
D. Bauer, C. Ulrich, T. Russ, A. Golla, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
End-to-End Deep Learning CT Image Reconstruction for Metal Artifact Reduction.
Appl. Sci., 12 (1), p. 404 (2022).
J. Hong, I. Hermann, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Wang, W. Lee, Y. Chen, Y. Chang and Y. Wu.
Acceleration of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Denoising and Self-Attention Pyramidal Convolutional Neural Network.
Sensors, 2022, 22(3), 1260.
E. Ilicak, S. Özdemir, L. Schad, M. Weis, S. Schoenberg, F. Zöllner and J. Zapp.
Phase-Cycled bSSFP Imaging for Non-Contrast-EnhancedFunctional Lung Imaging.
Magn Reson Med, 2022, Press.
M. Malzacher, L. Schad and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Comparison of time and frequency domain solvers for magnetic resonance coils at different field strengths using a single computational platform.
J. Electromagn., RF, Microw. Med. Biol., 2022, 6(1), pp. 46 – 152.
C. Tönnes, T. Russ, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feature-based CBCT Self-Calibration forArbitrary Trajectories.
Int J CARS, 2022, Press.
A. Adlung, N. Paschke, A. Golla, D. Bauer, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
23Na MRI in ischemic stroke: Acquisition time reduction using postprocessing with convolutional neural networks.
NMR Biomed, 34 (4), p. e4474 (2021).
A. Adlung, M. Samartzi, L. Schad, E. Neumaier-Probst, M. Fatar and S. A. Mohamed.
Tissue Sodium Concentration within White Matter Correlates with the Extent of Small Vessel Disease.
Cerebrovasc Dis, 50, pp. 347-355 (2021).
D. Bauer, T. Russ, B. Waldkirch, C. Tönnes, W. Segars, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and A. Golla.
Generation of annotated multimodal ground truth datasets for abdominal medical image registration.
Int J Comput Ass Rad, 16 (8), pp. 1277-1285 (2021).
P. Eisele, M. Kraemer, A. Dabringhaus, C. Weber, A. Ebert, M. Platten, L. Schad and A. Gass.
Characterization of chronic active multiple sclerosis lesions with sodium ( 23 Na) magnetic resonance imaging{\textemdash}preliminary observations.
Eur. J. Neurol., 28 (7), pp. 2392-2395 (2021).
A. Golla, D. Bauer, R. Schmidt, T. Russ, D. Nörenberg, K. Chung, C. Tönnes, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Convolutional Neural Network EnsembleSegmentation with Ratio-based Sampling for theArteries and Veins in Abdominal CT Scans.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 68 (5), pp. 1518-1526 (2021).
A. Golla, C. Tönnes, T. Russ, D. Bauer, M. Froelich, S. Diehl, S. Schoenberg, M. Keese, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and J. Rink.
Automated Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in CT scans under clinical conditions using Deep Learning.
Diagnostics, 2021, 1(11), p. 2131.
I. Hermann, E. Martínez-Heras, B. Rieger, R. Schmidt, A. Schnurr, J. Hong, W. Lee, W. Yu-Te, M. Nagetegaal, E. Solana, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad, S. Weingärtner and F. Zöllner.
Accelerated white matter lesion analysis based on simultaneous T1 and T2* quantification using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting and Deep Learning.
Magn Reson Med, 86 (1), pp.471-486 (2021).
I. Hermann, A. Golla, E. Martinez-Heras, R. Schmidt, E. Solana, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Lesion probability mapping in MS patients using a regression network on MRFingerprinting.
BMC Medical Imaging, 21 (1), p.107 (2021).
I. Hermann, P. Kellman, O. Demirel, M. Akcakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Free-breathing simultaneous T1, T2 and T2* quantificationin the myocardium.
Magn Reson Med, 86 (3), pp.1226-1240 (2021).
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Investigating cardiac stimulation limits of MRI gradient coils using electromagnetic and electrophysiological simulations in human and canine body models..
Magn Reson Med, 85, pp.1047-1061 (2021).
S. Mohamed, K. Herrmann, A. Adlung, N. Paschke, L. Hausner, L. Frölich, L. Schad, C. Groden and H. Kerl.
Evaluation of Sodium (23Na) MR-imaging as a Biomarker and Predictor for Neurodegenerative Changes in Patients With Alzheimer Disease.
In Vivo, 35 (1), pp.429-435 (2021).
C. Tönnes, S. Janssen, A. Schnurr, T. Uhrig, K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Deterministic Arterial Input Function selection in DCE-MRI for automation of quantitativeperfusion calculation of colorectal cancer.
Magn. Reson. Imaging, 75, pp.116-123 (2021).
C. Weber, K. Nagel, A. Ebert, C. Roßmanith, N. Paschke, A. Adlung, M. Platten, L. Schad, A. Gass and P. Eisele.
Diffusely appearing white matter in multiple sclerosis: insights from sodium (23Na) MRI.
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 49, p.102752 (2021).
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Maunder, M. Rao, G. Norquay, O. Rodgers, M. Clemence, C. Puddu, L. Schad and J. Wild.
Dissolved hyperpolarized xenon-129 MRI in human kidneys.
Magn Reson Med, 83 (1), pp.262-270 (2020).
M. Davids, B. Guerin, V. Klein, M. Schmelz, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Optimizing selective stimulation of peripheral nerves with arrays of coils or surface electrodes using a linear peripheral nerve stimulation metric.
J Neural Eng, 17 (1), p.016029 (2020).
I. Hermann, J. Chacon-Caldera, I. Brumer, B. Rieger, S. Weingärtner, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for simultaneous renal T1 and T2* mapping in a single breath-hold.
Magn Reson Med, 83 (6), pp.1940-1948 (2020).
I. Hermann, T. Uhrig, J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Towards measuring the effect of flow in blood T1 assessed in a flow phantom and in vivo..
Phys Med Biol, 65, p.095001 (2020).
M. Hoesl, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
Efficient 23Na triple-quantum signal imaging on clinical scanners: Cartesian imaging of single and triple-quantum 23Na (CRISTINA).
Magn Reson Med, 84 (5), pp.2412-2428 (2020).
R. Hu, D. Kleimaier, M. Malzacher, M. Hoesl, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
X-nuclei imaging: Current state, technical challenges, and future directions.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 51 (2), pp.355-376 (2020).
D. Kleimaier, S. Goerke, C. Nies, M. Zaiss, P. Kunz, P. Bachert, M. Ladd, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
The cellular heat shock response monitored by chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI..
Sci Rep, 10, p.11118 (2020).
D. Kleimaier, V. Schepkin, R. Hu and L. Schad.
Protein conformational changes affect the sodium triple-quantum MR signal..
NMR Biomed, 33, p.e4367 (2020).
D. Kleimaier, V. Schepkin, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Intracellular Sodium Changes in Cancer Cells Using a Microcavity Array-Based Bioreactor System and Sodium Triple-Quantum MR Signal.
Processes, 8 (10), p.1267 (2020).
S. Mohamed, A. Adlung, A. Ruder, M. Hoesl, L. Schad, C. Groden, F. Giordano and E. Neumaier-Probst.
MRI Detection of Changes in Tissue Sodium Concentration in Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Feasibility Study..
Journal of Neuroimaging, 31 (2), pp.297-305 (2020).
S. Mohamed, A. Adlung, A. Ruder, M. Hoesl, L. Schad, C. Groden, F. Giordano and E. Neumaier-Probst.
{MRI} Detection of Changes in Tissue Sodium Concentration in Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiosurgery: A Feasibility Study.
J. Neuroimaging, 31 (2), pp.297-305 (2020).
M. Bydder, W. Zaaraoui, B. Ridley, M. Soubrier, M. Bertinetti, S. Confort-Gouny, L. Schad, M. Guye and J. Ranjeva.
Dynamic Na MRI - A non-invasive window on neuroglial-vascular mechanisms underlying brain function.
NeuroImage, 184, pp.771-780 (2019).
M. Davids, B. Guérin, A. Vom Endt, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Prediction of peripheral nerve stimulation thresholds of MRI gradient coils using coupled electromagnetic and neurodynamic simulations.
Magn Reson Med, 81 (1), pp.686-701 (2019).
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Modeling for MRI.
eMagRes, 8 (2), pp.87-102 (2019).
M. Donadieu, Y. Le Fur, A. Maarouf, S. Gherib, B. Ridley, L. Pini, S. Rapacchi, S. Confort-Gouny, M. Guye, L. Schad, A. Maudsley, J. Pelletier, B. Audoin, W. Zaaraoui and J. Ranjeva.
Metabolic counterparts of sodium accumulation in multiple sclerosis: A whole brain Na-MRI and fast H-MRSI study.
Multiple sclerosis, 25, pp.39-47 (2019).
P. Eisele, S. Konstandin, K. Szabo, A. Ebert, C. Roßmanith, N. Paschke, M. Kerschensteiner, M. Platten, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and A. Gass.
Temporal evolution of acute multiple sclerosis lesions on serial sodium (23Na) MRI.
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 29, pp.48-54 (2019).
A. Grapperon, B. Ridley, A. Verschueren, A. Maarouf, S. Confort-Gouny, E. Fortanier, L. Schad, M. Guye, J. Ranjeva, S. Attarian and W. Zaaraoui.
Quantitative Brain Sodium MRI Depicts Corticospinal Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Radiology, 292, pp.422-428 (2019).
M. Hoesl, D. Kleimaier, R. Hu, M. Malzacher, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
23 Na Triple-quantum signal of in vitro human liver cells, liposomes, and nanoparticles: Cell viability assessment vs. separation of intra- and extracellular signal.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 50 (2), pp.435-444 (2019).
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Comparison of gradient echo and gradient echo sampling of spin echo sequence for the quantification of the oxygen extraction fraction from a combined quantitative susceptibility mapping and quantitative BOLD (QSM+qBOLD) approach.
Magn Reson Med, 82 (4), pp.1491-1503 (2019).
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Using an artificial neural network for fast mapping of the oxygen extraction fraction with combined QSM and quantitative BOLD.
Magn Reson Med, 82 (6), pp.2199-2211 (2019).
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Wald, L. Schad and B. Guerin.
Sensitivity analysis of neurodynamic and electromagnetic simulation parameters for robust prediction of peripheral nerve stimulation.
Phys Med Biol, 64 (1), p.015005 (2019).
M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
Feasibility study of a double resonant (1 H/ 23Na) abdominal RF setup at 3T.
Z Med Phys, 29 (4), pp.359-367 (2019).
M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, N. Paschke and L. Schad.
Feasibility study of a double resonant 8-channel 1H/ 8-channel 23Na receive-only head coil at 3 Tesla.
Magn Reson Imaging, 59, pp.97-104 (2019).
M. Meyer, S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Budjan, J. Morelli, L. Schad, H. Kerl, S. Schoenberg and C. Kabbasch.
Repeatability and reproducibility of cerebral Na imaging in healthy subjects.
BMC medical imaging, 19, p.26 (2019).
M. Meyer, A. Schmidt, J. Benrath, S. Konstandin, L. Pilz, M. Harrington, J. Budjan, M. Meyer, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and S. Haneder.
Cerebral sodium (Na) magnetic resonance imaging in patients with migraine - a case-control study.
Eur Radiol, 29, pp.7055-7062 (2019).
W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, M. Malzacher, V. Kossmann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Risk assessment of copper containing contraceptives: The impact for women with implanted intrauterine devices during clinical MRI and CT examinations.
Eur Radiol, 29 (6), pp.2812-2820 (2019).
W. Neumann, T. Pusch, M. Siegfarth, L. Schad and J. Stallkamp.
CT and MRI compatibility of flexible 3D-printed materials for soft actuators and robots used in image-guided interventions.
Med Phys, 46, pp.5488-5498 (2019).
T. Russ, S. Goerttler, A. Schnurr, D. Bauer, S. Hatamikia, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and K. Chung.
Synthesis of CT images from digital body phantoms using CycleGAN.
Int J CARS, 14 (10), pp.1741-1750 (2019).
M. Ruttorf, S. Kristensen, L. Schad and J. Almeida.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Alters Functional Network Structure in Humans: A Graph Theoretical Analysis.
IEEE T Med Imaging, 38 (12), pp.2829-2837 (2019).
M. Sadick, J. Richers, B. Tuschy, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility of quantitative MR-perfusion imaging to monitor treatment response after uterine artery embolization (UAE) in symptomatic uterus fibroids.
Magn Reson Imaging, 59, pp.31-38 (2019).
A. Schnurr, K. Chung, T. Russ, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Simulation-Based Deep Artifact Correction with Convolutional Neural Networks for Limited Angle Artifacts.
Z Med Phys, 29 (2), pp.150-161 (2019).
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Fischer, M. Malzacher, Y. Vetter, M. Davids, M. Flöser, C. Stumpf and L. Schad.
Evaluation of stacked resonators to enhance the performance of a surface receive-only array for prostate MRI at 3 Tesla.
Magn. Reson. Imaging, 53, pp.164-172 (2018).
K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Tomosynthesis implementation with adaptive online calibration on clinical C-arm systems.
Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 13 (10), pp.1481-1495 (2018).
S. Domsch, B. Mürle, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Oxygen extraction fraction mapping at 3 Tesla using an artificial neural network: A feasibility study.
Magn Reson Med, 79, pp.890-899 (2018).
N. Kassner, M. Weis, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Histogram based Analysis of Lung Perfusion of Children after Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair.
Magn Reson Imaging, 48, pp.42-49 (2018).
M. Malzacher, M. Davids, L. Schad and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Evaluating the effects of receive-only arrays in specific absorption rate simulations at 3 and 7 T.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 53, pp.7-13 (2018).
M. Malzacher, R. Hu, J. Chacon-Caldera and L. Schad.
Reducing signal-to-noise ratio degradation due to coil coupling in a receiver array for 35Cl MRI at 9.4 Tesla: A comparison of matching and decoupling strategies.
Concept Magn Reson B, 48 (2), p.e21383 (2018).
N. Meßner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, T. Papavassiliu, L. Schad, S. Weingärtner and F. Zöllner.
Saturation-Recovery Myocardial T1-Mapping during Systole: Accurate and Robust Quantification in the Presence of Arrhythmia.
Sci Rep, 8, p.5251 (2018).
W. Neumann, A. Bichert, J. Fleischhauer, A. Stern, R. Figuli, M. Wilhelm, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A novel 3D printed mechanical actuator using centrifugal force for magnetic resonance elastography: initial results in an anthropomorphic prostate phantom.
PloS one, 13 (10), p.e0205442 (2018).
W. Neumann, V. Lehnart, Y. Vetter, A. Bichert, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Coupled actuators with a mechanically synchronized phase during MR elastography: a phantom feasibility study.
Concept Magn Reson B, 48B, p.e21403 (2018).
N. Paschke, W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, M. Winkler, E. Probst, M. Fatar, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Influence of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents on Tissue Sodium Quantification in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Invest Radiol, 53 (9), pp.555-562 (2018).
B. Rieger, M. Akçakaya, J. Pariente, S. Llufriu, E. Martinez-Heras, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Time efficient whole-brain coverage with MR Fingerprinting using slice-interleaved echo-planar-imaging.
Sci Rep, 8, p.6667 (2018).
M. Ruttorf, S. Kristensen, L. Schad and J. Almeida.
Transcranial direct current stimulation alters functional network structure in humans.
bioRxiv 296657, (2018).
S. Weingärtner, C. Shenoy, B. Rieger, L. Schad, J. Schulz-Menger and M. Akçakaya.
Temporally resolved parametric assessment of Z-magnetization recovery (TOPAZ): Dynamic myocardial T1 mapping using a cine steady-state look-locker approach.
Magn Reson Med, 79 (4), pp.2087-2100 (2018).
M. Bertleff, S. Domsch, F. Laun, T. Kuder and L. Schad.
1D and 2D diffusion pore imaging on a preclinical MR system using adaptive rephasing: Feasibility and pulse sequence comparison.
J. Magn. Reson., 278, pp.39-50 (2017).
M. Bertleff, S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp, K. O'Brien, M. Barth and L. Schad.
Diffusion parameter mapping with the combined intravoxel incoherent motion and kurtosis model using artificial neural networks at 3 T.
NMR Biomed, 30 (12), p.e3833 (2017).
J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Malzacher and L. Schad.
Partially orthogonal resonators for magnetic resonance imaging.
Sci Rep, 7, p.42347 (2017).
M. Davids, B. Guerin, M. Malzacher, L. Schad and L. Wald.
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B. Ridley, A. Marchi, J. Wirsich, E. Soulier, S. Confort-Gouny, L. Schad, F. Bartolomei, J. Ranjeva, M. Guye and W. Zaaraoui.
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Desynchronization of Cartesian k-space sampling and periodic motion for improved retrospectively self-gated 3D lung MRI using quasi-random numbers.
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S. Weingärtner, N. Meßner, F. Zöllner, M. Akçakaya and L. Schad.
Black-Blood Native T1 Mapping: Blood Signal Suppression for Reduced Partial-Voluming in the Myocardium.
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J. Zapp, S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
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F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger, B. Yard, B. Krämer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Quantitative Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Measurements in Rat Models of Renal Transplantation and Acute Kidney Injury at 3T.
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J. Budjan, U. Benck, A. Lammert, M. Ong, M. Mircheva, S. Diehl, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, B. Krämer, S. Schoenberg and S. Haneder.
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J. Chacón-Caldera, S. Geraci, P. Krämer, L. Cullen-McEwen, J. Bertram, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Fast glomerular quantification of whole ex vivo mouse kidneys using Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 9.4 Tesla.
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P. Eisele, S. Konstandin, M. Griebe, K. Szabo, M. Wolf, A. Alonso, A. Ebert, J. Serwane, C. Rossmanith, M. Hennerici, L. Schad and A. Gass.
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J. Kather, C. Weis, F. Bianconi, S. Melchers, L. Schad, T. Gaiser, A. Marx and F. Zöllner.
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J. Lommen, S. Konstandin, P. Krämer and L. Schad.
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M. Malzacher, R. Kalayciyan, S. Konstandin, S. Haneder and L. Schad.
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F. Nees, M. Griebe, A. Ebert, M. Ruttorf, B. Gerber, O. Wolf, L. Schad, A. Gass and K. Szabo.
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B. Reuter, A. Venus, S. Grudzenski, P. Heiler, L. Schad, M. Staufenbiel, M. Hennerici and M. Fatar.
Statin Therapy and the Development of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy-A Rodent in Vivo Approach.
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B. Reuter, A. Venus, P. Heiler, L. Schad, A. Ebert, M. Hennerici, S. Grudzenski and M. Fatar.
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M. Schwerter, F. Lietzmann and L. Schad.
A novel approach for a 2D/3D image registration routine for medical tool navigation in minimally invasive vascular interventions.
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M. Tibiletti, A. Kjorstad, A. Bianchi, L. Schad, D. Stiller and V. Rasche.
Multistage self-gated lung imaging in small rodents.
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S. Weingärtner, N. Meßner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, U. Mattler, T. Papavassiliu, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Myocardial T1-mapping at 3T using saturation-recovery: reference values, precision and comparison with MOLLI.
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F. Wetterling, E. Chatzikonstantinou, L. Tritschler, S. Meairs, M. Fatar, L. Schad and S. Ansar.
Investigating potentially salvageable penumbra tissue in an in vivo model of transient ischemic stroke using sodium, diffusion, and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging.
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M. Wicking, F. Steiger, F. Nees, S. Diener, O. Grimm, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, T. Winkelmann, G. Wirtz and H. Flor.
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T. Winkelmann, O. Grimm, S. Pohlack, F. Nees, R. Cacciaglia, R. Dinu-Biringer, F. Steiger, M. Wicking, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad and H. Flor.
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F. Zöllner, S. Konstandin, J. Lommen, J. Budjan, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and S. Haneder.
Quantitative Sodium MRI of Kidney.
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F. Zöllner, M. Daab, S. Sourbron, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and G. Weisser.
An open source software for analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance images: UMMPerfusion revisited.
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A. Bianchi, M. Tibiletti, Å. Kjørstad, G. Birk, L. Schad, B. Stierstorfer, V. Rasche and D. Stiller.
Three-dimensional accurate detection of lung emphysema in rats using ultra-short and zero echo time MRI.
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A. Bianchi, M. Tibiletti, Å. Kjørstad, G. Birk, L. Schad, B. Stierstorfer, D. Stiller and V. Rasche.
Functional Proton MRI in Emphysematous Rats.
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D. Corteville, Å. Kjørstad, T. Henzler, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Fourier Decomposition pulmonary MRI using a variable flip angle bSSFP technique.
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M. Davids, M. Ruttorf, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Fast and robust design of time-optimal k-space trajectories in MRI.
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S. Domsch, J. Zapp, L. Schad, F. Nees, H. Hill, D. Hermann, K. Mann and S. Vollstädt-Klein.
