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Courses, trainings and events

Resources and generic research skills

Graduate Academy | Seminar Program

The Seminar Program offers a comprehensive range of additional qualifications for doctoral candidates, focusing on transferable skills essential for both academic and professional success. Topics covered include scientific writing, programming and data analysis, communication skills, career development and research management.

Graduate Academy | E-learning

Online courses made accessible to all members of Heidelberg University. Three courses are available: The "Research Integrity" program offers comprehensive training in responsible conduct and best practices for research, while the "Advancing your Research Career" course focuses on leadership skills for research leaders, and "Avoiding Plagiarism" provides practical guidance and resources to prevent academic misconduct.

Graduate Academy | Digital Resources for Self-study

A list of online material that covers a wide range of topics including self-management, intercultural awareness, mental health support, scientific writing and publishing, peer review, digital skills like programming and web design, open science practices, entrepreneurship, research ethics, university teaching, project management, statistics, career development, data analysis, networking, and effective collaboration in research.

Nature Masterclasses

The Nature Masterclasses offered through the Graduate Academy provide online courses covering a wide range of topics essential for researchers' professional development. These courses include Advancing Scientific Presentations, Data Analysis, Grant Writing, Science Communication, Collaboration Management, and Research Integrity. You can access these courses through the Graduate Academy's institutional subscription to Nature Masterclasses.

heiSKILLS | Skills to Learn and Skills to Teach

The heiSKILLS Centre at Heidelberg University offers a range of programs and services aimed at various target groups. These offerings encompass consultations, courses, seminars, fairs, portals, service and support offers, as well as certificates and e-learning content, enabling individuals to acquire interdisciplinary competencies and develop qualification profiles beyond traditional university studies.

Graduate Academy | Events and Lecture Series

These events and lecture series cater to both Master's students and doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University, offering information sessions to guide them through the process of starting their doctorates, providing insights into doctoral studies, funding options, and more.

Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Baden-Württemberg

Hochschuldidaktikzentrum Baden-Württemberg (HDZ) aims to improve the quality of teaching and thereby increase the quality of studies for students. It offers workshops and certificate programmes to support teaching staff and optimize teaching.


Online offers from universities, e.g., on academic writing. Partly subject to payment. Certificates possible.

Uni Heidelberg | Machine Learning Talks on Campus

Lectures and courses about the use of machine learning to solve important problems in the sciences.

Key research and documentation skills

UMM | Library

The library offers a range of services including courses, online tutorials, coffee lectures, and consultations for literature management, research, and exam preparation. Additionally, individual consultations can be scheduled via the "Book a Librarian" service, covering topics such as literature management and research strategies. [DE only]

UMM | Doctoral Course Part 1 (Doktorandenkurs Teil 1)

This is an online course designed for doctoral students and prospective candidates at the Medical Faculty Mannheim, covering essential aspects of dissertation writing, including formal requirements, scientific work, study design, statistical fundamentals, structure of the dissertation, citation guidelines, and publishing. [DE only]

Cochrane | Interactive Learning

Cochrane Interactive Learning offers a comprehensive range of courses on different skills needed in the field of scientific research.

Good Scientific Practice

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Guidelines and workshops on good scientific practice

Graduate Academy | Epigeum’s Research Integrity Programme

This course offers comprehensive training in responsible conduct and best practices and is suitable for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and early-career researchers from all disciplines.

Scientific Writing and Publishing

Graduate Academy | Academic Writing Support

Writing support services for doctoral candidates in German and English. This offer has the aim of enhancing writing and language competencies. Services include individual consultations with experienced native speakers for linguistic issues, workshops on academic writing, and focused writing groups where participants work on their own projects within a peer-based environment with specialized tutoring. Additionally, open office hours are available for further individual writing support.

Graduate Academy | Avoiding Plagiarism

The "Avoiding Plagiarism" course (Moodle) offers comprehensive guidance on understanding and preventing plagiarism through interviews with students and tutors, interactive activities and strategic planning. It equips learners with essential skills in correctly citing sources and provides additional online resources for extended learning.

