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Harrison's Internal Medicine 21. Auflage 2022

Seit kurzem ist die neueste 21. Auflage vollständig online verfügbar.

Zugang: Harrison’s Internal Medicine

Neben dem Zugriff auf den online lesbaren Volltext (Suche innerhalb des Buches, Anpassung an Mobilgeräte, PDFs kapitelweise downloadbar, Vorlesemodus mit Highlighting options) stehen besondere Features zur Verfügung, u.a.:

  • Kapitelhinweise "Updated!" und "New!" im Vergleich zur  20. Auflage
  • Atlases (Bildmaterial in 16 Kapiteln, Part 23)
  • Bilder können als PowerPoint-Datei gespeichert werden
  • Videos in den Kapiteln und in Part 21
  • 17 Clinical-Procedure-Video-Tutorials (Part 24)
  • Review Questions (Quiz): eine selbst gewählte Anzahl an Fragen als Zufallsauswahl oder je Fachgebiet starten, die richtigen Antworten können bereits nach jeder Frage angezeigt werden.
  • Visual Cases: rund 70 Fälle mit jeweils zwei Abbildungen und zusätzlichen Infos: Eingabe bei "What is Image A/B?" und Anzeige der Antworten
  • Podcast mit Fallbesprechungen (Podclass).

Diese und weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf unserer Bücher-Seite im Abschnitt E-Books.

Hier noch ein Auszug auf dem Vorwort zu neuen Kapiteln:

"In the 21st edition, examples of new chapters include "Precision Medicine and Clinical Care," focusing on the ever-growing pool of "big data" used to provide individualized genotype-phenotype correlations; "Mechanisms of Regulation and Dysregulation of the Immune System," focusing on the extraordinary advances made over the past 5 years in understanding the complex and subtle mechanisms whereby the immune system is regulated and how perturbations in this regulation lead to disease states as well as targets for therapeutic intervention; new chapters on Alzheimer's disease and related conditions, with a special focus on vascular dementia, a common and treatable cause of cognitive loss; and a new chapter on marijuana and marijuana use disorders, as well as updated management guidelines for multiple sclerosis and the expanding array of other autoimmune nervous system diseases that can now be identified and treated.

Other new chapters include "Vaccine Opposition and Hesitancy," "Precision Medicine and Clinical Care," "Diagnosis: Reducing Errors and Improving Quality," "Approach to the Patient with Renal or Urinary Tract Disease," "Interventional Nephrology," "Health Effects of Climate Change," and "Circulating Nucleic Acids as Liquid Biopsies and Noninvasive Disease Biomarkers." In addition, many chapters have new authors.

The chapter, "Vaccine Opposition and Hesitancy," provides an overview of the current antivaccination crisis, the issues involved, and specific strategies to utilize within the clinical setting to address the lack of confidence that many patients feel toward the health care system. The chapter, "Metabolomics," outlines an emerging and important new and sensitive approach to measuring perturbations within a system or patient that will likely become a routine part of the clinical armamentarium for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease."