Optimized Protocol for High Resolution Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3T using Single-Shot Echo Planar Imaging.
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K. Emblem, M. Pinho, F. Zöllner, P. Due-Tonnessen, J. Hald, D. Scheie, L. Schad, T. Meling, O. Rapalino and A. Bjornerud.
A Generic SVM Model for Preoperative Glioma Survival Associations.
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I. Fellhauer, F. Zöllner, J. Schröder, C. Degen, L. Kong, M. Essig, P. Thomann and L. Schad.
Comparison of automated brain segmentation using a brain phantom and patients with early Alzheimer's dementia or mild cognitive impairment.
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S. Haneder, J. Budjan, S. Schoenberg, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, R. Hofheinz, V. Gramlich, F. Wenz, F. Lohr and J. Boda-Heggemann.
Dose-dependent changes in renal (1)H-/ (23)Na MRI after adjuvant radiochemotherapy for gastric cancer.
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S. Haneder, F. Giordano, S. Konstandin, S. Brehmer, K. Buesing, P. Schmiedek, L. Schad, F. Wenz, S. Schoenberg and M. Ong.
(23)Na-MRI of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme after intraoperative radiotherapy: technical note.
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D. Harder and L. Schad.
25 Jahre "Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik".
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J. Kather, A. Marx, C. Reyes-Aldasoro, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and C. Weis.
Continuous representation of tumor microvessel density and detection of angiogenic hotspots in histological whole-slide images.
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J. Kather, C. Weis, A. Marx, A. Schuster, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
New colors for histology: optimized bivariate color maps increase perceptual contrast in histological images.
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A. Kjorstad, D. Corteville, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Non-invasive Quantitative Pulmonary V/Q imaging using Fourier Decomposition MRI at 1.5T.
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L. Kong, C. Herold, F. Zöllner, D. Salat, M. Lässer, L. Schmid, I. Fellhauer, P. Thomann, M. Essig, L. Schad, K. Erickson and J. Schröder.
Comparison of grey matter volume and thickness for analyzing cortical changes in chronic schizophrenia: A matter of surface area, grey/white matter intensity contrast and curvature.
Psychiat Res-Neuroimaging, 231, pp.176-183 (2015).
S. Konstandin, P. Krämer, M. Günther and L. Schad.
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging using ultra-short echo time sequences with anisotropic resolution and uniform k-space sampling.
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M. Meyer, H. Haubenreisser, R. Raupach, B. Schmidt, F. Lietzmann, C. Leidecker, T. Allmendinger, T. Flohr, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and T. Henzler.
Initial results of a new generation dual source CT system using only an in-plane comb filter for ultra-high resolution temporal bone imaging.
Eur Radiol, 25 (1), pp.178-185 (2015).
E. Neumaier-Probst, S. Konstandin, J. Ssozi, C. Groden, M. Hennerici, L. Schad and M. Fatar.
A double-tuned 1 H/ 23 Na resonator allows 1 H-guided 23 Na-MRI in ischemic stroke patients in one session.
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S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, R. Cacciaglia, T. Winkelmann, L. Schad, S. Witt, M. Rietschel and H. Flor.
Neural mechanism of a sex-specific risk-variant for posttraumatic stress disorder in the PAC1 receptor.
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A. Torresin, M. Brambilla, A. Monti, A. Moscato, M. Brockmann, L. Schad, U. Attenberger and F. Lohr.
Review of potential improvements using MRI in the radiotherapy workflow.
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S. Weingärtner, F. Wetterling, S. Konstandin, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst and L. Schad.
Scan time reduction in (23)Na-magnetic resonance imaging using the chemical shift imaging sequence: Evaluation of an iterative reconstruction method.
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A. Wujcicki, D. Corteville, A. Materka and L. Schad.
Perfusion and ventilation filters for Fourier-decomposition MR lung imaging.
Z Med Phys, 25 (1), pp.66-76 (2015).
F. Zöllner, F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger and L. Schad.
Functional imaging of acute kidney injury at 3 Tesla: Investigating multiple parameters using DCE-MRI and a two-compartment filtration model.
Z Med Phys, 25 (1), pp.58-65 (2015).
F. Zöllner, M. Daab, M. Weidner, V. Sommer, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, G. Weisser, S. Schoenberg, K. Neff and L. Schad.
Semi-automatic Lung Segmentation of DCE-MRI Data Sets of 2-year old Children after Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair: Initial Results.
Magn Reson Imaging, 33 (10), p.1345–1349 (2015).
S. Baier, P. Krämer, S. Grudzenski, M. Fatar, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Chlorine and sodium chemical shift imaging during acute stroke in a rat model at 9.4 Tesla.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 27 (1), pp.71-80 (2014).
M. Danisch, R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
Bilaterale 23Na-MR-Bildgebung der Mamma und Quantifizierung der Natriumkonzentration.
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S. Domsch, M. Mie, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Non-invasive multiparametric qBOLD approach for robust mapping of the oxygen extraction fraction.
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I. Elabyad, R. Kalayciyan, N. Shanbhag and L. Schad.
First in vivo Potassium-39 (39K) MRI at 9.4 T using conventional copper radio frequency surface coil cooled to 77 K.
IEEE T Biomed Eng, 61 (2), pp.334-345 (2014).
K. Emblem, P. Due-Tonnessen, J. Hald, A. Bjornerud, M. Pinho, D. Scheie, L. Schad, T. Meling and F. Zöllner.
Machine Learning in Pre-operative Glioma MRI: Survival Associations by Perfusion-based SVM Outperforms Traditional MRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 40, pp.47-54 (2014).
S. Haneder, M. Ong, J. Budjan, R. Schmidt, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Kerl.
(23)Na - MR of the human lumbar vertebral discs: in-vivo measurements at 3.0T in healthy volunteers and patients with low back pain.
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S. Haneder, H. Michaely, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, J. Morelli, B. Krämer, S. Schoenberg and A. Lammert.
3T Renal (23)Na-MRI: effects of desmopressin in patients with central diabetes insipidus.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 27 (1), pp.47-52 (2014).
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, E. Hodneland, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quantitative Lung Ventilation using Fourier Decomposition MRI; Comparison and Initial Study.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 27 (6), pp.467-476 (2014).
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, A. Fischer, T. Henzler, G. Schmid-Bindert, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quantitative Lung Perfusion Evaluation using Fourier Decomposition Perfusion MRI.
Magn Reson Med, 72 (2), pp.558-562 (2014).
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
30 years of sodium/X-nuclei magnetic resonance imaging.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 27 (1), pp.1-4 (2014).
A. Maarouf, B. Audoin, S. Konstandin, A. Rico, E. Soulier, F. Reuter, A. {Le Troter}, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, M. Guye, L. Schad, J. Pelletier, J. Ranjeva and W. Zaaraoui.
Topography of brain sodium accumulation in progressive multiple sclerosis.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 27 (1), pp.53-62 (2014).
N. Meßner, F. Zöllner, R. Kalayciyan and L. Schad.
Pre-clinical Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Part II: The Heart.
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N. Pannetier, M. Sohlin, T. Christen, L. Schad and N. Schuff.
Numerical modeling of susceptibility-related MR signal dephasing with vessel size measurement: Phantom validation at 3T.
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M. Rance, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Real time fMRI feedback of the anterior cingulate and posterior insular cortex in the processing of pain.
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M. Rance, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Neurofeedback of the difference in activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and posterior insular cortex: two functionally connected areas in the processing of pain.
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B. Reuter, S. Grudzenski, E. Chatzikonstantinou, S. Meairs, A. Ebert, P. Heiler, L. Schad, M. Staufenbiel, M. Hennerici and M. Fatar.
Thrombolysis in Experimental Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and the Risk of Secondary Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
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R. Rupp, A. Blesch, L. Schad, B. Draganski and N. Weidner.
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M. Weidner, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and K. Neff.
High temporal versus high spatial resolution in MR quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging of 2-year old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair.
Eur Radiol, 24 (10), pp.2427-2434 (2014).
F. Zöllner, F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger and L. Schad.
Renal Perfusion in Acute Kidney Injury with DCE-MRI: Deconvolution analysis versus Two-Compartment Filtration Model.
Magn Reson Imaging, 32 (6), pp.781-785 (2014).
F. Zöllner, R. Kalayciyan, J. Chacón-Caldera, F. Zimmer and L. Schad.
Pre-clinical Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Part I: The Kidney.
Z Med Phys, 24 (4), pp.286-306 (2014).
S. Domsch, J. Linke, P. Heiler, A. Kroll, H. Flor, M. Wessa and L. Schad.
Increased BOLD sensitivity in the orbitofrontal cortex using slice-dependent echo times at 3 T.
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E. Gottwald, T. Kleintschek, S. Giselbrecht, R. Truckenmüller, B. Altmann, M. Worgull, J. Döpfert, L. Schad and M. Heilmann.
Characterization of a chip-based bioreactor for three-dimensional cell cultivation via Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Z Med Phys, 23 (2), pp.102-110 (2013).
S. Haneder, P. Kettnaker, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative in vivo 23Na MR imaging of the healthy human kidney: determination of physiological ranges at 3.0T with comparison to DWI and BOLD.
Magn Reson Mater Phy, 26 (6), pp.501-509 (2013).
S. Haneder, S. Schönberg, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Sodium (23Na)-imaging as therapy monitoring in oncology - future prospects.
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S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Assessment of the renal corticomedullary (23)Na gradient using isotropic data sets.
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R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker, S. Haneder, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Bilateral kidney sodium-MRI: Enabling accurate quantification of renal sodium concentration through a two-element phased array system.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 38 (3), pp.564-572 (2013).
S. Kirsch, M. Kreinest, G. Reisig, M. Schwarz, P. Ströbel and L. Schad.
In vitro mapping of (1) H ultrashort T2 * and T2 of porcine menisci.
NMR Biomed, 26 (9), pp.1167-1175 (2013).
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Two-dimensional radial sodium heart MRI using variable-rate selective excitation and retrospective electrocardiogram gating with golden angle increments.
Magn Reson Med, 70 (3), pp.791-799 (2013).
A. Merrem, F. Zöllner, M. Reich, A. Lundervold, J. Rørvik and L. Schad.
A variational approach to image registration in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI of the human kidney Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Mag Res Imag, 31 (5), pp.771-777 (2013).
H. Mochizuki, U. Baumgärtner, S. Kamping, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, H. Flor, R. Kakigi and R. Treede.
Cortico-subcortical activation patterns for itch and pain.
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S. Sourbron, M. Heilmann, C. Walczak, J. Vautier, L. Schad and A. Volk.
T2*-relaxivity contrast imaging: First results.
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F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner, S. Höger, S. Klotz, C. Tsagogiorgas, B. Krämer and L. Schad.
Quantitative Renal Perfusion Measurements in a Rat Model of Acute Kidney Injury at 3T: Testing Inter- and Intramethodical Significance of ASL and DCE-MRI.
PLoS ONE, 8 (1), p.e53849 (2013).
F. Zöllner, G. Weisser, M. Reich, S. Kaiser, S. Schoenberg, S. Sourbron and L. Schad.
UMMPerfusion: An Open Source software tool for quantitative MRI perfusion analysis in clinical routine.
J Digital Imaging, 26 (2), pp.344-352 (2013).
F. Zöllner, D. Schock-Kusch, S. Bäcker, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Simultaneous measurement of GFR by DCE-MRI and FITC-sinistrin clearance in rats at 3.0 T: Initial Results.
Plos ONE, 8 (11), p.e79992 (2013).
H. Burmeister, T. Bitter, P. Heiler, A. Irintchev, R. Fröber, M. Dietzel, P. Baltzer, L. Schad, J. Reichenbach, H. Gudziol, O. Guntinas-Lichius and W. Kaiser.
Imaging of lamination patterns of the adult human olfactory bulb and tract: In vitro comparison of standard- and high-resolution 3T MRI, and MR microscopy at 9.4T.
Neuroimage, 60, pp.1662-1670 (2012).
C. Decker, F. Zöllner, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Comparing Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for the Enhancement of Sodium Magnetic Resonance Images.
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S. Domsch, A. Lemke, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
A novel temporal filtering strategy for functional MRI using UNFOLD.
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E. van Dongen, A. Takashima, M. Barth, J. Zapp, L. Schad, K. Paller and G. Fernández.
Memory stabilization with targeted reactivation during human slow-wave sleep.
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J. Geleijns, E. Breatnach, A. Cantera, J. Damilakis, P. Dendy, A. Evans, K. Faulkner, R. Padovani, W. Putten, L. Schad, R. Wirestam, T. Eudaldo and . .
Core curriculum for medical physicists in radiology. Recommendations from an EFOMP/ESR working group.
Insights Imaging, 3 (3), pp.197-200 (2012).
S. Haneder, H. Michaely, S. Schoenberg, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, K. Siebenlist, H. Wertz, F. Wenz, F. Lohr and J. Boda-Heggemann.
Assessment of renal function after conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy by functional (1)H-MRI and (23)Na-MRI.
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D. Hausmann, S. Konstandin, F. Wetterling, S. Haneder, A. Nagel, D. Dinter, S. Schönberg, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Sodium Concentration Measurements in Human Prostate Tissue via Hydrogen-1 and Sodium-23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Clinical Setting at 3 T.
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M. Heilmann, S. Neudecker, I. Wolf, L. Gubhaju, C. Sticht, D. Schock-Kusch, W. Kriz, J. Bertram, L. Schad and N. Gretz.
Quantification of glomerular number and size distribution in normal rat kidneys using magnetic resonance imaging.
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T. Henzler, S. Konstandin, G. Schmid-Bindert, P. Apfaltrer, S. Haneder, F. Wenz, L. Schad, C. Manegold, S. Schoenberg and C. Fink.
Imaging of Tumor Viability in Lung Cancer: Initial Results Using 23Na-MRI.
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F. Langhauser, P. Heiler, S. Grudzenski, A. Lemke, A. Alonso, L. Schad, M. Hennerici, S. Meairs and M. Fatar.
Thromboembolic stroke in C57BL/6 mice monitored by 9.4 T MRI using a 1H cryo probe.
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S. Li, F. Zöllner, A. Merrem, Y. Peng, J. Roervik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Wavelet-based segmentation of renal compartments in DCE-MRI of human kidney: Initial results in patients and healthy volunteers.
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F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, U. Attenberger, S. Haneder, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
DCE-MRI of the human kidney using BLADE: A feasibility study in healthy volunteers.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 35 (4), pp.868-874 (2012).
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Activation of the ventral striatum during aversive contextual conditioning in humans.
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F. Wetterling, D. Corteville, R. Kalayciyan, A. Rennings, S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, H. Stark and L. Schad.
Whole body sodium MRI at 3T using an asymmetric birdcage resonator and short echo time sequence: first images of a male volunteer.
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J. Wild, H. Marshall, M. Bock, L. Schad, P. Jakob, M. Puderbach, F. Molinari, E. Beek and J. Biederer.
MRI of the lung (1/3): methods.
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W. Zaaraoui, S. Konstandin, B. Audoin, A. Nagel, A. Rico, I. Malikova, E. Soulier, P. Viout, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, J. Pelletier, L. Schad and J. Ranjeva.
Distribution of Brain Sodium Accumulation Correlates with Disability in Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-sectional 23Na MR Imaging Study.
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J. Zapp, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Sinusoidal echo-planar imaging with parallel acquisition technique for reduced acoustic noise in auditory fMRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 36 (3), pp.581-588 (2012).
F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
SVM-based Glioma Grading: Optimization by Feature Reduction Analysis.
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F. Zöllner, E. Svarstad, A. Munthe-Kaas, L. Schad, A. Lundervold and J. Rørvik.
Assessment of Kidney Volumes from MR Images: Acquisition and Segmentation Techniques.
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F. Zöllner, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and K. Neff.
Quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging at 3.0 T of 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair: initial results.
Eur Radiol, 22 (12), pp.2743-2749 (2012).
J. Döpfert, A. Lemke, A. Weidner and L. Schad.
Investigation of prostate cancer using diffusion-weighted intravoxel incoherent motion imaging.
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S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, A. Nagel, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative and Qualitative 23Na MR Imaging of the Human Kidneys at 3 T: Before and after a Water Load.
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P. Heiler, F. Langhauser, F. Wetterling, S. Ansar, S. Grudzenski, S. Konstandin, M. Fatar, S. Meairs and L. Schad.
Chemical shift sodium imaging in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke at 9.4 T.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 34 (4), pp.935-940 (2011).
S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Single-slice mapping of ultrashort T2.
J Magn. Reson., 210 (1), pp.133-136 (2011).
S. Konstandin, P. Heiler, J. Scharf and L. Schad.
Comparison of selective arterial spin labeling using 1D and 2D tagging RF pulses.
Z Med Phys, 21 (1), pp.26-32 (2011).
S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Two-dimensional radial acquisition technique with density adaption in sodium MRI.
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A. Lemke, B. Stieltjes, L. Schad and F. Laun.
Toward an optimal distribution of b values for intravoxel incoherent motion imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging, 29 (6), pp.766-776 (2011).
A. Nagel, E. Amarteifio, F. Lehmann-Horn, K. Jurkat-Rott, W. Semmler, L. Schad and M. Weber.
3 Tesla Sodium Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Imaging Allows for Improved Visualization of Intracellular Sodium Content Changes in Muscular Channelopathies.
Invest Radiol, 46 (12), pp.759-766 (2011).
M. Sohlin and L. Schad.
Susceptibility-related MR signal dephasing under nonstatic conditions: Experimental verification and consequences for qBOLD measurements.
J Magn Reson Imaging, 33 (2), pp.417-425 (2011).
P. Heiler, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Artifact free T2*-weighted imaging at high spatial resolution using segmented EPI sequences.
Z Med Phys, 20 (3), pp.166-174 (2010).
S. Kirsch, M. Augath, D. Seiffge, L. Schilling and L. Schad.
In vivo chlorine-35, sodium-23 and proton magnetic resonance imaging of the rat brain.
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A. Lemke, F. Laun, D. Simon, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
An in vivo verification of the intravoxel incoherent motion effect in diffusion-weighted imaging of the abdomen.
Magn Reson Med, 64 (6), pp.1580-1585 (2010).
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
Untersuchung von selbstnavigierenden MR-Sequenzen für die Perfusionsbildgebung der Nieren.
Z Med Phys, 20 (2), pp.124-133 (2010).
C. Matthies, A. Nagel, L. Schad and P. Bachert.
Reduction of B(0) inhomogeneity effects in triple-quantum-filtered sodium imaging.
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M. Mie, J. Nissen, F. Zöllner, M. Heilmann, S. Schoenberg, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) of the kidney at 3 T - initial results.
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L. Schad.
20 years of ZMP (Journal of Medical Physics).
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S. Scheuer, F. Zöllner, E. Tumat and L. Schad.
Untersuchung von Strömungsverhältnissen an Modellen mittelgroßer stenotischer Gefäße mit der 3D-Phasenkontrast-Magnetresonanztomographie.
Z Med Phys, 20 (1), pp.34-45 (2010).
F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
Support vector machines in DSC-based glioma imaging: Suggestions for optimal characterization.
Magn Reson Med, 64 (4), p.1230–1236 (2010).
M. Augath, P. Heiler, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
In vivo 39K, 23Na and 1H MR imaging using a triple resonant RF coil setup.
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G. Bauman, M. Puderbach, M. Deimling, V. Jellus, C. Chefd'hotel, J. Dinkel, C. Hintze, H. Kauczor and L. Schad.
Non-contrast-enhanced perfusion and ventilation assessment of the human lung by means of fourier decomposition in proton MRI.
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S. Lang, A. Kroll, S. Lipinski, M. Wessa, S. Ridder, C. Christmann, L. Schad and H. Flor.
Context conditioning and extinction in humans: differential contribution of the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex.
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F. Laun, L. Schad, J. Klein and B. Stieltjes.
How background noise shifts eigenvectors and increases eigenvalues in DTI.
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F. Laun, B. Stieltjes, M. Schlüter, R. Rupp and L. Schad.
Reproducible evaluation of spinal cord DTI using an optimized inner volume sequence in combination with probabilistic ROI analysis.
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A. Lemke, F. Laun, M. Klau, T. Re, D. Simon, S. Delorme, L. Schad and B. Stieltjes.
Differentiation of Pancreas Carcinoma From Healthy Pancreatic Tissue Using Multiple b-Values: Comparison of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Derived Parameters.
Invest Radiol, 44, pp.769-775 (2009).
A. Nagel, F. Laun, M. Weber, C. Matthies, W. Semmler and L. Schad.
Sodium MRI using a density-adapted 3D radial acquisition technique.
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F. Zöllner, J. Monssen, J. Rørvik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Blood Flow Quantification from 2D Phase Contrast MRI in Renal Arteries using an Unsupervised Data Driven Approach.
Z Med Phys, 19 (2), pp.98-107 (2009).
S. Schmitter, E. Diesch, M. Amann, A. Kroll, M. Moayer and L. Schad.
Silent echo-planar imaging for auditory FMRI.
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S. Nielles-Vallespin, M. Weber, M. Bock, A. Bongers, P. Speier, S. Combs, J. Wöhrle, F. Lehmann-Horn, M. Essig and L. Schad.
3D radial projection technique with ultrashort echo times for sodium MRI: clinical applications in human brain and skeletal muscle.
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F. Risse, J. Boese, T. Hess, M. Mory, M. Schäfer, M. Gebhard and L. Schad.
An experimental organ model for magnetic resonance imaging.
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P. Siegler, J. Jenne, J. Boese, P. Huber and L. Schad.
STEAM-sequence with multi-echo-readout for static magnetic resonance elastography.
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Y. Zhang, N. Schuff, G. Jahng, W. Bayne, S. Mori, L. Schad, S. Mueller, A. Du, J. Kramer, K. Yaffe, H. Chui, W. Jagust, B. Miller and M. Weiner.
Diffusion tensor imaging of cingulum fibers in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease.
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M. Heilmann, F. Kiessling, M. Enderlin and L. Schad.
Determination of pharmacokinetic parameters in DCE MRI: Consequence of nonlinearity between contrast agent concentration and signal intensity.
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C. Karger, A. Höss, R. Bendl, V. Canda and L. Schad.
Accuracy of device-specific 2D and 3D image distortion correction algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging of the head provided by a manufacturer.
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F. Kiessling, M. Heilmann, T. Lammers, K. Ulbrich, V. Subr, P. Peschke, B. Waengler, W. Mier, H. Schrenk, M. Bock, L. Schad and W. Semmler.
Synthesis and characterization of HE-24.8: A polymeric contrast agent for magnetic resonance angiography.
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H. Schröder, A. Bongers and L. Schad.
Testing of model assumptions of MR oxygen extraction fraction mapping using a phantom study.
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F. Staehle, S. Nielles-Vallespin, A. Bongers and L. Schad.
Slice profile measurements of half pulse excitation for MR-imaging with ultra-short echo times (UTE).
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M. Weber, S. Nielles-Vallespin, H. Huttner, J. Wöhrle, K. Jurkat-Rott, F. Lehmann-Horn, L. Schad, H. Kauczor, M. Essig and H. Meinck.
Evaluation of patients with paramyotonia at 23Na MR imaging during cold-induced weakness.
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C. Bottmer, S. Bachmann, J. Pantel, M. Essig, M. Amann, L. Schad, V. Magnotta and J. Schröder.
Reduced cerebellar volume and neurological soft signs in first-episode schizophrenia.
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M. Weber, F. Risse, F. Giesel, L. Schad, H. Kauczor and M. Essig.
Perfusion measurement using the T2* contrast media dynamics in neuro-oncology. Physical basics and clinical applications.
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S. Bachmann, C. Bottmer, J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Amann, M. Essig and L. Schad.
MRI-morphometric changes in first-episode schizophrenic patients at 14 months follow-up.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock, S. Nielles-Vallespin, C. Wacker, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
ECG-gated 23Na-MRI of the human heart using a 3D-radial projection technique with ultra-short echo times.
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L. Schad.
Problems in texture analysis with magnetic resonance imaging.
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M. Weber, A. Kroll, M. Günther, S. Delorme, J. Debus, F. Giesel, M. Essig, H. Kauczor and L. Schad.
Noninvasive measurement of relative cerebral blood flow with the blood bolus MRI arterial spin labeling: basic physics and clinical applications.
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M. Weber, C. Thilmann, M. Lichy, M. Günther, S. Delorme, I. Zuna, A. Bongers, L. Schad, J. Debus, H. Kauczor, M. Essig and H. Schlemmer.
Assessment of irradiated brain metastases by means of arterial spin-labeling and dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced perfusion MRI - initial results.
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A. Bankamp and L. Schad.
Comparison of TSE, TGSE, and CPMG measurement techniques for MR polymer gel dosimetry.
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C. Karger, P. Hipp, M. Henze, G. Echner, A. Höss, L. Schad and G. Hartmann.
Stereotactic imaging for radiotherapy: Accuracy of CT, MRI, PET and SPECT.
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F. Kiessling, M. Heilmann, S. Vosseler, M. Lichy, M. Krix, C. Fink, I. Kiessling, H. Steinbauer, L. Schad, N. Fusenig and S. Delorme.
Dynamic T1-weighted monitoring of vascularization in human carcinoma heterotransplants by magnetic resonance imaging.
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F. Kiessling, M. Krix, M. Heilmann, S. Vosseler, M. Lichy, C. Fink, N. Farhan, K. Kleinschmidt, L. Schad, N. Fusenig and S. Delorme.
Comparing dynamic parameters of tumor vascularization in nude mice revealed by MRI and contrast enhanced intermittent power Doppler sonography.
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R. Krug, J. Boese and L. Schad.
Determination of aortic compliance from magnetic resonance images using an automatic active contour model.
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G. Rademaker, J. Jenne, R. Rastert, D. Röder and L. Schad.
Vergleich nichtinvasiver MRT-Verfahren zur Temperaturmessung für den Einsatz bei medizinischen Thermotherapien.
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C. Wacker, A. Hartlep, S. Pfleger, L. Schad, G. Ertl and W. Bauer.
Susceptibility-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging detects human myocardium supplied by a stenotic coronary artery without a contrast agent.
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M. Weber, M. Günther, M. Lichy, S. Delorme, A. Bongers, C. Thilmann, M. Essig, I. Zuna, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Comparison of arterial spin-labeling techniques and dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI in perfusion imaging of normal brain tissue.
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M. Weber, M. Lichy, M. Günther, S. Delorme, C. Thilmann, P. Bachert, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Monitoring of irradiated brain metastases using arterial spin-labeling MR-perfusion imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy.
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M. Weber, M. Lichy, C. Thilmann, M. Günther, P. Bachert, A. Maudsley, S. Delorme, L. Schad, J. Debus and H. Schlemmer.
Monitoring of irradiated brain metastases using MR perfusion imaging and 1H MR spectroscopy.
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M. Amann, M. Bock, F. Floemer, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
Three-dimensional spiral MR imaging: Application to renal multiphase contrast-enhanced angiography.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock, C. Wacker, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
23Na-MRI of the human heart using a 3D radial projection technique.
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J. Pantel, D. Hüger, B. Kratz, E. Minnemann, M. Martin, L. Schad, M. Essig and J. Schröder.
Structural cerebral changes in subjects with mild cognitive impairment.
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J. Pantel, P. Schönknecht, M. Essig, M. Amann, K. Eysenbach, L. Schad and J. Schröder.
Progressive medial temporal lobe changes in Alzheimer's disease revealed by quantitative MRI: Potential use for monitoring of drug-related changes.
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Functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI). 1: Basic principles and measuring techniques.
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Functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI). 2: Data analysis and applications.
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C. Wacker, F. Wiesmann, M. Bock, P. Jakob, J. Sandstede, A. Lehning, G. Ertl, L. Schad, A. Haase and W. Bauer.
Determination of regional blood volume and intra-extracapillary water exchange in human myocardium using Feruglose: First clinical results in patients with coronary artery disease.
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G. Beck, D. Li, E. Haacke, T. Noll and L. Schad.
Reducing oblique flow effects in interleaved EPI with a centric reordering technique.
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M. Günther, M. Bock and L. Schad.
Arterial spin labeling in combination with a look-locker sampling strategy: inflow turbo-sampling EPI-FAIR (ITS-FAIR).
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D. Kleinböhl, H. Bender, R. Hölzl, H. Meyer, L. Schad, M. Weiss and M. Weitz.
Schmerzdiagnostik mit phasischen und tonischen experimentellen Reizmodellen: Klinische Anwendung und funktionelle Bildgebung.
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H. Meyer, D. Kleinböhl, K. Baudendistel, M. Bock, J. Trojan, M. Rabuffetti-Lehle, R. Hölzl and L. Schad.
Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral pain processing.
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L. Schad.
Improved target volume characterization in stereotactic treatment planning of brain lesions by using high-resolution BOLD MR-venography.
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M. Bock, S. Schoenberg, F. Floemer and L. Schad.
Separation of arteries and veins in 3D MR angiography using correlation analysis.
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J. Boese, M. Bock, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
Estimation of aortic compliance using magnetic resonance pulse wave velocity measurement.
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J. Debus, D. Schulz-Ertner, L. Schad, M. Essig, B. Rhein, C. Thilmann and M. Wannenmacher.
Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy for chordomas and chondrosarcomas of the skull base.
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R. Jerecic, M. Bock and L. Schad.
An amplitude optimized single-shot hybrid QUEST technique.
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U. Ramm, U. Weber, M. Bock, M. Krämer, A. Bankamp, M. Damrau, C. Thilmann, H. Böttcher, L. Schad and G. Kraft.
Three-dimensional BANG gel dosimetry in conformal carbon ion radiotherapy.
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S. Thesen, O. Heid, E. Mueller and L. Schad.
Prospective acquisition correction for head motion with image-based tracking for real-time fMRI.
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S. Thesen, N. Henselmans, E. Müller and L. Schad.
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographiein Echtzeit.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
The relationship between the BOLD-induced T(2) and T(2)(*): a theoretical approach for the vasculature of myocardium.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
Theory of the BOLD effect in the capillary region: an analytical approach for the determination of T2 in the capillary network of myocardium.
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W. Bauer, W. Nadler, M. Bock, L. Schad, C. Wacker, A. Hartlep and G. Ertl.
Theory of coherent and incoherent nuclear spin dephasing in the heart.
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M. Essig, J. Reichenbach, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg, J. Debus and W. Kaiser.
High-resolution MR venography of cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
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M. Friedlinger, J. Schröder and L. Schad.
Ultra-fast automated brain volumetry based on bispectral MR imaging data.
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J. Hirsch, M. Bock, M. Essig and L. Schad.
Comparison of diffusion anisotropy measurements in combination with the flair-technique.
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R. Lerski, L. Schad, R. Luypaert, A. Amorison, R. Muller, L. Mascaro, P. Ring, A. Spisni, X. Zhu and A. Bruno.
Multicentre magnetic resonance texture analysis trial using reticulated foam test objects.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Jauss, M. Essig, R. Minakaran, P. Schönknecht, G. Schneider, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
Topography of callosal atrophy reflects distribution of regional cerebral volume reduction in Alzheimer's disease.
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Funktionelle MRT: von der Morphologie zur Funktion.
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J. Schröder, M. Essig, K. Baudendistel, T. Jahn, I. Gerdsen, A. Stockert, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
Motor dysfunction and sensorimotor cortex activation changes in schizophrenia: A study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
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C. Wacker, M. Bock, A. Hartlep, W. Bauer, G. van Kaick, S. Pfleger, G. Ertl and L. Schad.
BOLD-MRI in ten patients with coronary artery disease: evidence for imaging of capillary recruitment in myocardium supplied by the stenotic artery.
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C. Wacker, M. Bock, A. Hartlep, G. Beck, G. van Kaick, G. Ertl, W. Bauer and L. Schad.
Changes in myocardial oxygenation and perfusion under pharmacological stress with dipyridamole: assessment using T*2 and T1 measurements.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, M. Jauss, G. Schneider, K. Eysenbach, R. von Kummer, K. Baudendistel, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, R. Minakaran, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, M. Jauss and M. Knopp.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, L. Schad, D. Popp, K. Eysenbach, M. Jauss and M. Knopp.
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J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, N. Oesingmann, L. Schad, D. Brkovic, G. van Kaick and G. Staehler.
Die Magnetresonanzurographie. Erste klinische Ergebnisse.
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J. Dörsam, M. Knopp, S. Carl, N. Oesingmann, L. Schad, D. Brkovic, G. van Kaick and G. Staehler.
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H. Hawighorst, M. Knopp, J. Debus, G. Brix, R. Engenhart-Cabillic, L. Schad, M. Grandy, M. Essig and G. van Kaick.
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M. Knopp, J. Dörsam, N. Oesingmann, S. Piesche, H. Hawighorst, M. Wiesel, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, M. Essig, D. Popp, H. Dech, M. Knopp, L. Schad, K. Eysenbach, M. Backenstrass and M. Friedlinger.
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in geriatric depression and primary degenerative dementia.
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J. Pantel, J. Schröder, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, M. Knopp, R. Schmitt, M. Geissler, S. Blüml, M. Essig and H. Sauer.
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological functions in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
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L. Schad, P. Bachert, M. Bock, M. Essig, M. Knopp, M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, R. Surkau and E. Otten.
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S. Schoenberg, M. Knopp, M. Bock, F. Kallinowski, A. Just, M. Essig, H. Hawighorst, L. Schad and G. van Kaick.
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S. Schoenberg, M. Knopp, M. Bock, F. Kallinowski, A. Just, M. Essig, H. Hawighorst, I. Zuna, L. Schad, J. Allenberg and G. van Kaick.
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J. Schröder, J. Pantel, N. Ida, M. Essig, T. Hartmann, M. Knopp, L. Schad, R. Sandbrink, H. Sauer, C. Masters and K. Beyreuther.
Cerebral changes and cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease: a study with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging.
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P. Bachert, L. Schad, M. Bock, M. Knopp, M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, D. Hofmann, R. Surkau and E. Otten.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of airways in humans with use of hyperpolarized 3He.
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K. Baudendistel, L. Schad, F. Wenz, M. Essig, J. Schröder, T. Jahn, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
Monitoring of task performance during functional magnetic resonance imaging of sensorimotor cortex at 1.5 T.
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S. Blüml, L. Schad, J. Scharf, F. Wenz, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
A comparison of magnetization prepared 3D gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) sequences for imaging of intracranial lesions.
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J. Debus, M. Essig, L. Schad, F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, M. Knopp, R. Engenhart and W. Lorenz.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging in a stereotactic setup.
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M. Ebert, T. Grossmann, W. Heil, W. Otten, R. Surkau, M. Leduc, P. Bachert, M. Knopp, L. Schad and M. Thelen.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarised helium-3.
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Low-grade astrocytoma: treatment with conventionally fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy.
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Quantitative magnetic resonance tomography and the severity of deficits in dementia of the Alzheimer type.
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L. Schad, M. Bock, K. Baudendistel, M. Essig, J. Debus, M. Knopp, R. Engenhart and W. Lorenz.
Improved target volume definition in radiosurgery of arteriovenous malformations by stereotactic correlation of MRA, MRI, blood bolus tagging, and functional MRI.
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E. Wiener, L. Schad, K. Baudendistel, M. Essig, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
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K. Baudendistel, L. Schad, M. Friedlinger, F. Wenz, J. Schröder and W. Lorenz.
Postprocessing of functional MRI data of motor cortex stimulation measured with a standard 1.5 T imager.
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M. Bock, L. Schad, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Pulsewave velocity measurement using a new real-time MR-method.
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Bolustagging in der MR-Angiographie.
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H. Hawighorst, L. Schad, G. Gademann, S. Blüml, M. Knopp, F. Wenz and G. van Kaick.
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Echo planar imaging on a standard 1.5 Tesla imager.
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Event-related functional MR imaging of visual cortex stimulation at high temporal resolution using a standard 1.5 T imager.
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J. Schröder, F. Wenz, L. Schad, K. Baudendistel and M. Knopp.
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F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, M. Knopp, L. Schad, J. Schröder, F. Flömer and G. van Kaick.
Functional magnetic resonance tomography of movement disorders in patients with schizophrenia.
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F. Wenz, K. Baudendistel, S. Wildermuth, T. Hess, T. Egelhof, M. Forsting, L. Schad and M. Knopp.
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C. Becker, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Measurement of diffusion coefficients using a quick echo split NMR imaging technique.
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M. Knopp, T. Hess, L. Schad, H. Bischoff, G. Weisser, S. Blüml and G. van Kaick.
MR tomography of lung metastases with rapid gradient echo sequences. Initial results in diagnostic applications.
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R. Niethammer, M. Karr, L. Schad, M. Knopp, F. Wenz, A. Stockert, K. Baudendistel and J. Schröder.
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L. Schad, S. Blüml, J. Debus, J. Scharf and W. Lorenz.
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Radiosurgical treatment planning of brain metastases based on a fast, three-dimensional MR imaging technique.
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C. Wacker, L. Schad, U. Gehling, A. Gamroth, E. Müller, M. Knopp, V. Schulz and G. van Kaick.
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Spin-lattice relaxation time measurement by means of a TurboFLASH technique.
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A. Strittmatter, A. Hertel, S. Diehl, M. Froelich, S. Schoenberg, S. Loges, T. Boch, D. Nowak, A. Streuer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Multistage Registration of CT and Biopsy CT Images of Lung Tumors.
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Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2024. BVM 2024. Informatik aktuell , , 2024, p.202 .
M. Božic-Iven, Y. Zhang, Q. Tao, S. Rapacchi, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Myocardium signal suppression with T2-preparations for reduced physiological noise in myocardial ASL.
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A. Adlung, F. Tollens, A. Strittmatter, N. Westhoff, D. Hausmann, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
Primary prostate cancer characterisation using internal references for 23Na MRI quantification.
Proc. Int Soc Magn Reson Med , , 2023 31 .
M. Božic-Iven, S. Rapacchi, Q. Tao, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Respiratory navigated free-breathing myocardial arterial spin labelling (ASL) with phase sensitive reconstruction.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med , , 2023 31 .
E. Ilicak, S. Ozdemir, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Functional Lung Imaging.
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S. Ozdemir, E. Ilicak, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigating Variable Density Sampling Patterns in Spiral Trajectories for use in MREPT.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med , , 2023
A. Strittmatter, A. Hertel, S. Diehl, M. Froelich, S. Schoenberg, S. Loges, T. Boch, D. Nowak, A. Streuer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A multistage registration of CT and biopsy CT images of lung tumors.
Proc. 6th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , 2023 .
A. Strittmatter, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A Multistage Rigid-Affine-Deformable Network for Three-Dimensional Multimodal Medical Image Registration.
Proc. 5th International Meeting on Renal Imaging , , 2023 .
C. Tönnes, C. Licht, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
SimMRI – A webbased MR Image Simulator for easy accessible MRI teaching.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med , , 2023
F. Tollens, A. Adlung, A. Strittmatter, N. Westhoff, D. Hausmann, S. Schönberg, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and D. Nörenberg.
Charakterisierung von Prostatakarzinomen in der 23Na MRT mittels interner Referenzen.
RöFo-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren , , 2023, p.S79 .
S. Reichert, D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Comparison of Double Quantum (DQ) Suppression Methods for Inversion Recovery TQTPPI (IRTQTPPI) Sequence.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.4428 .
S. Reichert, D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Simulation of Spin-3/2 Quadrupole Nuclei Dynamics in Biological Environments for Arbitrary Pulse Sequences.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.4427 .
S. Reichert, D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Correlation of the 23Na Triple-Quantum Signal with Protein Size.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.4426 .
S. Özdemir, E. Ilicak, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigating Spiral Trajectories for Sub-second Conductivity Imaging in MREPT.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.2915 .
C. Licht, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
An iterative algorithm for resolving high-resolution 23Na Multi-Quantum Coherences MRI from prior 1H constraints.
Proc. Int Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.1285 .
V. Klein, J. Coll-Font, L. Vendramini, D. Straney, M. Davids, N. Ferris, L. Schad, D. Sosnovik, C. Nguyen, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Measurement of cardiac magnetostimulation thresholds in pigs.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.581 .
P. Kinz and L. Schad.
A CNN for Oxygen Extraction Fraction Mapping with combined QSM and qBOLD.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.1986 .
E. Ilicak, S. Ozdemir, L. Schad, J. Zapp and F. Zöllner.
Improving reconstruction quality in non-contrast-enhanced functional lung imaging via LORAKS.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.1478 .
Brumer, D. Bauer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Synthetic arterial spin labelling datasets of the kidneys for pipeline evaluation and comparison.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.2491 .
I. Brumer, S. Jonscher, I. Gineitaite, R. Echeverria-Chasco, L. Schad, M. Fernández-Seara and F. Zöllner.
Investigating the influence of ECG-triggering and respiration strategy on renal perfusion quantification using arterial spin labelling.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.1303 .
M. Bozic-Iven, S. Rapacchi, I. Pierce, G. Thornton, Q. Tao, L. Schad, T. Treibel and S. Weingaertner.
Towards reproducible Arterial Spin Labelling in the myocardium: Impact of blood T1 time and imaging readout parameters.
Proc. Int Soc. Magn Reson Med , London, UK , 2022 31, p.913 .
S. Albert, B. Wichtmann, W. Zhao, J. Hesser, U. Attenberger, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparison of Image Normalization Techniques for Rectal Cancer Segmentation in Multi-Center Data: Initial results.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.619 .
