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European Center for Angioscience
ECAS was founded on December 1st, 2017, the day after its charter was published in the Notes from the Rector of Heidelberg University. Before, the Charter had been approved by the Senate of Heidelberg University.
ECAS is a Center of Heidelberg University that is assigned and allocated to the Medical Faculty Mannheim. The Charter guarantees that ECAS is governed under the auspices and under the supervision of the Dean of the Medical Faculty Mannheim.
The European Center for Angioscience (ECAS) comprises 10 professorships forming the Core Faculty. They have joined forces with 15 Adjunct Members and two Junior Research Groups.
European Center for Angioscience
Medical Faculty Mannheim
Heidelberg University
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim