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"Hallmarks of Skin Cancer" focuses on addressing burning scientific questions in skin cancer biology and dermato-oncology.

The educational program is aimed at attracting young scientists to a still under-developed field of research and to enable them to later develop their own research agenda in the field. The RTG will perform high quality research projects and train PhD and MD students to work closely together to fight skin cancer.
The RTG will achieve its goals by combining basic science and clinical education with a focus on targetable hallmarks of skin cancer.
The RTG comprises 15 projects from various disciplines in dermato-oncology and the life sciences. Research will be jointly conducted by German, British and French principle investigators based in Heidelberg/Mannheim, London and Paris and by PhD and MD students from all over the world.
Our graduate students will thus be part of an internationally competitive scientific and educational consortium. During their formative training years, they will develop an international perspective and the attitude required for performing cutting edge basic and clinical research.
Hallmarks of Skin Cancer
RTG 2099
Dept. Dermatology, Venereology & Allergy
University Medical Center Mannheim
Theodor Kutzer-Ufer 1-3
D-68167 Mannheim
Phone +49 621 383-2280
Administrative Coordinator
Martina Nolte-Bohres, M.A.
Phone +49 621 383-1085