A. Adlung, S. Mohamed, M. Hoesl, F. Giordano, E. Probst, H. L. Schad and A. Ruder.
Tissue Sodium Concentration Quantifies Cell Response after Radiation Therapy with Stereotactic Radiosurgery.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , , 2022 31, p.2661 .
T. Russ, Y. Ma, A. Golla, D. Bauer, T. Reynolds, C. Tönnes, S. Hatamikia, L. Schad, F. Zöllner, G. Gang, W. Wang and J. Stayman.
Fast CBCT reconstruction using convolutional neural networks for arbitrary robotic C-arm orbits.
In: Zhao, Wei, Yu, Lifeng,
Proc. SPIE, Medical Imaging 2022: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2022 12031, p.120311I
A. Adlung, N. Paschke, A. Golla, D. Bauer, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, E. Probst, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Accuracy of quantified 23Na MRI in ischemic Stroke with varying undersampling Factors and CNN Postprocessing.
Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med , (2021) 29 (1792) .
A. Adlung, S. Mohamed, N. Paschke, M. Berger, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, A. Gass, E. Probst and L. Schad.
Evaluation of different References for the Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration in Patients with ischemic Stroke.
Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med , (2021) 29, p.1794 .
A. Adlung, F. Tollens, N. Paschke, J. Hümsch, N. Westhoff, D. Hausmann, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
23Na MRI in Patients with suspected Prostate Cancer: External and Internal References for Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration.
Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med , , (2021) 29, p.3903 .
D. Bauer, E. Oelschläger, A. Golla, A. Adlung, T. Russ, I. Hermann, I. Brumer, J. Rosenkranz, F. Tollens, S. Clausens, P. Aumüller, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
An Anthropomorphic Pelvis Phantom for Prostate Brachytherapy.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med , , (2021) 29, p.481 .
D. Bauer, I. Brumer, A. Adlung, A. Golla, T. Russ, E. Oelschlegel, F. Tollens, S. Clausen, P. Aumüller, L. Schad, D. Nörenberg and F. Zöllner.
An Anthropomorphic Pelvis Phantom for MR-guided Prostate Biopsy.
Proc. 5th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2021) .
D. Bauer, T. Russ, C. Ulrich, A. Golla, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Metal Artifact Correction in End-to-end Deep Learning CT Image Reconstruction.
Proc. 5th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2021) .
D. Bauer, C. Ulrich, A. Golla, T. Russ, C. Tönnes, J. Leuschner, M. Schmidt, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Image reconstruction using end-to-end deep learning for low-dose CT.
Proc. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , , (2021) .
I. Brumer, D. Bauer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Synthetic Arterial Spin Labelling MR Images.
ISMRM Workshop on Kidney MRI Biomarkers: The Route to Clinical Adoption , , (2021) .
I. Brumer, I. Gineitaite, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Automatic kidney segmentation of ASL-MR images using histogram distribution analysis and thresholding.
ISMRM Workshop on Kidney MRI Biomarkers: The Route to Clinical Adoption , , (2021) .
I. Hermann, D. Tamada, J. Tourais, S. Reeder, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Feasibility and insights into transient state phase-based mapping for rapid T2 quantification in the myocardium.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , , (2021) 29, p.1466 .
I. Hermann, A. Golla, E. Martínez-Heras, R. Schmidt, E. Solana, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad, S. Weingärtner and F. Zöllner.
Deep Learning Reconstruction of MR Fingerprinting for simultaneous T1, T2* mapping and generation of WM, GM and WM lesion probability maps.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med , , (2021) 29, p.1450 .
E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, S. Ozdemir, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Phase-Cycled Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging for Functional Lung Imaging at 1.5 and 3 Tesla.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med , , (2021) 29, p.3230 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Modeling of cardiacstimulation by externally applied electromagnetic fields.
Proceedingsof the 22nd International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications(ICEAA) , , (2021), p.686 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, D. Straney, L. Vendramini, L. Schad, M. van denBoomen, C. Nguyen, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Device and simulation workflowfor validating cardiac magneto-stimulation thresholds in porcine models.
Proc Annual Meeting International Society for Magnetic Resonancein Medicine (ISMRM). , , (2021) 29, p.2477 .
T. Russ, W. Wang, A. Golla, D. Bauer, M. Tivnan, C. Tönnes, Y. Ma, T. Reynolds, S. Hatamikia, L. Schad, F. Zöllner, G. Gang and J. Stayman.
Fast Reconstruction of non-circular CBCT orbits using CNNs.
Proc. Fully3D Congress , , (2021) .
A. Adlung, N. Paschke, A. Schnurr, S. Mohamed, V. Saase, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst and L. Schad.
CNNs improve tissue sodium concentration accuracy in white and grey matter from stroke patients at 3T 23Na MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3809 .
A. Adlung, M. Hoesl, S. Mohamed, A. Ruder, F. Giordano, E. Neumaier Probst and L. Schad.
Evolution of the tissue sodium concentration in brain metastases undergoing stereotactical radiosurgery: a feasilbility study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.4847 .
D. Bauer, T. Russ, W. Segars, A. Schnurr, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Generation of Fully Annotated Abdominal T1-weighted MR Ground Truth Data for Image Segmentation and Registration using CycleGANs and the XCAT Phantom.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 37, pp.26-27 .
K. Chao, E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Low-rank plus sparse compressed sensing for acceleratedpulmonary imaging.
Porc. ESMRMB Congress , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 33, pp.S191-192 .
G. Gang, T. Russ, Y. Ma, C. Toennes, J. Siewerdsen, L. Schad and J. Stayman.
Metal-Tolerant Noncircular Orbit Design and Implementation on Robotic C-Arm Systems.
6th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography , , (2020) .
I. Hermann, M. Sigl, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
4D Flow for estimation of global and local pulse wave velocity in stenotic femoral arteries.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3235 .
I. Hermann, R. Schmidt, B. Rieger, E. Martinez-Heras, E. Solona, S. Llufriu, A. Gass, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Detection of multiple sclerosis lesion with T1 and T2* MR Fingerprinting.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.1419 .
I. Hermann, J. Chacon-Caldera, I. Brumer, S. Weingärtner, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Renal magnetic resonance fingerprinting for simultaneous T1 and T2* quantification.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3752 .
I. Hermann, P. Kellman, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Free breathing simultaneous T1, T2 and T2* quantification using gradient echo readouts in the myocardium.
Proc. ESMRMB 2020 , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 33, pp.1-20 .
M. Hoesl, L. Schad and S. Rapacchi.
CRISTINA: Cartesian Single and Triple Quantum Imaging of 23Na in the Brain.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3773 .
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Using an Artificial Neural Network for Fast Mapping of the Oxygen Extraction Fraction with Combined QSM and qBOLD.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.1867 .
E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition for accelerated non-contrast-enhanced functional lung MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.2310 .
D. Kleimaier, S. Goerke, C. Nies, M. Zaiss, P. Kunz, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
The cellular heat shock response monitored by chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3131 .
D. Kleimaier, V. Schepkin, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Intracellular sodium changes in cancer cells using a microcavity array-based bioreactor and sodium triple-quantum signal.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.2979 .
D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Sodium TQ signal cancelation due to B0 inhomogeneities despite the use of a refocusing pulse.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.2978 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, C. Nguyen, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Feasibility of using transcranial magnetic stimulation devices to study magnetically induced cardiac stimulation in pigs.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.0111 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Simulation of electromagnetic cardiac stimulation: Validation in dogs and application to human threshold limits for MRI gradient coils.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.1125 .
T. Russ, A. Abdelrehim, D. Bauer, S. Hatamikia, L. Schad, F. Zöllner, K. Chung and . .
CBCT image quality and dose simulations for arbitrary source-detector trajectories with GATE.
EuroSafe Imaging 2020 , , (2020), pp.ESI-05719 .
A. Schnurr, M. Schöben, I. Hermann, R. Schmidt, G. Chlebus, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Relevance Analysis of MRI Sequences for MS Lesion Detection.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 37, pp.77-78 .
S. Thomas, S. Hubertus, A. Lee, S. Vollstädt-Klein and L. Schad.
Chronic effects of smoking on the brain oxygenation and perfusion using ASL and quantitative BOLD MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , , (2020) 28, p.2035 .
C. Tönnes, S. Janssen, A. Schnurr, T. Uhrig, K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Filter-pipeline based algorithm to find the AIF in DCE-MRI images for perfusion calculation of rectal cancer.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3381 .
T. Uhrig, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Influence of different temporal resolutions by varying parallel imaging factors on DCE perfusion parameters studied in a phantom.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Virutal Meeting , (2020) 28, p.3259 .
A. Adlung, N. Paschke, A. Schnurr, E. Probst, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Can a Convolutional Neural Network reduce the Measurement Time for 23Na Quantification?.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.121 .
D. Bauer, A. Schnurr, T. Russ, S. Goerttler, L. Schad, F. Zoellner and K. Chung.
Synthesis of CT Images Using CycleGANs: Enhancement of Anatomical Accuracy
International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning - Extended Abstract Track , London, United Kingdom , (2019) .
D. Bauer, A. Schnurr, T. Russ, B. Waldkirch, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and K. Chung.
Synthesis of CBCT Images from Digital Phantoms Using CycleGANs.
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
I. Brumer, J. Chacon-Caldera, S. Hubertus, T. Uhrig, M. Dziadosz, M. Barth, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigating the existence of bias in ASL sequences: evaluation of perfusion measurements in phantom with 2D and 3D EPI pseudo-continuous ASL sequences..
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.149 .
I. Brumer, A. Adlung, W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, M. Malzacher, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Novel pixel-based approach for artifact evaluation of passive implants in MRI validated on intrauterine devices at 3T..
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.395 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, L. Hatz, A. Kruse, T. Uhrig, F. Zimmer, S. Hubertus, I. Hermann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigating Variability Sources in Kidney Perfusion Measurements with Pulsed ASL: A Phantom and In Vivo Pilot Study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.5020 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Maunder, M. Rao, G. Norquay, O. Rodgers, L. Schad and J. Wild.
Perfusion-Weighted Imaging in Human Kidneys using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.1925 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Adlung, N. Paschke, R. Hu and L. Schad.
T1 Bias reduction in the quantification of tissue sodium concentration using flip angle sweep.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.260 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) constrained gradient coil design within a Boundary Element Method Stream Function (BEM-SF) optimization.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.1039 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, A. vom Endt, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Prediction of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds of MRI Gradient Coils using Coupled Electromagnetic and Neurodynamic Simulations.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.109 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, V. Klein, L. Schad and L. Wald.
The PNS oracle: a modified neural activation function metric for rapid assessment of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS).
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.726 .
S. Dörsam, S. Lithau, P. Merz, B. Wängler, L. Schad, G. Auffarth, E. Friedmann and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Magnetic resonance imaging of anti-VEGF drug diffusion in the human eye.
Proc. ARVO Imaging in the Eye Conference , Vancouver, Canada , (2019) .
I. Hermann, T. Uhrig, J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Effect of inflow and in-plane saturation in SASHA and MOLLI T1 and T1* maps in a perfusion phantom and in-vivo.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.1964 .
I. Hermann, B. Rieger, J. Zapp, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Optimized fast dictionary matching for magnetic resonance fi ngerprinting based on echo-planar imaging for enhanced clinical workflow.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.4529 .
I. Hermann, T. Uhrig, J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Akcakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Flow dependency of blood T1 measurements assessed in a perfusion phantom and in vivo.
Proc. SCMR , Bellevue, USA, , (2019), pp.QF3-005 .
I. Hermann, I. Brumer, B. Rieger, J. Chacon-Caldera, S. Weingärtner, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Abdominal magnetic resonance fingerprinting for T1 and T2* quantification of the kidneys.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.261 .
M. Hoesl, T. Wüstemann, M. Malzacher, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Non-invasive assessment of myocardial cell viability based on 23Na triple-quantum signal.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.4202 .
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
Comparison of Gradient Echo and Gradient Echo Sampling of Spin Echo Sequence for the Quantification of the Oxygen Extraction Fraction by Combining Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Blood Oxygenation Level Dependency.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.2721 .
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, J. Cho, S. Zhang, I. Kovanlikaya, Y. Wang and L. Schad.
MRI-based Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Mapping in High-Grade Glioma Using a Combined Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Quantitative Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Approach.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.391 .
E. Ilicak, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Assessment of scan parameter effects on time resolved bSSFP acquisition for Fourier Decomposition Pulmonary MR.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.4093 .
E. Ilicak, J. Chacon-Caldera, J. Zapp, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Compressed Sensing reconstruction in non-contrast-enhanced functional lung MRI using Fourier Decomposition: An initial study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.1897 .
E. Ilicak, L. Schad and J. Chacon-Caldera.
Glomerular quantification from undersampled data using compressed sensing reconstructions..
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.317 .
G. Kabelitz, D. Bauer, A. Schnurr, T. Russ, I. Hermann, F. Zöllner, L. Schad and K. Chung.
Evaluation phantom for multimodal imaging and image-guided needle interventions.
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
D. Kleimaier, S. Goerke, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Initial CEST study in a microcavity array based 3D cell culture system.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.4000 .
D. Kleimaier, R. Hu and L. Schad.
Protein unfolding affects the sodium triple-quantum signal.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.43 .
D. Kleimaier, R. Hu and L. Schad.
Solution pH affects the sodium triple-quantum signal of bovine serum albumin.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36, p.281 .
D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Feasibility of single voxel CEST measurements with a transceiver surface coil.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Rotterdam, NL , (2019) 36 (408) .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Simulation of MRI gradient-induced cardiac stimulation: Are the current safety regulations too conservative?.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.729 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, L. Schad, L. Wald and B. Guérin.
Informing MRI safety using coupled electromagnetic and electrophysiological modeling of cardiac stimulation.
Proc. ISMRM Workshop on MR Safety , Utrecht, The Netherlands , (2019), p.18 .
P. Merz, J. Chacon-Caldera, S. Dörsam, P. Zijacks, S. Litau, B. Wängler, L. Schad, G. Auffarth and E. Friedmann.
Personalized geometrical models of the human eye developed from MRI scans at 9.4 Tesla.
Proc. ARVO Imaging in the Eye Conference , Vancouver, Canada , (2019) .
W. Neumann, T. Uhrig, N. Paschke, M. Siegfarth, A. Rothfuss, G. Kabelitz, K. Chung, A. Schnurr, L. Schad, J. Stallkamp and F. Zöllner.
A multiparametric (1H, 23Na, diffusion, flow) anthropomorphic abdominal phantom for multimodal MR and CT imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.1121 .
N. Paschke, R. Egoriti, M. Winkler, E. Neumaier-Probst, S. Mohamed, M. Samartzi, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Enhanced sodium quantification accuracy in a 3T clinical 23Na MR stroke study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2019) 27, p.2511 .
T. Russ, A. Abdelrehim, D. Bauer, L. Schad, F. Z"ollner and K. Chung.
Framework for image quality and physical dose predictions of arbitrary CBCT source-detector trajectories with GATE.
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
A. Schnurr, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Sparsely Connected Convolutional Layers in CNNs for Liver Segmentation in CT
In: H. Handels, T. Deserno, A. Maier, K. Maier-Hein, C. Palm and T. Tolxdorff
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019 , Wiesbaden , (2019), pp.80-85 .
A. Schnurr, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Kann ein festes Klassenverhältnis im Training die CNN-Lebersegmentierung im CT verbessern?.
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
A. Schnurr, C. Drees, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparing sample mining schemes for CNN kidney segmentation in T1w MRI
3rd International Conference on Functional Renal Imaging , Nottingham, UK , (2019) .
A. Schnurr, I. Hermann, R. Schmidt, A. Gass, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Fully Convolutional Neural Network Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions using T1 and T2* Maps.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , , (2019) 36, p.312 .
C. Tönnes, S. Janssen, A. Schnurr, U. Tanja, K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
The impact of variations in annotation on the AIF and perfusion parameter..
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
B. Waldkirch, S. Engelhardt, F. Zöllner, L. Schad and I. Wolf.
Multimodal image registration of pre- and intra-interventional data for surgical planning of transarterial chemoembolisation
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2019: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling , (2019) 10951, p.109512U .
B. Waldkirch, D. Bauer, A. Schnurr, S. Engelhardt, F. Z"ollner, L. Schad and I. Wolf.
Point-based Evaluation of Multimodal Non-Rigid Image Registration of Synthetic Abdominal Data Generated with a Digital Phantom and a Cycle-Consistent Network..
4th Conference on Image-Guided Interventions , , (2019) .
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Maunder, M. Rao, G. Norquay, O. Rodgers, M. Clemence, C. Puddu, L. Schad and J. Wild.
Dynamic MRI of Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Uptake in the Human Kidney Using a Dedicated Transmission-Only-Reception-Only Array at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4470 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, M. Schmelz, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Reduction of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) using Pre-Excitation Targeting the Potassium System (PRE-TAPS).
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.292 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Wald and L. Schad.
Automatic Generation of Topologically Correct, High Quality, Finite-Element Tetrahedral Body Models from Voxel and Surface Data.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4176 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, V. Klein, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Simulation of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds of MRI Gradient Coils.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4175 .
P. Eisele, K. Szabo, N. Paschke, A. Ebert, C. Roßmanith, C. Weiß, M. Ong, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and A. Gass.
Investigation of the evolution of focal lesions and microscopic tissue changes in multiple sclerosis: sodium (23Na) MRI studies.
Proc ISMRM Workshop on MR Imaging of nX-Nuclei , , (2018), p.24 .
M. Hoesl, D. Kleimaier, R. Hu, M. Malzacher, E. Gottwald, C. Nies and L. Schad.
Can sodium triple-quantum signal separate extra- and intracellular signals? – investigation on HEP G2 liver cells, liposomes and nanoparticles.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3875 .
M. Hoesl, D. Kleimaier, M. Malzacher, R. Hu and L. Schad.
Voxel localization for sodium NMR triple-quantum signal; sequence design and test in agarose phantoms and in-vivo rat.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3874 .
R. Hu, M. Malzacher, M. Hoesl, D. Kleimaier and L. Schad.
Simultaneously Acquired Single- and Triple-Quantum Spectroscopic Imaging with Density-Adapted Projection Reconstruction and Time Proportional Phase Increment.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med, , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3866 .
D. Kleimaier, A. Neubauer, M. Hoesl, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Investigation of ethanol stimulation on HepG2 cells in a high density cell culture on chip by correlation spectroscopy.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3895 .
D. Kleimaier, M. Hoesl, A. Neubauer, M. Malzacher, C. Nies, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
Measurement of oxygen consumption in a high density 3D cell culture on chip by 19F spectroscopy.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3885 .
V. Klein, M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Sensitivity analysis of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation modeling: Which model parameters actually matter?.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.641 .
M. Malzacher, N. Paschke, J. Chacon-Caldera and L. Schad.
A double resonant (1H/23Na) whole-body RF system for MRI at 3T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.1709 .
M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Davids and L. Schad.
SAR Calculations in Transmit-Only-Receive-Only RF systems: A Comparison of Detuning Methods for Rx Array Coils and their Implementation in EM Simulations.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.640 .
M. Malzacher, M. Davids, J. Chacon-Caldera and L. Schad.
Feasibility Study of a Double Resonant (23Na/1H) 8 Channel Rx Head Coil for MRI at 3T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.142 .
M. Malzacher, N. Paschke, J. Chacon-Caldera and L. Schad.
23Na/1H abdominal MRI at 3T using a 16 channel Rx Array and an asymmetric Birdcage Resonator.
Proc ISMRM Workshop on MR Imaging of nX-Nuclei , Dubrovnik, Croatia , (2018), p.14 .
M. Malzacher, J. Chacón-Caldera and L. Schad.
Evaluating the feasibility of a 1H compatible 17O head coil at 3T – a simulation study.
Proc. 21. Jahrestagung Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM , Nürnberg, Germany , (2018), pp.61-62 .
W. Neumann, A. Bichert, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Zentrifugale in-Phase Anregung eines dualen Aktors für die MR Elastographie.
Proc. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP) , Nürnberg, Germany , (2018), p.P1 .
N. Paschke, M. Malzacher, A. Smakic, J. Budjan, H. Haubenreisser, S. Schönberg and L. Schad.
Multimodal 23Na/1H MR / CT Clinical Protocol for Abdominal Application: Evaluation of TSC in a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) Patient.
Proc ISMRM Workshop on MR Imaging of nX-Nuclei , Dubrovnik, Croatia , (2018), p.22 .
N. Paschke, M. Winkler, R. Egoriti, E. Probst, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Tissue Sodium Concentration in Ischemic Stroke Patients.
Proc ISMRM Workshop on MR Imaging of nX-Nuclei , Dubrovnik, Croatia , (2018), p.19 .