Nature Masterclass | Scientific Writing and Publishing

This course covers topics like writing research papers, understanding the publication process, and writing review papers. The bite-sized lessons allow for flexible learning.

Nature Masterclass | Focus on Peer Review

The "Focus on Peer Review" online course is designed to equip researchers in natural sciences with the fundamentals of peer review, featuring insights from 11 Nature Portfolio journal Editors and active researchers.

Publisso | Open Access

Selection of video tutorials dealing with open access and open data from a variety of (academic) providers

Technical Knowledge

Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit | ZI-Akademie


Vielfältige Bildungsangebote und gezielte Fort- und Weiterbildung (German only)

Graduate Academy | Statistics

List of courses from different providers about statistics

Core Facility Platform Mannheim

Special courses for users of Core facilities, e.g. Imaging, Flow Cytometry, Proteomics, Sequencing, Bioinformatics

Digital Skills

Uni HD | Scientific Software Center

The Scientific Software Center (SCC) at Heidelberg University provides courses open to all students and researchers at the university on software engineering best practices

Graduate Academy | Digitale Weiterbildung

List of courses from different providers for learning programming languages

Graduate Academy | Digitale Weiterbildung

List of courses from different providers for learning machine learning

Graduate Academy | Digitale Weiterbildung

List of courses from different providers for learning web design

The Carpentries

Workshops on coding and data science for researchers


Online courses for multiple programming languages

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • Data Analysis in Bioinformatics
  • Python for Science
  • Introduction to Git
  • Introduction to Command Line

Universitätsrechenzentrum URZ

 Service catalogue of software and programmes, IT-training for students

Transferable Skills


Resources for personal and professional development for researchers. Programs adaptable to individual interests.

  • Time management
  • Work-life balance
  • Networking strategies
  • Project management
  • Team leadership

Graduate Academy | Strategies for Research Leadership

This program focuses on developing leadership skills for research leaders within and outside academia, catering to advanced doctoral candidates and postdocs.

Nature Masterclass | Advancing your Scientific Presentations

The "Advancing Your Scientific Presentations" course is designed to enhance the quality of peer-to-peer scientific presentations for researchers in natural sciences, featuring insights from experts in presentation design and narrative tools.

Graduate Academy | University Teaching

List of courses to help beginners in university teaching

Graduate Academy | Online Project Management Training Resources

List of courses from different providers about project management

Language skills

Courses in the list below are generally semi-intensive (twice per week), online or on-site evening classes. When choosing a language course, bear in mind that learners require on average the following amount of coursework to master a level: A1 (72h), A2 (2 x 72h), B1 (2 x 72h), B2 (3 x 72h), C1 (2 x 72h), C2 (2 x 72h). Certifying exams are not included and have to be taken separately with accredited institutions for a fee.

Volkshochschule - vhs-Lernportal
Self-paced online resource, free, levels A1 to B2 (no spoken language included)

Goethe Institute Deutschland
Self-paced online resource, 199€ access fee, levels A1-C2 (no spoken language included)

Internationales Studienzentrum der Universität Heidelberg
Online evening classes, 195€ per semester, levels A1 to C2. Open to all international researchers (doctoral students, postdocs, visiting fellows ...) and their partners. Registration opens on September 1st for WiSe and March 1st for SoSe.

Abendakademie Mannheim
Online evening classes, 290€ per 12-week course, levels A1 – B1.

Universität Mannheim | Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Online or on-site evening classes for fast learners, A1-C1, 450€ per semester.

Goethe Institute Mannheim
On-site evening classes, 799€ per 12-week course, levels A1 – C2.


Graduate Academy | Transfer and Entrepreneurship

List of courses from different providers on the topic of Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurial Skills Course


Support/financing for the founding of start-ups with a scientific background

Fraunhofer Venture

Support in the conversion of research results into saleable products

Career Advice


Offers for young academics after the doctorate


Free online seminars on the topics of career & job [DE only]

Graduate Academy | Career Development

List of courses from different providers about career development. Topics include how to search for a job, writing a motivation letter and a CV, and how to prepare for a job interview.

Patents and IP rights

ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH

Implementation of research results in future products and the transfer of newly developed technologies. patent exploitation agency

European Patent Office (EPO) Academy

 Provides online training and training events on intellectual property and patents

Funding and financial support

Funding and financial support

Graduate Academy | Funding

List of funding opportunities for doctoral candidates

Graduate Academy | Foundations and Organizations for the Promotion of Young Talent

In Germany, there are 13 organizations that help promote young talent

heiDOCS 2.0

The heiDOCS 2.0 program at Heidelberg University offers various funding lines to support doctoral candidates in different stages of their research projects. These include travel grants for conference participation or research trips, bridging grants for those in transitional phases, publication and project grants for dissertation publication or other research needs, and funding for doctoral initiatives like organizing conferences or workshops.

Uni Heidelberg | Doctoral Fellowships

Doctoral fellowships, that offer considerable research freedom for dissertation work

Uni Heidelberg | Grants for Conferences and Workshops

List of grant opportunities

Uni Heidelberg | Scholarships and Funding Programs for Female Scientists in the Post-doc Phase (in German)

Funding opportunities for female researchers

DAAD | Forschungsstipendien für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden

Scholarships for research stays abroad [webpage in DE only, but many EN offers from DAAD]

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Funding programs for postdocs in Germany and abroad

Graduate Academy | Academic and Non-Academic Employment

Links to job search sites of the Uni Heidelberg and the Graduate Academy

Studierendenwerk Heidelberg

Mini-jobs for students (e. g., private tutoring, retail, catering …)

Uni Heidelberg | Financial Aid Fund

The Financial Aid Fund offers an easy-to-obtain aid for students confronting financial obstacles.

Networks and institutions

Local and Regional

Graduate Academy | Interdisciplinary Networks in Heidelberg

List of networking and collaboration opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange in Heidelberg.


hei_INNOVATION is the university’s transfer agency open to all members of Heidelberg University. It offers workshops, lectures and courses for anyone interested in transferring their research into application

Health and Life Science Alliance

Research and development network of the Rhine-Neckar-Region in the fields of medicine, life sciences and medical engineering formed by the Heidelberg University of Excellence, its two Medical Faculties, the University Hospital Heidelberg (UKHD), the University Hospital Mannheim (UMM), as well as the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (MPIMR) and the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI).

Hochschule Mannheim

Events from the fields of engineering, technology and digital sciences, with many medical technology topics

Bio RN

Life Science Cluster Rhein Neckar

Online / International

Graduate Academy | ReproducibiliTea

The Online Open Source Journal Club Initiative, ReproducibiliTea, aims to create local communities of early career researchers dedicated to open and reproducible research practices. It provides a platform for discussing relevant papers, raising awareness of reproducibility and Open Science, and promoting scientific improvements in an informal, supportive setting.

Graduate Academy | eDOCation

eDOCation is an online platform where young scientists provide advanced training for companies, fostering knowledge transfer from universities to business practice. This enhances industry contacts, research applicability testing, and presentation skills development.

General help centers

General help centers

Graduate Academy | Service Points

Advice for doctoral candidates of all faculties at Heidelberg University

Graduate Academy | Ombudsperson for Doctoral Candidates

Confidential and impartial advisors and mediators for doctoral candidates and supervisors

Uni Heidelberg | Support Services for Doctoral Candidates

List of support services for doctoral candidates including child care services, housing for families as well as support for doctoral candidates with disabilities or chronic illness

Fachschaft Medizin

Peer support for medical students [DE only]

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School of Translational Medicine (STMM)
der Medizinischen Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg

Tridomus C, Ebene 3
Ludolf-Krehl-Straße 13-17
68167 Mannheim


STMM Geschäftsstelle

Dr. Susanne Hausselt
Dr. sc. hum. Programm
Telefon 0621 383-71597

Dr. Claudine Öngen
Dr. med. Programm
Telefon 0621 383-71608

Ramona Ludwig
Administration + LEARN
Telefon 0621 383-71609