J. Ranjeva, M. Bydder, B. Ridley, M. Soubrier, M. Bertinetti, M. Guye, L. Schad and W. Zaaraoui.
Functional sodium (23Na) MRI at 7T - Extracellular sodium decreases during cortical activation in the Human brain.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.707 .
B. Rieger, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Simultaneous quantification of T1, T2 and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting based on Echo Planar Imaging.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.1023 .
B. Rieger, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Time efficient whole-brain coverage in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting using echo-planar imaging, slice-interleaving and simultaneous multi-slice imaging.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4249 .
V. Schepkin, C. Levenson, A. Newbauer, C. Schuch, T. Glaeser, M. Kievel, S. Ranner, W. Brey, S. Helsper and L. Schad.
17O bolus fluxes in rat head at 21.1 T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4006 .
A. Schnurr, K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Deep Residual Learning for Limited Angle Artefact Correction
In: A. Maier, T. Deserno, H. Handels, K. Maier-Hein, C. Palm and T. Tolxdorff
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 , Erlangen, Germany , (2018), pp.280-280 .
S. Thomas, S. Hubertus, S. Domsch and L. Schad.
How does the weighting factor in a regularized quantitative BOLD approach affect the estimated oxygen extraction fraction?.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.2093 .
S. Thomas, S. Hubertus, A. Förster and L. Schad.
Messung des Sauerstoffverbrauchs im Gehirn einer Glioblastom-Patientin mittels regularisierter qBOLD-Auswertung.
Proc. 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM , Nürnberg, Germany , (2018), p.102 .
T. Uhrig, C. Korth, S. Sudarski, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Comparison of 2D and 3D dynamic contrast enhanced perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in patients with colorectal cancer.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.3953 .
T. Uhrig, S. Hubertus, J. Chacón-Caldera, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Entwicklung eines Phantoms für DCE und ASL Messungen zur Quantifizierung von Perfusionsparametern.
Proc. 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (DGMP) , Nürnberg, Germany , (2018), p.P19 .
M. Wenning, B. Rieger, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Motion robust Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting using Echo-Planar Imaging and intensity based motion correction.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Paris, France , (2018) 26, p.4100 .
M. Bertleff, S. Domsch and L. Schad.
Robust Mapping of Diffusion Parameters of the Combined IVIM-Kurtosis-Model Using Artificial Neural Networks in the Human Brain.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.1793 .
M. Bertleff, S. Domsch and L. Schad.
Simulation Study for the Evaluation of DWI Data with the IVIM-Kurtosis Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.1794 .
M. Bydder, W. Zaaraoui, L. Schad, M. Guye and J. Ranjeva.
Validation and Initial Results from Dynamic 23Na fMRI.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.5632 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, M. Malzacher, A. Fischer and L. Schad.
Exploring New Possibilities in Array Design Using Partially Orthogonal RF Resonators (Parti-Coils): A Numerical Simulation Study at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2705 .
J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Fischer, M. Malzacher and L. Schad.
An SNR Optimized Quadrature Reception Posterior Array for Prostate Imaging at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2670 .
K. Chung, L. Karstensen, M. Siegfarth, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigation of scatter radiation of non-circular X-ray scan trajectories.
International Conference on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully3D) , Xi'an Shaanxi, China , (2017) .
K. Chung, G. Kabelitz, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Arbitrary cone beam scan trajectory calibration for X-ray imaging.
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.21 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Modeling of Peripheral Nervous Stimulation Thresholds in Realistic Body Models.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.3 .
T. Gaa, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility Study of a Dialyzer as a Multi-Compartment Perfusion Phantom for Microvascular Tracer Kinetic Modelling.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. reson. Med. , Honolulu. HI. USA , (2017) 25, p.1922 .
T. Gaa, S. Sudarski, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Quantitative Perfusion Imaging in Rectal Cancer – Choice and Influence of the Arterial Input Function to Perfusion Parameters.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.4382 .
T. Gaa, W. Neumann, M. Malzacher, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Safety assessment of copper containing IUDs at 1.5T, 3T and 9.4T.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , , (2017) 30 (Suppl. 1), p.S258 .
R. Hu, A. Neubauer, M. Malzacher, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Density-Adapted K-Space Sampling Technique for Fast Relaxing Chlorine-35 Nuclei at 9.4 T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2949 .
R. Hu, M. Malzacher, M. Davids, A. Neubauer, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Spatial Resolution Analysis Comparing Density-Adapted and Conventional Projection Reconstruction in Chlorine-35 MRI at 9.4 T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.5219 .
S. Hubertus, S. Thomas, S. Domsch and L. Schad.
How do the number of echoes and the echo spacing affect the quality of non-linear field estimates in QSM?.
Proc. ESMRMB , , (2017) 34, p.105 .
G. Kabelitz, B. Trimborn, I. Wolf, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Fast 3D-HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) for Medical Imaging with GPU-Support.
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.9 .
G. Kabelitz, B. Trimborn, I. Wolf, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Fast 3D-HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) for Medical Imaging with GPU-Support..
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.9 .
M. Malzacher, R. Hu, J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Neubauer and L. Schad.
A 35Cl ToRo Resonator System for Preclinical MRI/MRS at 9.4T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.5622 .
M. Malzacher, J. Chacon-Caldera, A. Fischer and L. Schad.
Pushing Sodium Imaging Into Clinical Use - A Technical Feasiblity Study.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2718 .
D. Markellos, M. Weis, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Mapping Vascular Behaviour in Lung Perfusion of Two-Year Old Children After Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Using Tissue Similarity Maps.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.3313 .
N. Meßner, S. Weingärtner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, T. Papavassiliu, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Accurate Myocardial T1-Mapping in Arrhythmia Using Saturation-Recovery During Systole at 3T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson.Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2720 .
A. Neubauer, M. Malzacher, V. Schepkin, J. Chacon-Caldera, R. Hu, E. Gottwald, C. Nies, D. Thiele and L. Schad.
Investigation of Strophanthin Induced Na-/K-ATPase Blockage by Means of 23Na Multi Quantum Spectroscopy in a High Density Cell Culture on Chip.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu. HI. USA , (2017) 25, p.5630 .
W. Neumann, A. Bitz, L. Schad, F. Zöllner, M. Ladd, A. Nagel and J. Lommen.
Metallic Taste Perception at 7 Tesla: Influences of Jaw Position and Ionic Composition of Saliva.
Porc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USa , (2017) 25, p.2619 .
W. Neumann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Two Novel Low-Cost 3D-Printed Mechanical Actuators for MR Elastography Using Exact End-To-End Motion and Centripetal Force.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Apr , (2017) 25, p.1380 .
W. Neumann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A novel 3D-printed mechanical actuator using centrifugal force for magnetic resonance elastography
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE , , (2017), pp.3541-3544 .
W. Neumann, A. Bichert, J. Fleischhauer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Feasibility of multi-frequency wave actuation for magnetic resonance elastography of a novel actuator using centrifugal force.
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.20 .
M. Ong, A. Schmidt, S. Konstandin, J. Benrath, M. Meyer, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and S. Haneder.
Cerebral Sodium (23Na) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Migraine.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.1106 .
N. Paschke, W. Neumann, T. Gaa, A. Neubauer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Influences of MRI Proton Contrast Agent on Sodium MRI at Clinical 3T Field Strengths.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2962 .
N. Paschke, D. Hausmann, L. Schad, S. Schönberg and F. Zöllner.
Multi-Parametric/-Nuclear 1H/23Na Clinical Protocol of the Prostate at 3T Using a Double Resonant Coil.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.1016 .
N. Paschke, M. Malzacher and L. Schad.
Comparison of different resonator concepts for clinical abdominal 23Na-sodium imaging at 3T..
Proc. ESMRMB , , (2017), p.142 .
B. Rieger, F. Zimmer, J. Zapp, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for T1 and T2* Quantification with Cartesian Readout.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.3882 .
B. Rieger, M. Wenning, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Improved motion robustness in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting using Intensity based Motion Correction.
ISMRM Workshop on Motion Correction in MRI \& MRS , , (2017) .
B. Rieger, M. Akçakaya, L. Schad and S. Weingärtner.
Accelerated Whole-Brain MR-Fingerprinting using Slice-Interleaved Echo-Planar Imaging.
ISMRM Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting , , (2017) .
V. Schepkin, A. Neubauer, C. Schuch, T. Glaeser, M. Kievel, S. Ranner, W. Brey, S. Helsper and L. Schad.
The First observation of 17O MRI in Normal Rats at 21.1 T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.4546 .
B. Trimborn, I. Wolf, D. Abu-Sammour, T. Henzler, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Investigation of 3D histograms of oriented gradients for image-based registration of CT with interventional CBCT
In: R. Webster and B. Fei
Proc. SPIE 10135, Medical Imaging 2017: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling , , (2017) 10135, p.101350C .
B. Trimborn, I. Wolf, D. Abu-Sammour, T. Henzler, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
3D-Histograms of Oriented Gradients zur Registrierung von regulären {CT} mit interventionellen CBCT Daten
In: K. Maier-Hein, T. Deserno, H. Handels and T. T.
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 , Informatik Aktuell , Heidelberg, Germany , (2017), p.154 .
B. Trimborn, A. Ilina, S. Engelhardt, F. Zöllner, L. Schad and I. Wolf.
Image similarity metric evaluation for multimodal registration of the liver.
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.6 .
T. Uhrig, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
A multi-modal multi-compartment perfusion phantom for microvascular tracer kinetic modelling.
3rd Conference on Image-Guided Interventions \& Fokus Neuroradiologie (IGIC 2017) , , (2017), p.7 .
S. Weingärtner, C. Shenoy, L. Schad and M. Akçakaya.
Cine T1 Mapping: Look-Locker Inversion Recovery for Phase Resolved T1-Mapping with B1+ Correction at 3T.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.3102 .
B. Wichtmann, A. Nummenmaa, Q. Fan, T. Witzel, E. Gerstner, A. Golby, S. Santagata, B. Rosen, L. Schad, L. Wald and S. Huang.
Investigating Microstructural Signatures for Low-Grade Gliomas Using Linear Multi-Scale Modeling of Diffusion MRI Data.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.3362 .
J. Zapp, S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
Point-Resolved Spectroscopy with Self-Navigation for Precise Reversible Transverse Relaxation Quantification in Pulmonary Tissue Robust to Breathing State Variation at 1.5 and 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Honolulu, HI, USA , (2017) 25, p.2156 .
F. Zöllner, T. Gaa, W. Neumann, G. Kabelitz, K. Chung, B. Trimborn, I. Wolf and L. Schad.
Mulit-modal Imaging
BMTMedPhys , Dresden, Germany , (2017) 62 (s1), p.S227 .
M. Bertleff, S. Domsch, F. Laun, T. Kuder and L. Schad.
Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Pore Imaging on Preclinical 9.4T-Animal-Scanner.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24 .
J. Chacón-Caldera, J. Uranga Solchanga, P. Koziol and L. Schad.
Numerical Comparison of Stacked and Planar Coil Reception Arrays for Prostate MRI at 3 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.2166 .
K. Chung, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Cone Beam CT Radiation Exposure Reduction by Reconstructing Undersampled Data with Prior Knowledge and Symmetry Considerations.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting , Chicago, USA , (2016), pp.PH255-SD-WEB4 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Wald and L. Schad.
B0-Robust Slice-Selective Excitations for Ultra-High Field with Flip-Angle Mitigation Using Parallel Transmission.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.1015 .
S. Domsch, B. Mürle, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Mapping of the cerebral oxygen extraction fraction at 3 Tesla using artificial neural networks..
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Vienna, Austria , (2016) 33, p.71 .
R. Hu, A. Neubauer, J. Chacón-Caldera, J. Uranga Solchaga, C. Schuch, T. Gläser, C. Nies, E. Gottwald, S. Giselbrecht and L. Schad.
In Vitro Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy of Cellular Metabolism at Ultra High Field.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.3963 .
N. Kassner, M. Weis, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad, K. Neff and F. ZZöllner.
Histogram Based Analysis of Lung Perfusion of Children After Congenital Diaphramatic Hernia Repair.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.2915 .
N. Meßner, S. Weingärtner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, U. Mattler, T. Papavassiliu, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Myocardial T1- And ECV- Mapping at 3 Tesla Using the Saturation-Recovery Techniques SASHA and SAPPHIRE.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.3152 .
N. Meßner, S. Weingärtner, J. Budjan, D. Loßnitzer, T. Papavassiliu, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Systolic Myocardial T1- And ECV-Mapping Using Saturation-Recovery at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.3148 .
W. Neumann, F. Lietzmann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Design of a Multimodal (1H MRI/23Na MRI/CT) Anthropomorphic Thorax Phantom: Initial Results at 3 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.1631 .
N. Paschke, A. Neubauer and L. Schad.
Novel Correction Method of Reception Radiofrequency Field Inhomogeneities for Noise Corrupted Sodium MR Images at 3 T Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.1874 .
S. Weingärtner, N. Messner, J. Budjan, D. Lossnitzer, F. Zöllner, M. Borggrefe, T. Papavassiliu and L. Schad.
Myocardial T1-Mapping at 3T using Saturation-Recovery: Reference Values, Precision and Comparison with MOLLI
82nd Annual Meeting German Society for Cardiology (DGK) , Clin Res Cardiol , Manheim, Germany , (2016) 105 (Suppl.1), p.P435 .
S. Weingärtner, N. Messner, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Black-blood T1 mapping at 3T: Reduced partial-voluming using adiabatic MSDE preparation
19th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions , , (2016) 18 8Suppl. 1) (1), pp.1-2 .
B. Wichtmann, S. Huang, Q. Fan, T. Witzel, E. Gerstner, B. Rosen, L. Schad, L. Wald and A. Nummenmaa.
Linear Multi-Scale Modeling of Diffusion MRI Data: A Framework for Characterization of Orientational Structures Across Length Scales.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Singapur, Singapur , (2016) 24, p.661 .
J. Chacón-Caldera, R. Kalayciyan and L. Schad.
Setup for Quick 2D Glomerular Imaging in a Clinical 3 T MRI System.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.1572 .
J. Chacón-Caldera and L. Schad.
A Simple Method to Optimize Partial Fourier Acquisition Schemes for Glomerular Imaging.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.1581 .
M. Daab, M. Weidner, V. Sommer, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, G. Weisser, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad, K. Neff and F. Zoellner.
Semi-automatic lung segmentation of DCE-MRI data sets of 2-year old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.239 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Wald and L. Schad.
Ultra-Fast Inner Volume Excitations with Parallel Transmission at 7 Tesla Using Fully Optimized B0-Robust K-Space Trajectories.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.551 .
S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp and L. Schad.
Stability of Tissue Model Parameters: Using the Full Analytical Solution or the Asymptotic Approximation?.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.3934 .
S. Domsch, S. Weingärtner, J. Zapp and L. Schad.
Regularized least-squares regression analysis for quantitative BOLD.
Proc. ESMRMB Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.36 .
T. Gaa, S. Sudarski, F. Lietzmann, L. Schad and F. Zoellner.
Quantitative DCE-MRI of rectal cancer: influence of multiple blood supplies and its corresponding arterial input functions on perfusion parameters.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.597 .
T. Gaa, S. Sudarski, F. Lietzmann, L. Schad and F. Zoellner.
Comparison of the two-compartment exchange model and the two-compartment uptake model in quantitative DCE-MRI of rectal cancer.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.481 .
T. Gaa, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Erstellung eines einfachen multimodalen Perfusionsphantoms zum Vergleich von Perfusionsparametern.
In: S. Schoenberg, G. Rose and J. Stallkamp
2nd Image-Guided Intervention Conference , Mannheim, Germany , (2015), p.13 .
R. Hu, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Fast Sodium MRI of the Human Brain Using a Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Sequence.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.2373 .
G. Kabelitz, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Automatisierte Detektion des Wirbelkanals – Vereinfachte Beschreibung der Wirbelsäule als Polynom.
In: S. Schoenberg, G. Rose and J. Stallkamp
2nd Image-Guided Interventions Conference , Mannheim, Germany , (2015), p.18 .
Å. Kjørstad, M. Tibiletti, A. Bianchi, M. Neumaier, A. Vögtle, T. Kaulisch, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, V. Rasche and D. Stiller.
Functional 1H Lung MRI in Healthy and Emphysematous Rats Using a Self-Gated Golden Angle UTE.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.1037 .
F. Lietzmann, M. Düsberg and L. Schad.
Low Field Renal Contrast Optimization with a Portable 0.5T System.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.1580 .
J. Lommen, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Simultaneous B1 Mapping and Tissue Sodium Content Quantification by MRI at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.4628 .
A. Maarouf, B. Audoin, A. Faivre, F. Reuter, F. Pariollaud, A. Rico, E. Soulier, S. Confort-Gouny, M. Guye, L. Schad, J. Pelletier, J. Ranjeva and W. Zaaraoui.
Cognitive Status of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Is Associated with Neocortical Neuronal Injury: A Voxel-Based Sodium MRI Study.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.827 .
N. Meßner, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
In-Vivo Right-Ventricular Myocardial T1 Mapping at 3.0 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.2607 .
N. Meßner, P. Krämer, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
T1-Mapping of the murine myocardium using a cryogenically cooled surface coil: initial results at 9.4 T.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.285 .
N. Meßner, S. Weingärtner, T. Papavassiliu, D. Loßnitzer, C. Dösch, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zoellner.
Native myocardial T1-mapping at 3 T using saturation recovery.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.106 .
W. Neumann, F. Lietzmann, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Design and Validation of a CT and MRI Compatible Anthropomorphic Thorax Phantom.
In: S. Schoenberg, G. Rose and J. Stallkamp
2nd Imaged-Guided Intervention Conference , Mannheim, Germany , (2015), p.6 .
N. Paschke, J. Lommen and L. Schad.
Evaluation of tissue sodium quantification accuracy in phantoms and in vivo using sodium MRI with different radiofrequency field correction methods for body stem imaging at 3 T.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.444 .
J. Rausch, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad and F. Zoellner.
Implementation of a diffusion tensor imaging phantom of the Lumbar SPINAL cord.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, Uk , (2015) 32, p.599 .
D. Schönke, F. Lietzmann, A. Maier and L. Schad.
Evaluation of geometry and size dependence for a polynomial water precorrection approach in C-arm computed tomography
European Congress of Radiology (ECR) , Vienna, Austria , (2015), pp.C-1951 .
S. Weingärtner, N. Meßner, P. Krämer, F. Zoellner and L. Schad.
Black-blood T1-mapping: blood signal suppression for reduced partial-voluming in the myocardium.
Proc. ESMRMB 2015 Congress , Edinburgh, UK , (2015) 32, p.97 .
J. Zapp, S. Domsch and L. Schad.
T2' Relaxometry of the Human Lung at 1.5 and 3 Tesla.
Proc. Int. Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. , Toronto, Canada , (2015) 23, p.1464 .
J. Chacón-Caldera, R. Kalaycian and L. Schad.
Contrast/SNR optimization for the Imaging of Cationized-Ferritin labeled Glomeruli at 9.4T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2202 .
J. Chacón-Caldera, P. Krämer, S. Domsch, S. Geraci, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Imaging Glomeruli in a Clinical MRI System at 3 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2200 .
D. Corteville, A. Kjorstad, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Design of a Spin Echo Sequence for Fourier Decomposition Pulmonary MRI at 3T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2301 .
M. Davids, M. Ruttorf, F. Zoellner and L. Schad.
Fast and robust design of time-optimal k-space trajectories.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.943 .
M. Davids, B. Guérin, L. Schad and L. Wald.
Optimization of Fast K-Space Trajectories for 3D Spatially Selective Parallel Excitations.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.1452 .
S. Domsch, F. Wenz and L. Schad.
Multi-Parametric QBOLD Approach for Robust Oxygen Extraction Fraction Quantification in Clinical Use.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2079 .
K. Emblem, M. Pinho, F. Zoellner, P. Due-Tonnessen, J. Hald, L. Schad, T. Meling, O. Rapalino and A. Bjornerud.
A Generic SVM Model for Preoperative Glioma Survival Associations: A Multi-center Validation Study.
101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) , Chicago, USA , (2014), pp.SSC10-05 .
C. Hagelstein, F. Zoellner, M. Weidner, T. Schaible, F. Zimmer, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg, K. Zahn and K. Neff.
Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling in 2-Year-Old Children with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair and Occlusion of the Right Common Carotid Artery After Neonatal ECMO Therapy: Quantitative Cerebral Perfusion Imaging at 3.0 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.4613 .
C. Hagelstein, F. Zöllner, M. Weidner, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and K. Wolfgang Neff.
Quantitative zerebrale MRT-Perfusionsbildgebung bei 2-jährigen Kindern mit operierter kongenitaler Zwerchfellhernie und Verschluss der Arteria carotis communis nach ECMO-Therapie: pASL bei 3 Tesla.
RoFo-Fortschr Rontg , , (2014) 186 (S01), p.VO316_6 .
C. Hopfgarten, S. Kirsch, G. Reisig, M. Kreinest and L. Schad.
Investigation of the influence of residual 1H dipole-dipole couplings on magnetization transfer ratio maps of porcine menisci.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.3999 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, F. Zöllner, T. Henzler and L. Schad.
V/Q Imaging of the Human Lung Measured at 1.5T by a Single Acquisition Technique and Tested by the Gravitational Effect.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2305 .
S. Konstandin, P. Krämer and L. Schad.
Projection Distribution of 3D UTE Sequences for Sodium MRI with Anisotropic Resolution and Uniform Sampling.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2929 .
F. Lietzmann, C. Hopfgarten, J. Chacón-Caldera, S. Geraci and L. Schad.
High Resolution Ex-Vivo Imaging of a Rodent Kidney with a Portable MR-Scanner at 0.5 Tesla: Initial Results in Relation to State of the Art Techniques.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2205 .
F. Lietzmann, P. Krämer and L. Schad.
Using T2/T2* - Contrast to Characterize Kidney Function During a Waterload Examination: Initial Results at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2184 .
J. Lommen, S. Konstandin, P. Krämer and L. Schad.
Evaluation of Radio-Frequency Field Mapping Methods for Quantitative Sodium MRI at 3 Tesla.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2928 .
A. Neubauer, A. Bajwa, M. Ruttorf, M. Schwerter, L. Schilling and L. Schad.
Establishing a Method of 23Na - Imaging after Blood Brain Barrier Disruption.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2945 .
A. Neubauer, M. Ruttorf, R. Kalaycian, J. Sachs, C. Nies, S. Giselbrecht, E. Gottwald and L. Schad.
23Na Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) on a High-Density 3d-cell culture on chip (3D-KITChip).
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.1278 .
M. Weidner, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, L. Schad, S. Schönberg and K. Neff.
High temporal versus high spatial resolution in MR quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging of 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair.
European Congress of Radiology (ECR) , , (2014), pp.B-0743 .
M. Weidner, F. Zöllner, C. Hagelstein, T. Schaible, K. Zahn, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and K. Neff.
MR Quantitative Pulmonary Perfusion Imaging in 2-Year Old Children After Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair -Comparison Between High Temporal and High Spatial Resolution-.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.4588 .
G. Weisser, E. Sauter, F. Zöllner, M. Weipert, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
UMMDiffusion: Eine OpenSource Software zur klinischen Evaluation der Kurtosis Bildgebung.
Fortschr Röntgenstr , German Congress of Radiology , , (2014) 186 (S 01), p.VO103_3 .
F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Design of a Variable-Rate Selective Dual-Band FOCI Pulse for Spin Labeling.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.1444 .
F. Zöllner, P. Schmidt and L. Schad.
Investigation of Weighted Fits Applied to Compartment Models of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Milano, Italy , (2014) 22, p.2740 .
L. Altherr, S. Kirsch, M. Schwarz, G. Reisig, D. Schleich and L. Schad.
On the reliability of in vitro mapping of ultrashort T2* of porcine intervertebral discs: a detailed analysis of the signal decay.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.1614 .
J. Chacón-Caldera, P. Krämer, R. Kalayciyan, L. Schad, S. Neudecker, S. Geraci and N. Gretz.
Glomerular Imaging of Mouse Kidney using a Dedicated Alderman-Grant Probe.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.1562 .
D. Corteville, Å. Kjørstad, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Centric reordered 2D bSSFP imaging using variable flip angles for fourier decomposed MRI in the lung.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.2360 .
I. Elabyad, R. Kalayciyan, N. Shanbhag, L. Schilling and L. Schad.
An Optimized Room-Temperature RF-Surface Resonator for In vivo Potassium-39 MRI at 9.4 T - Simulation and Measurement Study for Cryogenic Coils.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.4014 .
H. Flor, M. Wicking, F. Steiger, M. Ruttorf, O. Grimm, L. Schad and F. Nees.
Peripheral and central correlates of renewal of fear in post-traumatic stress disorder
Psychophysiology , Firenze, Italy , (2013) 50, S1, p.S33 .
R. Kalayciyan, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Comparison of 3D Imaging Sequences for 23Na MRI of In Vivo Kidney at 9.4 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.4008 .
R. Kalayciyan, M. Malzacher, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
23Na/1H In-Vivo Renal MRI of Rodent Kidney at 3T by Using a Double-Tuned Transceiver Resonator System.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.4355 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, A. Fischer, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quantification of Pulmonary Perfusion using Fourier Decomposition Method.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.3119 .
P. Krämer and L. Schad.
Fast 3D T2 measurement with a magnetization prepared TrueFISP sequence.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.4211 .
E. Lassel, M. Daab, P. Schülein, J. Drechsler, S. Schönberg, L. Schad, F. Zöllner and G. Weisser.
In-Haus-MPG-Zertifizierung von Software in der Radiologie am Beispiel von UMMPerfusion.
Fortschr Röntgenstr , Hamburg, Germany , (2013) 185 (Suppl. S01), p.VO202_8 .
M. Malzacher, R. Kalayciyan, S. Haneder and L. Schad.
Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration in human spine using a 5 channel receive array and an asymmetrical transmit birdcage resonator at 3T.
Abstractband der 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik , Cologne, Germany , (2013), p.81 .
M. Malzacher, R. Kalayciyan, S. Konstandin, S. Haneder and L. Schad.
A double resonant (23Na/1H) RF resonator system for human abdominal MRI at 3T.
Konferenzband der 16. Jahrestagung Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM , Freiburg, Germany , (2013), p.89 .
N. Pannetier, M. Sohlin, T. Christen, L. Schad and N. Schuff.
Numerical Approach for quantitative BOLD with Vessel Size Estimate – Validation on Phantom.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.3121 .
M. Wicking, F. Steiger, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, S. Diener, O. Grimm and H. Flor.
Return of fear after context change in PTSD but not in trauma-exposed non-PTSD controls in a virtual reality fMRI paradigm.
Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA) 39. APM "Psychologie und Gehirn" , Würzburg, Germany , (2013), p.50 .
W. Zaaraoui, C. Rey, F. Bartolomei, P. Chauvel, E. Soulier, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, L. Schad, J. Ranjeva and M. Guye.
Brain sodium accumulation correlates with electrical abnormalities in drug-resistant epilepsy: a 23Na MRI and intracranial EEG recording study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt LAke City, USA , (2013) 21, p.455 .
F. Zöllner, M. Reich and L. Schad.
Impact of Volume-of-Interest limited Registration to DCE-MRI of Human Kidney.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.1544 .
F. Zöllner, F. Zimmer, S. Klotz, S. Hoeger and L. Schad.
Renal perfusion in Acute Kidney Injury: Comparison of Quantification Approaches.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.1545 .
F. Zöllner, D. Schock-Kusch, S. Bäcker, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Simultaneous measurement of GFR by DCE-MRI and FITC-sinistrin clearance in rats at 3.0 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake City, USA , (2013) 21, p.1552 .
F. Zöllner, S. Kaiser, G. Weisser and L. Schad.
UMMDiffusion: An OsiriX plug-in for ADC and IVIM Analysis in Clinical Routine.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Salt Lake CIty, USA , (2013) 21, p.3115 .
S. Baier, S. Kirsch, F. Wetterling, L. Tritschler, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Quantitative Mapping of the Cl-/Na+ Concentration Ratio Using a Double Resonant Surface Coil.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.600 .
H. Burmeister, T. Bitter, P. Heiler, A. Irintchev, R. Froeber, M. Dietzel, P. Baltzer, J. Reichenbach, L. Schad, H. Gudziol, O. Guntinas-Lichius and W. Kaiser.
Imaging paleocortical lamination pattern of the adult human olfactory bulb and tract: Comparison of standard- and gigh-resolution 3T MR imaging and MR microscopy at 9.4T.
50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) , New York, USA , (2012) .
D. Corteville, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
B1-Gradient Based MRI Using a Single Surface Coil; RF-Encoding.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.4152 .
D. Corteville, A. Kjorstad, F. Zoellner, C. Fink and L. Schad.
Variable flip angle schedules in bSSFP imaging for Fourier decomposition MRI.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.677 .
M. Davids, F. Zöllner, M. Ruttorf, F. Nees, H. Flor, G. Schumann and L. Schad.
Automated quality determination of MRI phantom measurements for multi-center studies.
Abstractband der 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik , Jena, Germany , (2012), pp.497-498 .
S. Domsch, A. Lemke, S. Weingärtner and L. Schad.
A Novel Temporal Filtering Strategy for Functional MRI Using UNFOLD.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.854 .
S. Domsch and L. Schad.
Simulation of Optimal Echo Times to Maximize BOLD Sensitivity in the Orbitofrontal Cortex for fMRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.2059 .
I. Elabyad, F. Wetterling, N. Shanbhag, L. Schilling and L. Schad.
In Vivo Potassium-39 MRI at 9.4 Tesla Using a Room-Temperature Surface Resonator: Does Cryogenic Cooling Help?.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.4420 .
I. Elabyad, R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
Enhancing the detector sensitivity of a radio frequency surface resonator for potassium-39 MRI at 18.7 MHz: probing different geometries at various temperatures.
42nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC) , Amsterdam, Netherlands , (2012) 42, pp.444-447 .
T. Gaa, F. Zoellner, F. Lietzmann and L. Schad.
3D BOLD of Kidney: Impact of High PAT Factors.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.887 .
E. Gottwald, T. Kleintschek, S. Giselbrecht, R. Truckenmüller, B. Altmann, M. Worgull, J. Döpfert, L. Schad and M. Heilmann.
Fluid flow characterization of the 3D-KITChip-based bioreactor system for 3D-cell culture via magnetic resonance imaging..
DECHEMA Congress on 3D Cell Culture , Zürich, Switzerland , (2012) .
S. Grudzenski, A. Lemke, P. Heiler, A. Alonso, K. Bieback, L. Schad and M. Fatar.
Detection and analysis of mesenchymal stem cells in rat brain after MCAO induced stroke.
21th European Stroke Conference , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, P. Kettnaker, L. Schad, S. Schönberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative 23Na, and DW-imaging of the healthy human kidney for establishing norm values for the 23Na, concentrations at 3.0T.
European Congress of Radiology (ECR) , Vienna, Austria , (2012), pp.B-0663 .
S. Haneder, J. Boda-Heggemann, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, F. Wenz, F. Lohr, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Assessment of Renal Function After Conformal Radiotherapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy by Functional 1H-MR-Imaging and 23Na-MR-Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.1309 .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, J. Morelli, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Introduction and Evaluation of Different Approaches for the (Semi-)quantitative Assessment of Renal Sodium Content with 23Na MR Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.1303 .
D. Hausmann, S. Konstandin, F. Zöllner, S. Haneder, F. Wetterling, A. Nagel, D. Dinter, S. Schönberg and L. Schad.
Sodium Imaging of the Prostate at 3T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.83 .
C. Hopfgarten, S. Kirsch, G. Reisig, M. Kreinest and L. Schad.
Identification of In Vitro Degenerated Porcine Meniscal Tissue: MTR Contrast Prevents Misinterpretation Due to the Magic Angle Effect.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.436 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Bilateral Kidney 23Na-MRI: Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration by Using a Two-Element Phased Array System with Homogeneous B1-Field Excitation and Ultra-Short TE.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.803 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker, N. Gretz and L. Schad.
Temporally-Resolved Imaging of Renal Sodium-23 Changes After Furosemid Injection.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.389 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, B. Jung, D. Stiller and L. Schad.
Lung sodium-23 MRI using ultra-short echo time sequence at 9.4 Tesla.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.478 .
S. Kegel, C. Tsagogiorgas, B. Theisinger, G. Glatting, L. Schad and K. S.
19F-Oximetrie mit semifluorierten Alkanen am Beispiel von Perfluorohexyloctan (F6H8).
In: J. Reichenbach and .
43. Jahrestagung DGMP , Jena , (2012), pp.678-679 .
S. Kegel, G. Glatting, B. Theisinger, C. Tsagogiorgas, L. Schad and S. Kirsch.
In vitro determination of calibration curves for a pure and an emulsified semifluorinated alkane as prerequisite for 19F-oximetry.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.734 .
S. Kirsch, M. Kreinest, G. Reisig and L. Schad.
In Vitro Mapping of 1H Ultrashort T2 and T2* of Porcine Menisci: Analysis of the Signal Decay Reveals Collagenous Fibril Texture.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.275 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, F. Zöllner, E. Hodneland and L. Schad.
Dynamic lung registration using residual complexity.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Protugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.295 .
Å. Kjørstad, D. Corteville, F. Horn, F. Zöllner, E. Hodneland, C. Fink and L. Schad.
Registration based estimate of lung ventilation.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.773 .
S. Klotz, F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner, C. Tsagorgiorgas, B. Krämer, B. Yard, L. Schad and S. Hoeger.
Arterial Spin labeling: A noninvasive method to assess renal perfusion after ischemia-reperfusion injury.
4th International Congress of the Transplanation Society , Berlin, Germany , (2012) .
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
2D Radial Sodium Heart MRI: Prospective Vs. Retrospective ECG-Gating Using Golden Angle Increments.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.1696 .
S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
2D Radial Sodium MRI Using VERSE.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.721 .
P. Krämer and L. Schad.
Fast Volumetric T1 and T2 Mapping with Variable Flip Angles and a Radial Twisted Projection Imaging Sequence Design.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.51 .
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, T. Gaa, U. Attenberger and L. Schad.
3D BOLD-MRI at High PAT-Factors: How to Save Time!.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.961 .
F. Lohr, M. Brockmann, D. Dinter and L. Schad.
The role of MRI for clinical definition of target volume and organs of risk.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.179 .
M. Malzacher, R. Kalayciyan, D. Hausmann, S. Haneder and L. Schad.
23Na sodium MRI of whole-spine at 3 Tesla: Feasibility and first results.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.436 .
W. Neff, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schönberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Quantitative pulmonary perfusion imaging at 3.0 T of 2-year-old children after congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) repair.
European Congress of Radiology (ECR) , Vienna, Austria , (2012), pp.B-0598 .
K. Neff, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and F. Zöllner.
Quantitative Lungenperfusion bei 2-jährigen Kindern nach operierter kongenitaler Zwerchfellhernie: erste Ergebnisse bei 3T
RöFo-Fortschr , , (2012) 184 (S01), p.VO103_5 .
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, R. Cacciaglia, T. Winkelmann, L. Schad, S. Witt, M. Rietschel and H. Flor.
Modulation hippokampaler Aktivität bei der Furchtkonditionierung durch eine geschlechtsspezifische Risikovariante für die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung
Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und ihre Anwendung (DGPA) 38. APM „Psychologie und Gehirn“ , Jena, Germany , (2012) .
L. Schad.
Sodium and other nuclei MRI.
French Society for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (SFRMBM), Annual Meeting , Marseille, France , (2012) .
A. Venus, B. Reuter, S. Grudzenski, P. Heiler, L. Schad, M. Staufenbiel, M. Hennerici and F. M.
High field 9.4 Tesla MRI characterization of the APP23-transgenic mouse model of cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
21th European Stroke Conference , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) .
S. Weick, F. Breuer, M. Blaimer, M. Flentje, C. Fink, L. Schad and P. Jakob.
Self-Gated Time Resolved Volume (4D) Imaging of the Human Lung Under Free Breathing.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.3964 .
S. Weingärtner, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
A Novel Undersampling Scheme for Data Acquisition in Non K-Space Domains.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.700 .
F. Wetterling, N. Shanbhag, L. Schilling, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
In Vivo Hydrogen-1, Sodium-23, Phosphorus-31, and Potassium-39 Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.20 .
W. Zaaraoui, S. Konstandin, B. Audoin, A. Nagel, A. Rico, I. Malikova, E. Soulier, P. Viout, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, J. Pelletier, L. Schad and J. Ranjeva.
Brain Sodium Accumulation and Spreading Correlate with Disability in Multiple Sclerosis.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.484 .
W. Zaaraoui, B. Audoin, S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, E. Soulier, I. Malikova, A. Rico, F. Reuter, P. Viout, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, J. Pelletier, L. Schad and J. Ranjeva.
Brain sodium accumulation and spreading correlate with disability in multiple sclerosis.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th Annual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.273 .
J. Zapp, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Sinusoidal Echo-Planar Imaging with Parallel Acquisition Technique for Reduced Acoustic Noise in Auditory fMRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.2046 .
F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner, S. Hoeger, S. Klotz, C. Tsagogiorgas and L. Schad.
Quantitation of Renal Perfusion in an Animal Model at 3T: A Comparison Between ASL and DCE-MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.889 .
F. Zöllner, C. Decker, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Comparing Anisotropic Diffusion Filters: Enhancement of 23Na MRI of Human Kidney.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.143 .
F. Zöllner, S. Li, A. Merrem, J. Roervik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Renal Compartment Segmentation by Wavelet-Based Clustering of 3D DCE-MRI of Human Kidney.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Melbourne, Australia , (2012) 20, p.468 .
F. Zöllner, G. Weisser, S. Sourbron, S. Kaiser, M. Reich, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
UMMPerfusion: A tool for quantitative perfusion analysis in a clinical workflow.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), 29th An¬nual Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal , (2012) 25 (1), p.843 .
S. Ansar, P. Heiler, S. Grudsinki, M. Fatar, L. Schad, M. Hennerici and S. Meairs.
Variability of rtPA response in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke.
XX. European Stroke Conference , Hamburg, Germany , (2011), p.52 .
S. Ansar, P. Heiler, F. Wetterling, L. Tritschler, M. Fatar, L. Schad and S. Meairs.
Sodium imaging in animal models of cerebral ischemia by quantitative 23Na MRI.
XXVth BRAIN Conference \& Xth BRAINPET , Barcelona, Spain , (2011), p.1254 .
S. Ansar, P. Heiler, S. Grudsinki, M. Fatar, L. Schad and S. Meairs.
Characterization of a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke.
XXVth BRAIN Conference \& Xth BRAINPET , Barcelona, Spain , (2011), p.1251 .
J. Boda-Heggemann, S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, F. Wenz, H. Michaely and F. Lohr.
Assessment of 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) and image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) induced renal damage by means of functional MR-imaging and 23Na-MR-imaging.
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) , , (2011) .
D. Corteville, F. Wetterling and L. Schad.
RF-encoded Sodium MRI with a surface coil.
Proc ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), p.621 .
C. Decker, F. Zoellner, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Anisotropic diffusion filter for enhancement of 23Na imaging of the kidney at 3T - initial results.
In: S. Loncaric, G. Ramponi and D. Sersic
7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011) , Dubrovnik, Croatia , (2011), pp.762-766 .
S. Domsch, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.3580 .
D. Hausmann, S. Konstandin, S. Haneder, F. Zöllner, F. Wetterling, S. Schönberg, D. Dinter and L. Schad.
Quantitative and Qualitative Sodium Imaging of the Prostate at 3T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1050 .
P. Heiler, F. Vollmar, F. Wetterling, S. Ansar, S. Konstandin, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Chemical Shift Sodium Imaging in a Mouse Model of Thromboembolic Stroke at 9.4 Tesla.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreak, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2143 .
P. Heiler, S. Ansar, S. Grudzenski, F. Wetterling, S. Konstandin, S. Meairs, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Chemical Shift Sodium Imaging of the Rat Brain during TmDOTP5- Infusion.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1491 .
P. Heiler, B. Rieger, P. Krämer, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Optimized Chemical Shift Imaging for Sodium MRI of the Human Brain.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2800 .
P. Heiler, S. Ansar, F. Wetterling, M. Fatar, M. Hennerici, L. Schad and S. Meairs.
Sodium imaging in a mouse model of stroke.
XX. European Stroke Conference , Hamburg, Germany , (2011), p.46 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker and L. Schad.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1891 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Neudecker and L. Schad.
In Vivo Sodium imaging of Kidney using 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Sequence.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1489 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Konstandin, T. Runge, U. Benck, S. Haneder, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
Feasibility of renal sodium MRI in an acute tubular necrosis model at 3 Tesla.
Proc. ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), p.234 .
S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Single-slice mapping of submillisecond T2 using spin echo prepared ultra-short echo time imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.4458 .
S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Filter implementation into a 2D radial trajectory for sodium MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2814 .
P. Krämer, S. Konstandin, M. Heilmann and L. Schad.
3D Radial Twisted Projection Imaging for DCE-MRI with Variable Flip Angles.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2055 .
A. Lemke, A. Weidner, J. Döpfert, D. Dinter and L. Schad.
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Prostate Cancer.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.45 .
A. Lemke, S. Grudzenski, J. Döpfert, F. Laun, T. Kuder, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
In Vivo Kurtosis Imaging in Murine Cerebral Ischemia.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2156 .
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, U. Attenberger, H. Michaely, S. Haneder, S. Schoenberg and L. Schad.
Quantification of renal DCE-MRI with BLADE: Initial experience.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.817 .
F. Lietzmann, U. Attenberger, F. Zöllner, H. Michaely, S. Schönberg and L. Schad.
Feasibility of 3D BOLD-MRI of the human kidney.
Proc ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), p.69 .
A. Merrem, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
A variational approach to image registration in DCE-MRI of human kidney.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.815 .
M. Mie and L. Schad.
Quantitative OEF Determination by Separate T2 and T2* Mapping.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1542 .
M. Mie, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Study of Kidney SWI under Oxygenation Variation after Water Uptake - Initial Results.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.826 .
M. Sack, F. Wetterling, G. Ende, L. Schad and W. Weber-Fahr.
SNR improvement of a 13C-cryo-coil in comparison with room-temperature coils.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.2257 .
S. Weingärtner, F. Wetterling, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
23Na-constrained reconstruction with 1H a-priori information.
Proc. ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), pp.89-90 .
F. Wetterling, A. Rennings, R. Kalayciyan, D. Corteville, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
A dual resonator system for whole-body sodium-MRI at 3T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.471 .
F. Wetterling, S. Ansar, L. Tritschler, R. Kalayciyan, S. Kirsch, M. Fatar, S. Meairs and L. Schad.
A triple-resonant coil system for inherently co-registered proton-, sodium- and chloride-MRI at 9.4T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.3501 .
F. Wetterling, M. Danischa, R. Kalayciyan and L. Schad.
Breast sodium MRI with a dual resonator system at 3T.
Proc. ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), pp.419-420 .
W. Zaaraoui, S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, T. Wichmann, D. Berthel, S. Confort-Gouny, P. Cozzone, B. Audoin, J. Pelletier, L. Schad and J. Ranjeva.
Total sodium brain concentrations in compartments of patient with Multiple Sclerosis. A preliminary in vivo 23Na MRI study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.1496 .
F. Zimmer, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Quality matters: Slice-selective adiabatic VERSE inversion pulses in renal ASL perfusion MRI.
Proc ESMRMB , Leipzig, Germany , (2011), p.660 .
F. Zöllner, H. Best, S. Konstandin, S. Haneder, S. Schoenberg, H. Michaely and L. Schad.
23Na MRI of the human kidney at 3T: Improving image quality by different image filters.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.827 .
F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
Feature Analysis in SVM-based Classification of Gliomas.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.180 .
F. Zöllner, K. Zahn, T. Schaible, S. Schoenberg, L. Schad and K. Neff.
Qualitative and quantitative lung perfusion imaging of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia at 3T: initial results.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Montreal, Canada , (2011) 19, p.936 .
F. Zöllner, S. Li, J. Roervik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Segmentation of renal compartments in DCE-MRI of human kidney.
In: S. Loncaric, G. Ramponi and D. Sersic
7th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2011) , Dubrovnik, Croatia , (2011), pp.744-748 .
S. Baier, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhancement Due to Intermolecular Multiple Quantum Coherences - Quantitative Analysis and Tissue Dependency.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2993 .
G. Bauman, M. Deimling, M. Puderbach and L. Schad.
Improved Visualization of Pulmonary Parenchyma Using SSFP Sequence for Dynamic MR-Studies.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2508 .
G. Bauman, J. Dinkel, M. Puderbach and L. Schad.
Time-Resolved Lung Perfusion- And Ventilation-Weighted MRI by Wavelet Analysis.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2507 .
G. Bauman, M. Eichinger, M. Deimling, A. Niemann, M. Mall, L. Schad and M. Puderbach.
Non-con¬trast-enhanced lung perfusion MRI in comparison to contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion in young cystic fibrosis patients.
23th Annual Meeting European Congress of Radiology (ECR '10) , Vienna, Austria , (2010) .
G. Bauman, M. Eichinger, M. Deimling, A. Niemann, M. Mall, L. Schad and M. Puderbach.
Non-contrast-enhanced lung perfusion MRI in comparison to contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion in young cystic fibrosis patients.
International Conference of the American Thoracic Society (ATS '10) , New Orleans, U.S.A. , (2010), p.A1828 .
J. Döpfert, A. Lemke, A. Weidner and L. Schad.
Investigation of Prostate Cancer Using Diffusion Weighted IVIM Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2811 .
S. Domsch, J. Linke, M. Ruttorf, M. Wessa and L. Schad.
Event-Related Whole-Brain FMRI: EPI with Slice Dependent Echo Times Versus Standard EPI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.3452 .
M. Fatar, A. Alonso, K. Zohsel, S. Kirsch, M. Heilmann, P. Heiler, B. Reuter, L. Schad, M. Hennerici and S. Meairs.
9.4T MRI and histological changes of blood-brain barrier after ultrasound insonation with microbubblesF. Vollmar.
XIX. European Stroke Conference , Barcelona, Spain , (2010) .
M. Fatar, F. Giesel, M. Stroick, F. Vollmar, A. Alonso, K. Zohsel, D. Tröster, S. Kirsch, M. Heilmann, P. Heiler, B. Reuter, L. Schad and S. Meairs.
Where have all the stem cells gone? The fate of systemically given human mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model using 9.4 T MRI.
XIX. European Stroke Conference , Barcelona, Spain , (2010) .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, F. Zöllner, A. Nagel, L. Schad, S. Schönberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative and Qualitative Renal Sodium-Imaging at 3T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.994 .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Qualitative und quantitative renale 23Natrium-Bildgebung bei 3T: Initiale Ergebnisse.
91. Deutscher Röntgenkongreß , Berlin, Germany , (2010) .
S. Haneder, S. Konstandin, F. Zöllner, L. Schad, S. Schoenberg and H. Michaely.
Quantitative and qualitative 23Na: Imaging of the human kidneys before and after water load at 3.0 Tesla.
96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), , Chicago, USA , (2010), pp.LL-GUS-WE4B .
P. Heiler, F. Vollmar, M. Heilmann, A. Lemke, S. Meairs, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
Multi-Parametric Stroke Imaging Protocol for Mice Using a 1H Cryo Probe at 9.4 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2232 .
M. Heilmann, H. Boll, S. Schambach, C. Groden, M. Brockmann and L. Schad.
Blood Contrast Agent Concentration Measured by Dynamic MRI in Intra- And Extracranial Mouse Vessels at 9.4 Tesla Using a Novel Cryogenic Probe.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2249 .
R. Kalayciyan, F. Wetterling, S. Ansar, M. Fatar and L. Schad.
23Na MRI of in vivo kidney: SNR benefits of a radial sequence.
German chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Essen, Germany , (2010) .
S. Kirsch, M. Augath, D. Seiffge, L. Schilling and L. Schad.
In Vivo Chlorine-35, Sodium-23 and Proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Rat Brain.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.981 .
S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
2D Radial Acquisition Technique with Density Adaption in Sodium MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.4965 .
S. Konstandin, P. Heiler, J. Scharf and L. Schad.
Selective Arterial Spin Labeling After Extra-Intracranial Bypass Surgery.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.4068 .
M. Kreinest, S. Zemelka, S. Kirsch, G. Reisig, F. Zöllner, J. Brade, L. Schad, S. Fickert and M. Schwarz.
Imaging of isolated native, formalin-embedded and degenerated porcine menisci by high-reso¬lution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).
The summit of European Orthopaedic Re¬search (EORS 2010) , Davos, Switzerland , (2010) .
A. Lemke, P. Heiler, B. Stieltjes, A. Neumann and L. Schad.
High Resolution in Vivo DTI of the Mouse Brain: Comparison of a Cryogenic Coil with a Room Temperature Coil.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.1700 .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, D. Simon, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Relaxation Time Effects in Intra Voxel Incoherent Motion Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2656 .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, L. Schad and B. Stieltjes.
Towards an Optimal Distribution of B-Values for IVIM Imaging.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.1750 .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
In vivo Nachweis der inkohärenten Bewegungs-Theorie mittels diffusionsgewichteter MR-Bildgebung und erste klinische Anwendung am Pankreaskarzinom.
In: H. Hodapp N
41. Jahrestagung DGMP , , (2010) .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Die inkohärente Bewegungstheorie in der Diffusions¬bildgebung: In vivo Nachweis und erste klinische Anwendung am Pankreas.
13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Essen, Germany , (2010) .
S. Li, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Wavelet-based segmentation of 3D DCE-MRI time courses in human kidney.
In: N. Hodapp, J. Hennig and M. Mix
41. Jahrestagung DGMP , Freiburg , (2010) .
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner, H. Michaely, S. Haneder, U. Attenberger and L. Schad.
DCE-MRI of the Kidney Using BLADE – a Feasibility Study.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2679 .
M. Mie, J. Nissen, F. Zöllner, M. Heilmann, H. Michaely, S. Schönberg and L. Schad.
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) of the Kidney at 3T – Initial Results.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.5001 .
S. Pohlack, F. Nees, M. Ruttorf, S. Witt, V. Nieratschker, M. Rietschel, L. Schad and H. Flor.
The role of neurogranin in human contextual and cued fear conditioning
Neuroscience 2010 Abstracts , San Diego, CA, USA , (2010) .
Program No. 804.6/JJJ17
V. Roeloffs, F. Wetterling, S. Kirsch, C. Tsagogiorgas and L. Schad.
Entwicklung einer doppelresonanten 1H/19F-Spule zur Stoffmengen-Quantifizierung mittels Magnetresonanzspektroskopie bei 9.4T.
German chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Essen, Germany , (2010) .
K. Schewzow, F. Zöllner, N. Oesingmann and L. Schad.
Image Registration in ASL-Perfusion Imaging of Kidney - Impact on Image Quality.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockhom, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.1780 .
R. Vollmar, P. Heiler, A. Alonso, L. Schad, M. Hennerici, S. Meairs and M. Fatar.
A new approach in monitoring t-PA induced reperfusion in a thromboembolic stroke model using a 1H cryo probe at 9.4T.
XIX. European Stroke Conference , Barcelona, Spain , (2010) .
F. Wetterling, J. Kisubi, E. Haardt, S. Konstandin, A. Nagel, M. Fatar, E. Neumaier-Probst and L. Schad.
Quantitative 23Na-MRI: From Pre-Clinical to Clinical Practice.
41st annual meeting of the German Association for Medical Physics (DGMP) , Freiburg, Germany , (2010) .
J. Zapp, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Proton MRI of Human Lung Using 2D Radial Acquisition at 1.5 T and 3.0 T.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.2510 .
S. Zemelka, M. Kreinest, S. Kirsch, G. Reisig, F. Zöllner, J. Brade, L. Schad, S. Fickert and M. Schwarz.
High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of isolated native, formalin-embedded and degenerated porcine menisci..
UGR-Netzwerktreffen "Experimentelle und Klinische Orthopädie" , Homburg/ Saar, Germany , (2010) .
F. Zöllner, S. Scheuer, E. Tumat and L. Schad.
Analysis of Flow in Artificial Stenosis Models of Mid-Sized Arteries Using 3D PC-MRI.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.1371 .
F. Zöllner, K. Emblem and L. Schad.
Support Vector Machines in DSC-Based Glioma Imaging – Suggestions for Optimal Characterization.
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. , Stockholm, Sweden , (2010) 18, p.4286 .
M. Augath, P. Heiler, S. Kirsch and L. Schad.
A triple-resonant RF coil setup for 1H, 23Na and 39K MR imaging of the rat brain at 9.4T
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.2471 .
G. Bauman, M. Puderbach, M. Deimling, V. Jellus, C. Chefd'hotel, H. Kauczor and L. Schad.
Non-constrast enhanced MRI of lung perfusion and ventilation by Fourier Decomposition
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA , (2009) 17, p.10 .
J. Döpfert, A. Lemke and L. Schad.
Diffusionsgewichtete IVIM-Bildgebung der Prostata.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Basel, Schweiz , (2009), p.P3 .
S. Domsch and L. Schad.
fMRI with increased statistical inference using UNFOLD.
26th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) , Antalya, Turkey , (2009), p.299 .
P. Heiler, S. Konstandin and L. Schad.
Inner volume BOLD-fMRI at ultra-high spatial resolution
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.1551 .
S. Konstandin, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
2D RF versus slice selective RF tagging pulses in brain ASL
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.3655 .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Q-space imaging of abdominal tumor
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.2066 .
A. Lemke, L. Schad, F. Laun and B. Stieltjes.
Differentiation of pancreas carcinoma from healthy pancreatic tissue using a wide range of b-values: Comparison of ADC and IVIM parameters
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.666 .
A. Lemke, L. Schad, B. Stieltjes and F. Laun.
Evidence for a vascular contribution to the biexponential signal decay as a function of the b-value in DWI: A verification of the IVIM-model
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.1365 .
F. Lietzmann, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Blade DCE MRI - Towards Renal Perfusion Measurements with reduced Motion Artifacts
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.4137 .
C. Matthies, A. Nagel, L. Schad and P. Bachert.
Optimal choice of pulse phases in triple-quantum filtered sodium imaging in the presence of B0 inhomogeneities
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.2463 .
M. Mie, M. Sohlin, J. Scharf and L. Schad.
Quantitative OEF Determination in Tumor Patients Using Additional DSC Measurements
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.1473 .
H. Mochizuki, U. Baumgärtner, S. Kamping, M. Ruttorf, L. Schad, H. Flor and R. Treede.
Brain mechanisms of itch and pain imaginations.
Abstrakt-Band Deutscher Schmerzkongress , Berlin, Germany , (2009) Schmerz 23, Supplement 1, pp.102-103 .
A. Nagel, F. Laun, A. Biller, M. Weber, C. Matthies, M. Bock, W. Semmler and L. Schad.
23Na-Magnetresonanztomographie: Entwicklung einer 3D radialen Messtechnik mit optimierter k-Raum-Abtastdichte und hoher SNR-Effizienz.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Basel, Schweiz , (2009), p.G1 .
A. Nagel, F. Laun, M. Weber, C. Matthies, W. Semmler and L. Schad.
Sodium-MRI using a density adapted 3D Radial Acquistion Technique
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.256 .
A. Nagel, S. Schmitter, M. Bock, E. Moser, W. Semmler and L. Schad.
Parameter Optimization for 7T 23Na-MRI
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.2465 .
A. Nagel, M. Weber, C. Matthies, J. Dinkel, K. Jurkatt-Rott, F. Lehmann-Horn and L. Schad.
23Na-MRI contrasts for application in muscular sodium channel diseases
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.555 .
L. Schad.
Proton based lung MRI.
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , Honolulu, USA , (2009) 17, p.S42 .
K. Schewzow, F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Kontrastmittelfreie MR-Perfusionsbildgebung der Nieren bei 3T.
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Basel, Schweiz , (2009), p.P2 .
M. Sohlin and L. Schad.
Theoretical prediction of parameter stability in quantitative BOLD MRI: dependence on SNR and sequence parameters
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , (2009), p.1623 .
M. Weber, F. Lehmann-Horn, J. Dinkel, L. Schad, H. Kauczor and A. Nagel.
Implementierung und Validierung einer 3-Tesla Natriumsequenztechnik zur selektiven Quantifizierung der intrazellulären Natriumkonzentration in vivo.
90. Deutscher Röntgenkongreß , Berlin , (2009) .
J. Zapp, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Silent high resolution echo-planar imaging for auditory fMRI
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.3666 .
F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Towards renal compartment segmentation using an unsupervised neural network approach
Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu , , (2009), p.4138 .
F. Zöllner, M. Heilmann, C. Walczak, A. Volk and L. Schad.
Tumor Tissue Analysis by Self Organizing Maps from combined DCE-/DSC-MRI data
In: P. Zinterhofer, A. Uhl, S. Loncaric and A. Carini
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image ans Signal Processing and Analysis , Salzburg, Austria , (2009), pp.562-568 .
F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Analysis of 2D PC-MRI in Renal Arteries by Self Organizing Maps: Initial Experiecnces.
In: H. Meinzer, H. Handels, A. Horsch, T. Deserno and T. Tolxdorff
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2009 - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen , Informatik Aktuell , Heidelberg , (2009), pp.425-429 .
G. Bauman, M. Puderbach, M. Deimling, L. Schad, H. Kauczor, V. Jellus, J. Dinkel and C. Hintze.
Non-contrast enhanced perfusion and ventilation MRI of the lung by means of Fourier decomposition.
94th Scientific Assembly and Annual MeetingRadiological Society of North America , Chicago, U.S.A , (2008), p.788 .
Scientific Program and Abstracts
P. Heiler, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Blurring artifact reduction in high resolution multi-gradient-echo imaging by averaging forward/backward trajectories.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , , (2008) 20, p.393 .
Supplement 1
S. Konstandin, P. Heiler and L. Schad.
Arterial Spin Labeling MR-Perfusionsbildgebung mittels 2D-selektiven Anregungspulse.
Medizinische Physik 2008 , Oldenburg , (2008) .
A. Lemke, F. Laun and B. Stieltjes.
Differences in diffusion related signal decay in healthy pancreas and pancreatic tumor: A potential tool for tumor imaging and therapy monitoring.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , Valencia, Spain , (2008) 21, pp.242-243 .
Suppl. 1
C. Matthies, A. Nagel, P. Bachert, W. Semmler and L. Schad.
Tripelquantengefilterte 23Na-Spektroskopie und -Bildgebung.
In: B. Kollmeier
Medizinische Physik 2008 , , (2008) .
A. Nagel, F. Laun, M. Weber and L. Schad.
Sodium MRI using a density adapted 3D Radial Acquisition
Proceedings 16th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, (2008), p.3254 .
A. Nagel, M. Weber, F. Lehmann-Horn, K. Jurkat-Rott and L. Schad.
Potential of 23Na-MRI in muscular sodium channel diseases
Proceedings 16th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto , (2008), p.2582 .
L. Schad.
Neue Möglichkeiten in der Natriumbildgebung bei hohen Feldstärken.
In: B. Kollmeier
Medizinische Physik 2008 , , (2008) .
S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Sound pressure level prediction of arbitrary sequences
Proceedings 16th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, (2008), p.2965.
S. Schmitter, E. Diesch, M. Amann, A. Kroll, M. Moayer and L. Schad.
Silent echoplanar imaging for auditory fMRI
Proceedings 16th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, (2008), p.2381.
M. Sohlin, J. Sedlacik, J. Reichenbach and L. Schad.
Investigation of water diffusion effect on the signal relaxation in presence of a stochastic cylinder network: A phantom study
Proceedings 16th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, (2008), p.1427.
F. Zöllner and L. Schad.
Towards Automated Segmentation of Human Kidney Compartments from DCE-MRI using a Gaussian Mixture Model.
Medizinische Physik 2008 , Oldenburg, Germany , (2008) .
F. Zöllner, J. Monnsen, J. Rørvik, A. Lundervold and L. Schad.
Towards Clustering Phase Contrast MR Images for Flow Quantification in Renal Arteries.
Magn Reson Mater Phy , Valecia, Spain , (2008) 21, pp.325-326 .
Suppl. 1
S. Domsch, A. Kroll and L. Schad.
Vergleich von BOLD- und ASL-fMRT bei 3.0 Tesla an einem ?fingertapping?-Experiment.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Würzburg , (2007) .
P. Heiler, S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
A time efficient high resolution multi-echo FLASH sequence.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.1940 .
S. Huff, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Entwicklung und Optimierung von DTI-Messtechniken mit richtungsangepassten b-Werten und deren Applikation am Rückenmark.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Würzburg , (2007) .
S. Huff, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes, J. Klein, H. Hahn and L. Schad.
Optimized DTI for fibre bundles of known predominant orientation.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.1505 .
A. Kroll, J. Ofer, C. Hermann, H. Flor and L. Schad.
Optimized fMRI protocol for fear conditioning experiments at 3 Tesla using parallel acquisition technique.
Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) (15), p.1959 .
ISSN 1545-1428
F. Laun, B. Stieltjes, S. Huff and L. Schad.
Investigations of a DTI-phantom with properties similar to in vivo neuronal tissue.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.1526 .
ISSN 1545-1428
F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Influence of the Noise Floor: Paradoxical Effects on DTI.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.1594.
F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Optimale Diffusionswichtung und Gradientenanzahl für isotrope DWI.
In: M. Fix, P. Manser and R. Mini
Medizinische Physik 2007 , , (2007), pp.350-351 .
A. Lemke, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Diffusionsgewichtete MR-Bildgebung vom Pankreas.
10. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Würzburg , (2007) .
A. Nagel, M. Weber and L. Schad.
23Na mit 3D-Radial- und 3D-Cones-Trajektorien.
In: M. Fix, P. Manser and R. Mini
Medizinische Physik 2007 , , (2007), pp.12-13 .
S. Schmitter, M. Amann and L. Schad.
Benefit of parallel imaging techniques for silent EPI.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.1761.
S. Schmitter and L. Schad.
Der Vorteil von parallelen Akquisitionstechniken für die geräuscharme echoplanare Bildgebung.
In: M. Fix, P. Manser and R. Mini
Medizinische Physik 2007 , , (2007), pp.232-233 .
M. Sohlin, A. Bongers and L. Schad.
Quantitative mapping of oxygen extraction fraction using MRI.
In: M. Fix, P. Manser and R. Mini
Medizinische Physik 2007 , , (2007), pp.10-11 .
M. Weber, B. Stieltjes, M. Henze, J. Tüttenberg, S. Combs, M. Vogt-Schaden, M. Meissner, H. Remme, L. Schad, H. Kauczor and M. Essig.
Comparison of functional MRI- and PET-techniques to assess tumor heterogeneity in malignant gliomas.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Berlin, Germany , (2007) (15), p.837 .
W. Wiedemair, A. Kroll, P. Kindl and L. Schad.
Improvement of perfusion imaging of the human lung using retrospective gating.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) (15), p.939 .
W. Wiedemair, M. Weber, A. Kroll, P. Kindl and L. Schad.
Measurement of skeletal muscle perfusion at rest and its change after exercise using Arterial Spin-Labelling.
Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Berlin, Germany , (2007) 15, p.2666.
A. Bongers, H. Schroeder and L. Schad.
Dependency of Oxygen Extraction Calculations from a Static Dephasing Model on Capillary-Radius and Volume Fraction.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) (14), p.2489 .
A. Bongers, H. Schroeder and L. Schad.
Investigation of Susceptibility-Induced MR Signal Dephasing in Phantom Measurements and Model Simulations for Oxygen Extraction Mapping.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) (14), p.2509 .
S. Huff, F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging mit variablen b-Werten: Anwendung am Rückenmark.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Jena , (2006) .
F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Das grüne Phantom: Paradoxe Effekte des Rauschens auf Diffusionstensoren bei hohen b-Werten.
In: L. Bogner and B. Dobler
Medizinische Physik 2006 , , (2006), pp.95-96 .
F. Laun, B. Stieltjes and L. Schad.
Twice Refocused Inner Volume EPI DTI of the Spinal Cord: Initial Findings.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) (14), p.3467 .
F. Lohberger, A. Amann and L. Schad.
Radial MRI of the human lung.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) 14, p.1300 .
S. Schmitter, M. Amann and L. Schad.
Entwicklung einer leisen EPI Sequenz für auditorische fMRT.
In: L. Bogner and B. Dobler
Medizinische Physik 2006 , , (2006), pp.66-67 .
S. Schmitter, M. Amann and L. Schad.
Determination of acoustic noise characteristics and development of silent EPI for auditory fMRI.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) 14, p.2814 .
W. Wiedemair, A. Kroll and L. Schad.
Messung der Lungenperfusion mittels Arterial-Spin-Labeling (ASL) bei freier Atmung.
9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Jena , (2006) .
Y. Zhang, N. Schuff, G. Jahng, W. Bayne, S. Mori, L. Schad, S. Mueller, J. Kramer, K. Yaffe, H. Chui, W. Jagust, B. Miller and M. Weiner.
Regional Degradation of White Matter Ultrastructure in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer?s Disease by Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Seattle, USA , (2006) (14), p.721 .
M. Hub, C. Karger and L. Schad.
Analysis of distortions in MR images and quality assurance of MR images for treatment planning in radiotherapy.
In: W. Kalender, E. Hahn and A. Schulte
Biomedizinische Technik , Medical Physics 2005 , , (2005) 50 (1), pp.1180-1181 .
F. Kiessling, M. Heilmann, P. Peschke, K. Ulbrich, V. Subr, T. Lammers, L. Schad and W. Semmler.
Characterization of HE-24.8: a new contrast agent for experimental magnetic resonance angiography.
13th Annual Meeting , , (2005), p.173 .
A. Kroll, F. Risse and L. Schad.
Validation of pulsed arterial spin labeling technique using a perfusion phantom.
In: W. Kalender, E. Hahn and S. AM
Biomedizinische Technik , Medical Physics 2005 , , (2005) 50 (1), pp.1174-1175 .
A. Kroll, F. Risse, A. Bongers and L. Schad.
A perfusion phantom for the validation of arterial spin labeling measurements.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Kyoto, Japan , (2004) 11, p.1376 .
ISSN 1545-4436
M. Heilmann, F. Kiessling, S. Vosseler, N. Fusenig and L. Schad.
Technique of pixelwise comparison of microvessel-density and model parameters of dynamic MRI.
ESMRMB Annual Meeting , , (2003) 16 Supp. 7, p.S42 .
M. Heilmann, F. Kiessling, S. Vosseler, N. Fusenig and L. Schad.
Assessment of tumor microvessel-density in small animals by dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI at 1.5 T.
ESMRMB Annual Meeting , , (2002) 15 Supp. 1, p.49 .
M. Lysaker, . Lundervold, X. Tai, M. Bock and L. Schad.
Noise removal with tissue boundary preservation using fourth-order partial differential equations.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med , Galsgow, UK , (2001) 9, p.126 .
G. Beck, D. Li, J. Zheng, E. Haacke, T. Noll and L. Schad.
Three-dimensional MR coronary angiography with a segmented echo planar imaging sequence and retrospective respiratory gating.
Proc. of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , Sydney, Australia , (1998) 1, p.319 .
M. Amann, M. Bock and L. Schad.
Gradientenoptimierung für Spiral-MRI auf dem Siemens Magnetom VISION Ganzkörpertomographen.
In: R. Schmidt
Medizinische Physik 1997 , , (1997), pp.197-198 .
M. Bock, W. Bauer, H. Hillenbrand and L. Schad.
T1-maps of the human heart acquired in a single breathhold.
Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Vancouver, B.C.,Canada , (1997) 3, p.2057 .
M. Bock, S. Schönberg and L. Schad.
Flu{\"s}messungen in den menschlichen Nierenarterien während einer Atemanhalteperiode.
In: R. Schmidt
Medizinische Physik 1997 , , (1997), pp.209-210 .
A. Hartlep, M. Bock, F. Oberdorfer and L. Schad.
Vergleich von TurboFLASH- und Spin-Echo-R1-Messungen bei FeMRI-Gel-Phantomen zur Verifizierung von Dosisverteilung aus der stereotaktischen Radiochirurgie.
In: R. Schmidt
Medizinische Physik 1997 , , (1997), pp.195-196 .
T. Meid, L. Schad and A. Haase.
Optimization of flow encoding gradients for fast phasecontrast imaging.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) , Vancouver, B.C., Canada , (1997) 3, p.1868 .
L. Schad, P. Bachert, M. Bock, M. Essig, M. Knopp, M. Ebert, T. Gro{\"s}mann, W. Heil, R. Surkau and E. Otten.
Hyperpolarized 3He magnetic resonance imaging of the human lung.
Proc. of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine , New York , (1996) (1), p.22 .
E. Wiener, L. Schad, M. Essig, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Functional brain-imaging of the visual and motor cortex with high temporal resolution on a standard clinical scanner at 1.5 T.
In: J. Richter
Medizinische Physik 1995 , , (1995), pp.360-361 .
M. Bock, L. Schad, J. Scharf and W. Lorenz.
A modified STAR-sequence for dynamic angiography.
Society of Magnetic Resonance (SMR) , San Francisco , (1994) (2), p.953 .
J. Scharf, M. Bock, L. Schad, H. Schlemmer, G. Weisser, H. Hawighorst, M. Knopp, W. Lorenz and G. van Kaick.
Evaluation of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with active tagging dynamic MR angiography.
Society of Magnetic Resonance (SMR) , San Francisco , (1994) (1), p.34 .
K. Baudendistel, L. Schad, F. Wenz, F. Flömer and W. Lorenz.
Funktionelle 2D- und 3D-Bildgebung bei Stimulation des motorischen Cortex an einem kommerziellen, klinischen Tomographen bei 1.5 Tesla.
In: R. Müller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , , (1993), pp.98-99 .
C. Becker, L. Schad, G. Brix and W. Lorenz.
In vivo Messung der Diffusionskoeffizienten im menschlichen Gehirn mittels der Kernspintomographie zur Verbesserung der Diagnostik und Bestrahlungsplanung.
In: R. Müller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , , (1993), pp.328-329 .
C. Becker, L. Schad, T. He{\"s} and W. Lorenz.
Intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging of brain tumors with diffusion sensitized Turbo-FLASH and SSFP sequences.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (2), p.599 .
S. Blüml, L. Schad, G. Gademann, H. Hawighorst and W. Lorenz.
Schnelle 3D-Gradientenecho-Bildgebung in der Tumordiagnostik und Bestrahlungsplanung.
In: R. Müller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik 1993 , , (1993), pp.344-345 .
S. Blüml, L. Schad, H. Hawighorst, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
Fast 3D gradient-echo imaging in stereotactical treatment planning of brain metastasis.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (3), p.1476 .
M. Bock, L. Schad, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
MR-tomographische Messungen zur Bestimmung der Pulswellengeschwindigkeit menschlicher Blutgefäße.
In: R. Müller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , , (1993), pp.324-325 .
M. Bock, L. Schad, S. Schönberg, E. Müller, M. Knopp and W. Lorenz.
A fast RACE-sequence for pulsewave measurements in the aorta.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (2), p.661 .
M. Friedlinger, S. Blüml, L. Schad, B. Tritsch and W. Lorenz.
An approach to rapid segmentation of multispectral NMR images of the human brain using knowledge based segmentation algorithms on personal computers.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (2), p.701 .
M. Friedlinger, L. Schad, S. Blüml, B. Tritsch and W. Lorenz.
Automatische Hirnvolumetrie auf der Basis multispektraler 3D-MR-Bilddaten unter Einsatz von KI-Verfahren auf Presonal Computern.
In: R. Mß"uller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik 1993 , , (1993), pp.342-343 .
G. Gademann, L. Schad, W. Schlegel, W. Semmler, G. van Kaick and M. Wannenmacher.
The definition of target volume in tumors of the brain, base of skull and facial area by means of MRI: Its impact on precision radiotherapy..
In: P. Minet
Three-Dimensional Treatment Planning , Geneva: WHO Headquarters , (1993), pp.47-55 .
H. Hawighorst, L. Schad, G. Gademann, S. Blüml, F. Wenz and G. van Kaick.
A 3D T1 weighted gradient echo sequence for routine use in 3D treatment planning of brain tumors.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (3), p.1471 .
M. Knopp, L. Schad, J. Dörsam, N. Oesingmann, T. He{\'s}, G. Staehler and G. van Kaick.
Clinical application of magnetic resonance urography.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (1), p.53 .
N. Oesingmann, L. Schad, M. Knopp, M. Deimling and W. Lorenz.
Optimization of a saturation inversion projection (SIP) spin echo (SE) sequence for magnetic resonance urography.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (3), p.1227 .
L. Schad.
Nicht-invasive funktionelle MR Bildgebung stimulierter Neurocortex-Areale.
In: R. Müller and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , , (1993), pp.330-331 .
L. Schad, F. Wenz, M. Knopp, K. Baudendistel, E. Müller and W. Lorenz.
Functional 2D and 3D MR imaging of motor cortex stimulation using a standard 1.5 Tesla imager.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) 3, p.1428 .
B. Stepanow, S. Blüml, G. Brix, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Comparison of T1 measurements by means of TurboFLASH techniques performed on a conventional whole-body MR imager.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (2), p.742 .
F. Wenz, L. Schad, K. Baudendistel, F. Flömer, J. Schröder and M. Knopp.
Effects of neuroleptic drugs on signal intensity during motor cortex stimulation: Functional MR-imaging performed with a standard 1.5T clinical imager.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1993) (3), p.1419 .
S. Blüml, L. Schad, B. Betsch, M. Knopp, H. Sauer and W. Lorenz.
Segmentation and determination of brain compartment volumes using 3D gradient-echo sequences.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Berlin , (1992) (3), p.4263 .
H. Ehricke, G. Daiber, R. Sonntag, W. Stra{\'s}er, M. Lochner, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Interactive 3D-graphics workstations in stereotaxy: Clinical requirements, algorithms and solutions.
In: R. Robb
Proc. of SPIE: Visualization in Biomedical Computing , Washington , (1992) 1808, pp.548-558 .
H. Ehricke and L. Schad.
New perspectives for three-dimensional radiosurgery planning by magnetic resonance angiography.
In: A. Breit
Advanced Radiation Therapy Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning , Berlin , (1992), pp.579-584 .
A. Gamroth, L. Schad, C. Wacker, U. Gehling, E. Müller, M. Knopp, J. Clorius and G. van Kaick.
MR-flow velocity measurements in the pulmonary arteries: Comparison with Doppler-echocardiography, perfusion scintigraphy and right heart catheter in 30 patients.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Berlin , (1992) (2), p.2902 .
H. Kauczor, G. Layer, B. Kimmig, L. Schad, R. Engenhart, M. Müller-Schimpfle, B. Wowra, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
Magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography in treatment planning and response monitoring of single high-dose radiotherapy in intracerebral arteriovenous malformations.
In: A. Breit
Advanced Radiation Therapy Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning , Berlin , (1992), pp.71-75 .
L. Schad, M. Knopp, W. Semmler, M. Deimling, H. Weinmann and W. Lorenz.
Magnetic resonance urography using a saturation inversion projection spinecho sequence.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Berlin , (1992) (3), p.889 .
L. Schad, I. Zuna, W. Härle and W. Lorenz.
Tissue characterization by magnetic resonance imaging relaxometry and texture analysis in clinical oncolog.
In: A. Breit
Advanced Radiation Therapy Tumor Response Monitoring and Treatment Planning , Berlin , (1992), pp.371-375 .
C. Wacker, L. Schad, U. Gehling, E. M{\u}ller, M. Knopp and G. van Kaick.
The pulmonary artery acceleration time determined with the MR-RACE-technique: Comparison to pulmonary artery mean pressure in 12 patients.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Berlin , (1992) (3), p.831 .
B. Wowra, R. Engenhart, L. Schad, G. Layer and B. Kimmig.
Three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography for treatment planning and follow-up of cerebral arteriovenous mal?formations after stereotactic irradiation.
In: L. Lunsford Dade
Stereotactic Radiosurgery Update , Pittsburgh , (1992), pp.153-155 .
S. Heiland, G. Brix, K. Jarosch, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Evaluation of two novel methods for in vivo characterization of the fat and water component in bone marrow MR imaging.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , San Francisco , (1991) (2), p.695 .
M. Müller-Schimpfle, G. Brix, A. Köster, G. Layer, B. Kimmig, L. Schad, W. Semmler and G. van Kaick.
MR-tomography and MR-angiography for individual treatment planning of subdiaphragmatic radiation therapy.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , San Francisco , (1991) (2), p.887 .
L. Schad, H. Ehricke, B. Wowra, G. Layer, R. Engenhart, H. Kauczor, H. Zabel, G. Brix and W. Lorenz.
Radiosurgical treatment planning of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with magnetic resonance angiography.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , San Francisco , (1991) (2), p.950 .
G. Brix, W. Semmler, R. Port, L. Schad, G. Layer and W. Lorenz.
Parametrization of the MRI signal enhancement during and after i.v. infusion of Gd-DTPA: A pharmacokinetic model.
Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , New York , (1990) (2), p.758 .
G. Brix, W. Semmler, L. Schad, G. Layer and W. Lorenz.
Bildpunktorientierte Analyse des MRT Signalverlaufs vor, während und nach i.v. Gd-DTPA Infusion: Ein pharmakokinetisches Modell.
In: D. Harder
Strahlenschutz im Medizinischen Bereich und an Beschleunigern , Köln , (1990), pp.86-87 .
W. Härle, I. Zuna, L. Schad, G. Brix, W. Semmler, G. van Kaick and W. Lorenz.
MR-tissue characterization and segmentation of human brain tissues using a PROLOG-based expert system.
In: H. Higer and e. al.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tissue Characterization in MR Imaging , Berlin , (1990), pp.313-318 .
L. Schad, G. Brix, I. Zuna, W. Härle, W. Semmler and W. Lorenz.
Multiexponential relaxation analysis of precontrast MRI in comparison with Gadolinium-DTPA MRI.
In: H. Higer and e. al.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Tissue Characterization in MR Imaging , Berlin , (1990), pp.94-102 .
G. Brix, L. Schad, M. Deimling and W. Lorenz.
Berechnung von T1-Bildern aus den Gradienten-Echos einer TOMROP-Sequenz.
In: L. HK
Medizinische Physik , Stuttgart , (1989), pp.493-497 .
G. Brix, L. Schad, M. Deimling and W. Lorenz.
Computation of high quality T1 images using a TOMROP sequence.
Proc. of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Amsterdam , (1989) (2), p.771 .
L. Schad, G. Brix, I. Zuna, W. Härle, W. Lorenz and W. Semmler.
Edema/tumor differentiation via multiexponential proton spin-spin relaxation in magnetic resonance imaging of human brain tumors.
Proc. of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Amsterdam , (1989) (1), p.216 .
B. Wowra, L. Schad, W. Schlegel and S. Kunze.
Scopes of computer application in stereotactic neurosurgery.
In: H. Lembke and e. al.
Proceedings of the International Symposium CAR'89 - Computer Assisted Radiology , Berlin , (1989), pp.296-302 .
G. Brix, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Quantitative Bestimmung der Wasserstoffkonzentration aus MR-Bildmatrizen.
In: F. Nüsslin and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , Tübingen , (1988), pp.575-579 .
L. Schad, G. Brix, H. Zabel, W. Semmler, F. Gückel and W. Lorenz.
Spectrometric vs imaging evaluation of proton relaxation times and multi-exponential analysis in MR imaging.
Proceedings of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , San Francisco , (1988) (1), p.553 .
R. Boesecke, B. Bauer, W. Schlegel, L. Schad and W. Lorenz.
Medical workstation for radiation therapy planning.
In: I. Bruinvis and e. al.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on The Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy , Amsterdam: North-Holland , (1987), pp.181-183 .
L. Schad, R. Boesecke, H. Zabel, B. Bauer, W. Schlegel, G. Hartmann and V. Sturm.
Magnetic resonance imaging in the stereotactic treatment planning of brain tumours.
Proceedings of the International Symposium CAR'87 - Computer Assisted Radiology , Berlin , (1987), pp.343-347 .
L. Schad, S. Lott, F. Schmitt, V. Sturm and W. Lorenz.
Kernspintomographie in der Bestrahlungsplanung von Hirntumoren.
In: L. von Klitzing and e. al.
Medizinische Physik , Lübeck , (1986), pp.555-560 .
L. Schad, S. Lott, F. Schmitt, V. Sturm and W. Lorenz.
Geometrical distortions in MR-images and consequences for MR-stereotaxy.
Proc. of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (SMRM) , Montreal , (1986) 4, p.1550 .
L. Schad, H. Schmitt and C. Oberwittler.
Automatisierte Bildanalyse von Gliomen und deren Grading.
In: G. Poretti and e. al
Medizinische Physik , Bern , (1985), pp.363-368 .
A. Brucker, H. Ho, N. Kato, B. Lindl, R. Muffler, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, J. Wurm, R. Choudhury, P. Gonthier, K. Hagel, S. Kniffen, M. Namboodiri, J. Natowitz, R. Patton and S. Simon.
Untersuchungen zur Natur der Nichtgleichgewichtsemission leichter Teilchen in tiefunelastischen Stössen von 16O auf Ni.
Jahresbericht , Heidelberg , (1982), pp.73-74 .
G. Fan, P. Gonthier, H. Ho, W. Kühn, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski, J. Wurm, J. Adloff, D. Disdier, V. Rauch and F. Scheibling.
Alpha Emission in tiefunelastischen Stössen.
Jahresbericht , Heidelberg , (1981), pp.78-83 .
G. Fan, P. Gonthier, H. Ho, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski and J. Wurm.
Fully Relaxed Component in 58Ni + 58Ni Reactions.
Jahresbericht , Heidelberg , (1981), p.83 .
G. Fan, P. Gonthier, H. Ho, W. Kühn, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski and J. Wurm.
Endzustandswechselwirkung in 2-Teilchenspektren: Eine Methode zur Messung von Compoundkernlebensdauern < 10-20 s?.
Jahresbericht , Heidelberg , (1980), pp.119-121 .
G. Fan, H. Ho, W. Kühn, A. Pfoh, L. Schad, R. Wolski and J. Wurm.
Emission leichter Fragmente in Fusionsreaktionen.
Jahresbericht 1980 , Heidelberg , (1980), pp.82-83 .
L. Schad.
Ortsempfindliche Detektoren für Schwerionen und leichte Teilchen.
Diploma Thesis, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Heidelberg (1980)